Издания |
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| №2207
Splitting Infinity сборник, 2005 год Описание: Program book for Interaction, The 63rd World Science Fiction Convention. Cover art by Jim Burns. | |
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| №2210
Mancunicon: Souvenir Book сборник, 2016 год Описание: Eastercon 67 (Mancunicon) was held March 25-28, 2016 in Manchester, UK. The GoHs were Sarah Pinborough, Ian McDonald, Dave Clements, and Aliette de Bodard. Cover art by Eira. | |
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| Джордж Оруэлл№2215
Дневники авторская книга, 2020 год Описание: Дневники писателя за 1931-1949 гг., подготовленные к печати Питером Дэвисоном. Художник не указан. | |
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| №2237
Helicon: Progress Report 0.1 1990 год Описание: Eastercon 44 and Eurocon 16, Helicon was a convention held on the Island of Jersey during Easter 1993 (April 9-11). The GoHs were John Brunner, George R. R. Martin, Karel Thole, and Larry van der Putte. Cover art by Sylvia Starshine. | |
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| №2238
Helicon: British Eastercon 1993 1991 год Описание: Helicon Flyer. Eastercon 44 and Eurocon 16, Helicon was a convention held on the Island of Jersey during Easter 1993 (April 9-11). The GoHs were John Brunner, George R. R. Martin, Karel Thole, and Larry van der Putte. Cover art by Sylvia Starshine. | |
| №2239
Glasgow 1995: Bid Report 1 1990 год Описание: The 1995 Worldcon was held August 24-28 1995 in Glasgow, Scotland at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre (SECC) and the nearby Moat House Hotel. Parties took place at the Central and Crest Hotels about a mile away in central Glasgow. It has become known by some as Interthingy 1. GoHs: Samuel R. Delany (writer), Gerry Anderson (media), and Les Edwards (artist). FGoH: Vincent Clarke. Intersection was also the 1995 Eurocon. Cover art not credited. | |
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| №2240
Uniconze: PR2 1990 год Описание: Unicon 11 was held from July 6-8 1990 in New Hall College, Cambridge, UK. Run by CUSFS. Barrington J. Bayley, Lionel Fanthorpe, Dave Langford, Bill Sanderson, and Ian Watson were GoHs. Cover art not credited. | |
| №2241
Hillcon II: Progress Report 1 1990 год Описание: Hillcon II (which was Beneluxcon 17) was held November 22-24, 1991 at the Atlanta Hotel in Rotterdam, Netherlands. GoHs: Orson Scott Card, Dan Simmons. FGoH: Kees van Toorn. | |
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| №2243
Invention: Progress Report 2 1983 год Описание: A convention held September 23-25, 1983 at the Central Hotel, Glasgow. The GoH was Chris Boyce and the FGoH was Jim Barker. Invention replaced Faircon for 1983. | |
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| №2244
Programme Notes 1985 год Описание: Yorcon III, Eastercon 36, was held in Leeds over Easter 1985. The GoHs were Greg Benford, and Linda Pickersgill. | |
| №2245
Programme 1973 год Описание: Eastercon 24, OMPAcon '73, (which was also called OMPAcon 2) was held in Bristol over Easter (April 20-23), 1973. The GoH was Samuel R. Delany. | |
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| №2246
Fifteencon: P.R. One 1986 год Описание: A convention celebrating the fifteenth anniversary of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group, held in June 1986. | |
| №2247
Reconnaissance 1991 год Описание: Reconnaissance was held 22-24 February 1991 in Cardiff (UK). The committee were Patrick Lawford, Andy Morris, Chris O'Shea, John Stewart, James Steel, Marcus Streets, Rob Meades, Gary Stratmann. | |
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| №2248
Sealycon 1988 год Описание: A hoax bid for the Eastercon to be held in Stornoway in 1988, shame it lost to Follycon. | |
| №2249
Nicon'87: Programme Book 1987 год Описание: Nicon 87 was held in Oct 1987 at the Students' Union of Queen's University, Belfast. The GoH was Bob Shaw, and other guests were Chris Boyce and Joy Hibbert FGoH. | |
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| №2250
XIIcon: Progress Report 3 1986 год Описание: A convention held in Glasgow on September 26-29, 1986. The GoH was Harry Harrison. | |