Dublin 2019 An Irish ...

«Dublin 2019: An Irish Worldcon»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


Dublin 2019: An Irish Worldcon

первое издание

Язык издания: английский


Dublin: An Irish Worldcon, 2019 г.

Тираж: не указан

ISBN: не указан

Тип обложки: мягкая

Формат: другой

Страниц: 176



  1. Fáilte! - Welcome
    1. Michael D. Higgins. Message from President Michael D. Higgins, с. 4-4
    2. James Bacon. Fáilte! (статья), с. 5-5
  2. Guests of Honour
    1. Ginjer Buchanan: A Very Special Lady
      1. Robert Silverberg. Ginjer (статья), с. 8-8
      2. Suzanne Tompkins. How It All Began (статья), с. 8-9
      3. Susan Allison. From Fan to Pro (статья), с. 9-9
      4. Allen M. Steele. How Ginjer Buchanan Stalked Me Across Four States: And Why I'm Glad She Did (статья), с. 9-10
      5. Sharon Shinn. Dinners with Ginjer (статья), с. 11-11
    2. Prof Jocelyn Bell Burnell: Pioneer in Space Physics (статья), с. 13-13
    3. Diane Duane: Champion of Wizards (статья), с. 14-16
    4. Peter F. Hamilton. Ian McDonald: How Did He Happen? (статья), с. 18-19
    5. Bill Burns, Mary Burns. Bill & Mary Burns: How the Worldcon Didn't Change Our Lives (But Then It Did) (интервью), с. 20-21
    6. Steve Jackson
      1. Steve Jackson: Who Is He, Really? (статья), с. 24-25
      2. Steve Jackson. Appointment with Glory (рассказ), с. 25-25
      3. Colm Lundberg. Steve Jackson Is Not a Member of the Illuminati (статья), с. 27-27
  3. Special Guests
    1. Dr Jeanette J. Epps: Astronaut (статья), с. 30-30
    2. Dr Norah Patten: Engineer in Space (статья), с. 31-31
  4. Featured Artists [Afua Richardson, Sana Takeda, Maeve Clancy, Jim Fitzpatrick], с. 32-53
  5. Where We Have Been
    1. C. E. Murphy. Anne McCaffrey: Beloved Tamer of Dragons (статья), с. 54-55
    2. James Bacon. James White: Gentleman (статья), с. 58-62
    3. Joe Siclari, Edie Stern. The Wheels of If: Irish Fandom in the 1940s-1950 (статья), с. 63-64
  6. Where We Are Now
    1. Pádraig Ó Méalóid. There's No Such Thing as Irish Science Fiction (статья), с. 66-67
    2. Michael Carroll. Becoming a Comic-Book Writer: In Six Easy Lessons (статья), с. 68-69
    3. Fantastical Ireland: Photo Competition, с. 72-78
    4. Fantastic Dublin Fund, с. 79-79
    5. Amelia Chen. Chinese Sponsored Fans: Exploring New Worlds (интервью), с. 80-81
    6. Constance Hu. Chinese Sponsored Fans: Exploring New Worlds (интервью), с. 81-81
    7. Esther MacCallum-Stewart. The Only Way Back... Is Over the Top: A Look Back at the Dublin 2019 Bid (статья), с. 84-85
    8. Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund: TAFF Delegate Geri Sullivan (статья), с. 86-86
    9. Get Up-and-Over Fan Fund: GUFF Delegate Simon Litten (статья), с. 87-87
  7. Hugos & Other Awards
    1. The Hugo Awards, с. 89-89
    2. 2019 Hugo Award Finalists, с. 90-93
    3. 1944 Retro Hugo Award Finalists, с. 94-95
    4. Other Award Nominees, с. 96-96
    5. Hugo Award Winners: Since 1953, с. 99-115
    6. Retro Hugo Award Winners: For Years When Hugos Were Not Presented, с. 116-117
    7. John W. Campbell Award Winners: For Best New Writer, с. 117-117
    8. Special Worldcon Committee Awards, с. 118-118
  8. World Science Fiction Society
    1. The Long List of World Science Fiction Conventions (Worldcons), с. 121-125
    2. Notes on the Long List of Worldcons, с. 126-130
    3. Constitution of the World Science Fiction Society as of August 21, 2018, с. 131-138
    4. Standing Rules for the Governance of the World Science Fiction Society Business Meeting, с. 138-140
    5. Business Passed On: World Science Fiction Society Business Passed on to Dublin 2019, с. 141-141
  9. Where Credit is Due
    1. Dublin 2019 Staff List (as of 19 July, 2019), с. 142-146
    2. James Bacon. Thank You!: Notes & Thanks from the Chair (статья), с. 148-151
    3. Demographics: Where Are We All From?, с. 154-154
    4. Membership List (as of 2 August, 2019), с. 155-173
    5. In Memoriam: August 3, 2018 – July 26, 2019, с. 174-175


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