первое издание
Язык издания: английский
Составители: John Harvey, Eve Harvey
Glasgow: Interaction, 2005 г.
Тираж: не указан
ISBN: не указан
Тип обложки:
Формат: другой
Страниц: 160
Program book for Interaction, The 63rd World Science Fiction Convention.
Cover art by Jim Burns.
- Liz Cameron. Message from the Rt Hon the Lord Provost of Glasgow Councillor Liz Cameron, с. 2-2
- Vincent Docherty. View from the Helm (статья), с. 3-4
- Colin Harris. View from the Helm (статья), с. 4-4
- Guests of the Convention
- Steve Cooper. Guests of the Convention (статья), с. 6-6
- Robert Sheckley
- Christopher Priest. Pilgrimage to Sheckley (статья), с. 7-7
- Jerry Weist. Bob and Me and the Robot Typewriter (статья), с. 9-10
- Andrew M. Butler. Robert Sheckley: Squaring the Circle (статья), с. 10-11
- Robert Sheckley: Bibliography, с. 11-12
- Christopher Priest
- Leigh Kennedy (Priest). A Serious Silly Bugger (статья), с. 15-17
- Robert Holdstock. Reflections on 'Metaphorical Man' (статья), с. 17-18
- Christopher Priest: Bibliography, с. 19-19
- Jane Yolen
- Gwyneth Jones. America's Hans Christian Andersen and Briar Rose (статья), с. 21-22
- Elizabeth Billinger. 'Be Bold, Be Brave, Be Unafraid': or, A Study of Jane Yolen in Four Picture Books (статья), с. 22-23
- Jane Yolen: Bibliography, с. 24-25
- Lars-Olov Strandberg
- John-Henri Holmberg. A Fan for All Seasons (статья), с. 29-32
- Montage of Lars-Olov's Fhotos, с. 33-33
- Greg Pickersgill
- Claire Brialey, Mark Plummer. Hairy Dreadnought (статья), с. 35-42
- Earl Kemp. Ogres, Memorywhores, and Stuffed Teddies (статья), с. 42-47
- Mark Plummer. Pickersgill in Print (статья), с. 47-47
- Special Guests
- Jane Johnson. Alan Lee (статья), с. 49-50
- Eve Harvey, John Harvey. David Southwood (статья), с. 51-51
- The Academic Stream
- Claire Brialey, Farah Mendlesohn. The Academic Stream: An Introduction (статья), с. 52-52
- Tony Keen. Why Would an Academic Come to a Worldcon? (статья), с. 52-53
- Irma Hirsjärvi. A Discourse (микрорассказ), с. 52-52
- UK Worldcons
- Rob Hansen. A Tale of Two Loncons (статья), с. 56-60
- Peter Weston. In the Hands of the Gods (статья), с. 61-66
- Art Portfolio, с. 67-77
- A. Nonymous. The Life and Times of Elmer T Hack (статья), с. 67-67
- Miscellanea
- Julian Headlong. 1905 — 2005 A Miraculous Century (статья), с. 78-79
- Ken MacLeod. Outside the Armadillo (статья), с. 80-81
- Cheryl Morgan. Fandom Around the World (статья), с. 82-82
- Bjørn Tore Sund. Fandom Around the World (статья), с. 82-82
- Ariel, Sandy Auden. Fandom & the World Wide Web (статья), с. 83-84
- Lucy Huntzinger. LiveJournal Community: 24/7 (статья), с. 85-85
- Spike Parsons. LiveJournal Community: 24/7 (статья), с. 85-85
- Fan Funds
- Jerry Kaufman. Suzanne Tompkins and TAFF (статья), с. 86-87
- Damien Warman. "And This Year's GUFF Winners Are ..." (статья), с. 87-87
- Hugos
- Hugo Nominations for 2005, с. 89-92
- Past Hugo Winners, с. 93-106
- Conventions
- Eurocons, с. 107-107
- World Science Fiction Conventions & Notes, с. 109-122
- Constitution of the World Science Fiction Society, September 2004, с. 124-130
- Standing Rules for the Governance of the World Science Fiction Society Business Meeting, с. 131-133
- Business Passed on from Noreascon 4, с. 134-135
- Membership List as at 17 May 2005, с. 136-149
- In Memoriam, с. 150-150
- Kim Campbell: 1956 — 2003, с. 151-151
- Interaction Staff List as at 23 May 2005, с. 153-158
- Eve Harvey, John Harvey. From Behind the Keyboard (статья), с. 159-159
Размер книги: 21х29,5 см.
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