fantlab ru

Авторские книги (3):

Феникс и Зеркало
1993 г.
Сын Неба. Странствия Марко Поло
1997 г.
Пропавшая улика
2006 г.

Антологии и сборники (29):

Дядя Фил и телевизор
1974 г.
Общественное порицание
1990 г.
Зарубежный криминальный роман
1991 г.
Зарубежный криминальный роман
1991 г.
1991 г.
Почти библейское убийство
1991 г.
Вирус бессмертия
1992 г.
Леди в озере. Худой человек
1992 г.
1992 г.
Фата — Моргана 7
1993 г.
1993 г.
Зарубежная фантастика
1994 г.
Дьявол заплатит
1994 г.
Четвертая сторона треугольника. Задача для игроков. Шарада для эксцентричных леди
1994 г.
Врата времени
1995 г.
Домашние убийства
1995 г.
Я больше не полицейский
1996 г.
Умри последним
2001 г.
Черный человек. Американская готика. XX век
2003 г.
2005 г.
Четвертая сторона треугольника
2006 г.
Дом Брасса
2006 г.
Со стыда провалиться
2006 г.
Со стыда провалиться
2007 г.
Реально смешное фэнтези
2008 г.
Дибук с Мазлтов-IV
2011 г.
Фантастические создания
2014 г.
Фантастические создания
2018 г.
Фантастические создания
2018 г.

Периодика (11):

Сельская молодежь № 10, октябрь 1975 г.
1975 г.
«Иностранная литература» №01, 1978
1978 г.
«ПиФ»: Приключения и Фантастика. Выпуск 11
1990 г.
Солярис, 1/1992
1992 г.
Если № 1, январь 1993
1993 г.
Искатель № 2 1994
1994 г.
Если № 11-12, ноябрь-декабрь 1995
1995 г.
Смена 10 2003
2003 г.
«Супер Триллер» №22 (145), 2007
2007 г.
«Супер Триллер» №4 (151), 2008
2008 г.
«Супер Триллер» №12 (159), 2008
2008 г.

Самиздат и фэнзины (3):

Вергилий в Аверно
2007 г.
Самое далекое плавание. Посвящается Хьюго Гернсбеку
2018 г.
Бумажные драконы
2020 г.

Аудиокниги (1):

Марафон Научной Фантастики 2019
2019 г.

Издания на иностранных языках (573):

