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Статья написана 26 января 2020 г. 20:54

В продолжении вчерашнего поста. Выкладываю еще один фэнзин, который потом вырос в полноценный журнал. Самый первый выпуск "Шалтая-болтая" — https://fantlab.ru/edition272467

Для скачивания — ссылка

Статья написана 25 января 2020 г. 23:35

Статья написана 10 января 2020 г. 21:34

На своем сайте Маргрет Хельгадоттир пишет, что ищет рассказы для антологии из стран бывшего СССР.

I have started researching for the seventh and last monster volume, Eurasian Monsters, out from Fox Spirit Books November 2020, and I need your help.

Eurasian Monsters will explore the old myths and monsters in the vast region stretching from the Chinese border (but not including China) to Eastern part of East Europe, including the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Balkan, and the countries of the former Soviet Union. We will not include countries covered in our Asian Monsters volume..

I’m trying to locate fiction writers with a strong connection to countries in this region, who will be either willing to write a new story or have already written and published a story (with possibilities for reprints). I would also be interested in graphic short story scripts.

I want diversity in the book and will be interested in authors with all kind of backgrounds, be it gender, religion, sexuality, indigenous origins etc. I am also looking for illustrators.

So, if you know about any authors from this region, for instance from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan or Uzbekistan, I would be very interested in hearing from you. Thanks!

At the moment, I am only researching, and I will not be sending out invitations yet, but I would be happy about contact information and information about their writing.


Связаться с автором можно на странице в фейсбуке Margrét Helgadóttir

Статья написана 10 января 2020 г. 21:08

Раскопал в своей библиотеке еще один фэнзин — украинский, на английском языке "Cnernobylization" #2

Статья написана 7 января 2020 г. 17:41

Портал «EUROPA SF» (англоязычный портал новостей со всего и для всего европейского фэндома, http://www.scifiportal.eu) ищет корреспондентов, готовых pro bono писать на английском языке о новостях, событиях, мероприятиях, связанных с фантастикой.

We re looking for a russian correspondent fluent in English language for the Pan-European Portal of Science Fiction& Fantasy, EUROPA SF: http://www.scifiportal.eu

Europa SF is conceived as an English-language portal of news and information from and for the European fandom, a generic site.

Our central idea is to have a permanent, real-time mirroring of all European SF&F products, events and activities. We hope that all European countries with a SF&F community will become involved in this pan-European project.

Europa SF is dedicated to posting news, links and original materials related to science fiction, fantasy, horror, comics, films and TV series from all over Europe.

Here are the columns we suggest and their titles:

1. Editorial – a monthly, 2-4,000-character general article on European SF

2. On the spot – short articles (1,000-1,500 characters) about important national or European events (festivals, conventions, book fairs, conferences etc.)

3. News – short news (400-700 characters) on major/minor European or world events

4. Events – a calendar, just the name and the date of the event

5. Reports – 2,000-character articles about (on-going) national or European events

If our correspondents indicate there is an interest in interviews, panels, essays, films, TV series etc. we will introduce new sections to cover them.

Any suggestions and recommendations are most welcome. We need at least one English-speaking person from each European SF&F community who is willing to help us pro bono with this project.

Our contacts: contact@scifiportal.eu , mail@scifiportal.eu


Количество подписчиков: 120

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