The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, July 1954
1954 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1955
1955 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fourth Series
1955 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1956
1956 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fifth Series
1956 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, December 1956 (Vol. 28, No. 6. Whole No. 157)
1956 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK), December 1956, No. 47
1956 г.
Galaxy Science Fiction, July 1957
1957 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, September 1957
1957 г.
Venture Science Fiction, September 1957
1957 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, November 1957
1957 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, July 1957
1957 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia), February 1957, No. 116
1957 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, March 1957 (Vol. 29, No. 3. Whole No. 160)
1957 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: Sixth Series
1957 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK), March 1957, No. 50
1957 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, April 1957 (Vol. 29, No. 4. Whole No. 161)
1957 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK), April 1957, No. 51
1957 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia), May 1957, No. 119
1957 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia), June 1957, No. 120
1957 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, August 1957 (Vol. 30, No. 2. Whole No. 165)
1957 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia), October 1957, No. 124
1957 г.
Fantastic Universe, March 1958
1958 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 1958
1958 г.
Galaxy Magazine, October 1958
1958 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1958
1958 г.
Manhunt, February 1958
1958 г.
Galaxy Science Fiction, May 1958
1958 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, November 1958
1958 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1958
1958 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1958
1958 г.
Manhunt, January 1958
1958 г.
Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, February 1958 (Vol. 3, No. 2)
1958 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, March 1958 (Vol. 31, No. 3. Whole No. 172)
1958 г.
Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, March 1958 (Vol. 3, No. 3)
1958 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK), March 1958, No. 62
1958 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Seventh Series
1958 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia), May 1958, No. 131
1958 г.
The Third Galaxy Reader
1958 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, June 1958  (Vol. 31, No. 6. Whole No. 175)
1958 г.
SF: The Year's Greatest Science-Fiction and Fantasy: Third Annual Volume
1958 г.
SF:'58: The Year's Greatest Science Fiction and Fantasy
1958 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK), August 1958, No. 67
1958 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia), August 1958, No. 134
1958 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, October 1958  (Vol. 32, No. 4. Whole No. 179)
1958 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK), November 1958, No. 70
1958 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia), December 1958, No. 138
1958 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, July 1959
1959 г.
Galaxy Magazine, April 1959
1959 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1959
1959 г.
Galaxy Magazine, June 1959
1959 г.
If, July 1959
1959 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1959
1959 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 1959
1959 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, January 1959
1959 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, February 1959 (Vol. 33, No. 2. Whole No. 183)
1959 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Eighth Series
1959 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia), April 1959, No. 142
1959 г.
The Fourth Galaxy Reader
1959 г.
SF:'59: The Year's Greatest Science-Fiction and Fantasy
1959 г.
Keyhole Mystery Magazine, April 1960
1960 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, July 1960
1960 г.
Keyhole Mystery Magazine, June 1960
1960 г.
The Fantastic Universe Omnibus
1960 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1960
1960 г.
The Saint Mystery Magazine, June 1960
1960 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1960
1960 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1960
1960 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, December 1960
1960 г.
A Decade of Fantasy and Science Fiction
1960 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fourth Series
1960 г.
Amra V2n10, April 1960
1960 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Ninth Series
1960 г.
The Third Galaxy Reader
1960 г.
The Fourth Galaxy Reader
1960 г.
Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, July 1961
1961 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fifth Series
1961 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, January 1961
1961 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, March 1961 (Vol. 37, No. 3. Whole No. 208)
1961 г.
The Fifth Galaxy Reader
1961 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia), May 1961, No. 167
1961 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 1961
1961 г.
The Best From Fantasy and Science Fiction, Tenth Series
1961 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, June 1961 (Vol. 37, No. 6. Whole No. 211)
1961 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1961
1961 г.
Amra V2n16, July 1961
1961 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1961
1961 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK), August 1961, No. 103
1961 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia), August 1961, No. 170
1961 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, September 1961 (Vol. 38, No. 3. Whole No. 214)
1961 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1961
1961 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia), November 1961, No. 173
1961 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK), December 1961, No. 107
1961 г.
Amra V2n18, December, 1961
1961 г.
Or All the Seas with Oysters
1962 г.
Galaxy, December 1962
1962 г.
The Sixth Galaxy Reader
1962 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: Sixth Series
1962 г.
Galaxy Magazine, April 1962
1962 г.
The Quintessence of Queen
1962 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1962
1962 г.
The Saint Mystery Magazine, September 1962
1962 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, November 1962
1962 г.
Crimes & Chaos
1962 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Seventh Series
1962 г.
A Decade of Fantasy and Science Fiction
1962 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1962
1962 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Eleventh Series
1962 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1962
1962 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, April 1962 (Vol. 39, No. 4. Whole No. 221)
1962 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1962
1962 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 1962
1962 г.
Ellery Queen Mystère Magazine no173
1962 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, July 1962
1962 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1962
1962 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK), August 1962, No. 115
1962 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, September 1962
1962 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, October 1962 (Vol. 40, No. 4. Whole No. 227)
1962 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia), October 1962, No. 180
1962 г.
The Hugo Winners
1962 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, December 1962
1962 г.
1962 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Twelfth Series
1963 г.
The Saint Mystery Magazine, December 1963
1963 г.
A Magnum of Mysteries
1963 г.
Best Detective Stories of the Year: 18th Annual Collection
1963 г.
The Saint Mystery Magazine, May 1963
1963 г.
The Worlds of Science Fiction
1963 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, 8th Series
1963 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, January 1963
1963 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK), February 1963, No. 121
1963 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1963
1963 г.
The Fifth Galaxy Reader
1963 г.
Ellery Queen Mystère Magazine no182
1963 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1963
1963 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1963
1963 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia), April 1963, No. 186
1963 г.
Ellery Queen Mystère Magazine no183
1963 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 1963
1963 г.
Ellery Queen Mystère Magazine no184
1963 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1963
1963 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, July 1963
1963 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, July 1963 (Vol. 42, No. 1. Whole No. 236)
1963 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1963
1963 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, September 1963
1963 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, 9th Series
1963 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1963
1963 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK), November 1963, No. 130
1963 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, November 1963
1963 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, December 1963 (Vol. 42, No. 6. Whole No. 241)
1963 г.
Venture Science Fiction, December 1963
1963 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, December 1963
1963 г.
No Limits
1964 г.
And on the Eighth Day
1964 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Thirteenth Series
1964 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1964
1964 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, 11th Series
1964 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Ninth Series
1964 г.
The Hugo Winners
1964 г.
A Decade of Fantasy and Science Fiction
1964 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia), January 1964, No. 195
1964 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, January 1964
1964 г.
The Seventh Galaxy Reader
1964 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1964
1964 г.
Ellery Queen Mystère Magazine no193
1964 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1964
1964 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1964
1964 г.
Ellery Queen Mystère Magazine no194
1964 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, April 1964 (Vol. 43, No. 4. Whole No. 245)
1964 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK), April 1964, No. 135
1964 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 1964
1964 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1964
1964 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia), June 1964, No. 200
1964 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, July 1964
1964 г.
Ellery Queen Mystère Magazine no198
1964 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, September 1964
1964 г.
Ellery Queen Mystère Magazine no199
1964 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK), August 1964, No. 139
1964 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, August 1964 (Vol. 44, No. 2. Whole No. 249)
1964 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, 9th Series
1964 г.
Ellery Queen Mystère Magazine no200
1964 г.
Mutiny in Space
1964 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1964
1964 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia), October 1964, No. 204
1964 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, November 1964
1964 г.
Science-Fiction Cocktail, Band 2
1965 г.
Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine, August 1965
1965 г.
Rogue Dragon
1965 г.
Alfred Hitchcock's Witches' Brew
1965 г.
What Strange Stars and Skies
1965 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fourteenth Series
1965 г.
1965 г.
The Seventh Galaxy Reader
1965 г.
The Best From Fantasy and Science Fiction, Tenth Series
1965 г.
Ellery Queen Mystère Magazine no204
1965 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, January 1965
1965 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, May 1965 (Vol. 45, No. 5. Whole No. 258)
1965 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, July 1965
1965 г.
Masters of the Maze
1965 г.
The Worlds of Science Fiction
1965 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, September 1965 (Vol. 46, No. 3. Whole No. 262)
1965 г.
13 Above the Night
1965 г.
Ellery Queen Mystère Magazine no213
1965 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1965
1965 г.
Ellery Queen Mystère Magazine no215
1965 г.
Danger from Vega. Clash of Star-Kings
1966 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fifteenth Series
1966 г.
The Enemy of My Enemy
1966 г.
Rocannon's World / The Kar-Chee Reign
1966 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Eleventh Series
1966 г.
The Worlds of Science Fiction
1966 г.
The Vintage Anthology of Science Fantasy
1966 г.
The Seventh Galaxy Reader
1966 г.
The Best from Fantasy & Science Fiction, Number 11
1966 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 1966
1966 г.
Ellery Queen Mystère Magazine no222
1966 г.
Science Fiction for People Who Hate Science Fiction
1966 г.
Ellery Queen Mystère Magazine no227
1966 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, December 1966
1966 г.
The Worlds of Robert F. Young
1966 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, 15th Series
1967 г.
The Saint Magazine, May 1967
1967 г.
The Saint Magazine, September 1967
1967 г.
Rod Serling's Devils and Demons
1967 г.
The Saint Magazine, October 1967
1967 г.
New Worlds of Fantasy
1967 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Twelfth Series
1967 г.
The Seventh Galaxy Reader
1967 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, 12th Series
1967 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, 13th Series
1967 г.
World's Best Science Fiction: 1967
1967 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, June 1967 (Vol. 49, No. 6. Whole No. 283)
1967 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1967
1967 г.
The Worlds of Science Fiction
1967 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1967
1967 г.
Playboy Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy
1968 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Seventeenth Series
1968 г.
1968 г.
Science Fiction for People Who Hate Science Fiction
1968 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, №13
1968 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, 14th Series
1968 г.
Ellery Queen Mystère Magazine no243
1968 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1968
1968 г.
The Graveyard Man
1968 г.
1969 г.
The Phoenix and the Mirror
1969 г.
The Phoenix and the Mirror
1969 г.
The Island Under the Earth
1969 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, 15th Series
1969 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, №14
1969 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, January 1969 (Vol. 53, No. 1. Whole No. 302)
1969 г.
Orbit 5
1969 г.
Mutiny in Space
1969 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, October 1969 (Vol. 54, No. 4. Whole No. 311)
1969 г.
13 Above the Night
1969 г.
Step Outside Your Mind
1969 г.
Orbit 5
1969 г.
Galaxy Science Fiction, May 1970
1970 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, 15th Series
1970 г.
If, May-June 1970
1970 г.
Special Wonder
1970 г.
The Hollywood Nightmare: Tales of Fantasy and Horror from the Film World
1970 г.
World's Best Science Fiction: Third Series
1970 г.
New Worlds of Fantasy #2
1970 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, March 1970 (Vol. 55, No. 3. Whole No. 316)
1970 г.
Orbit 6
1970 г.
Orbit 6
1970 г.
The Worlds of Science Fiction
1970 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1970
1970 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1970
1970 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, October 1970 (Vol. 56, No. 4. Whole No. 323)
1970 г.
Alchemy & Academe
1970 г.
Orbit 8
1970 г.
Strange Seas and Shores
1971 г.
If, July-August 1971
1971 г.
Peregrine: Primus
1971 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Nineteenth Series
1971 г.
SF: Authors' Choice 3
1971 г.
The Dead Astronaut
1971 г.
A Pocketful of Stars
1971 г.
The Hollywood Nightmare: Tales of Fantasy and Horror from the Film World
1971 г.
Partners in Wonder
1971 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, January 1971 (Vol. 57, No. 1. Whole No. 326)
1971 г.
Special Wonder. Volume 1
1971 г.
Orbit 8
1971 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1971
1971 г.
New Worlds of Fantasy #3
1971 г.
1971 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, August 1971 (Vol. 58, No. 2. Whole No. 333)
1971 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1971
1971 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, October 1971 (Vol. 58, No. 4. Whole No. 335)
1971 г.
Ellery Queen Mystère Magazine no286
1971 г.
The Conan Grimoire
1972 г.
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, January 1972
1972 г.
Fantastic Stories, October 1972
1972 г.
Orbit 6
1972 г.
Ellery Queen Mystère Magazine no289
1972 г.
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, July 1972 (Vol. 60, No. 1. Whole No. 344)
1972 г.
A Pocketful of Stars
1972 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, September 1972
1972 г.
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, December 1972 (Vol. 60, No. 6. Whole No. 349)
1972 г.
Mutiny in Space
1973 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, 19th Series
1973 г.
Ursus of Ultima Thule
1973 г.
The Hollywood Nightmare: Tales of Fantasy and Horror from the Film World
1973 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, January 1973 (Vol. 61, No. 1. Whole No. 350)
1973 г.
Ellery Queen Mystère Magazine no301
1973 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1973
1973 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1973
1973 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, June 1973 (Vol. 61, No. 6. Whole No. 355)
1973 г.
SF: Authors' Choice 3
1973 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1973
1973 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1973
1973 г.
1973 г.
Ellery Queen Mystère Magazine no309
1973 г.
Mutiny in Space
1974 г.
Infinite Jests: The Lighter Side of Science Fiction
1974 г.
Masters of the Maze
1974 г.
The Monster Makers: Creators & Creations of Fantasy & Horror
1974 г.
Anthropology Through Science Fiction
1974 г.
The Monster Makers: Tales of the Believable and Unbelievable!
1974 г.
Wandering Stars: An Anthology of Jewish Fantasy and Science Fiction
1974 г.
 I premi Hugo: Volume 1º: 1955-1961
1974 г.
Orbit 8
1974 г.
A Pocketful of Stars
1974 г.
The Monster Makers: Creators & Creations of Fantasy & Horror
1974 г.
Ellery Queen Mystère Magazine no321
1974 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, November 1974
1974 г.
The Phoenix and the Mirror
1975 г.
The Enquiries of Doctor Eszterhazy
1975 г.
The Island Under the Earth
1975 г.
Wandering Stars: An Anthology of Jewish Fantasy and Science Fiction
1975 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1975
1975 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 1975
1975 г.
Best Stories from Orbit
1975 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, August 1975 (Vol. 66, No. 2. Whole No. 381)
1975 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1975
1975 г.
Wandering Stars: An Anthology of Jewish Fantasy and Science Fiction
1975 г.
Whispers #8, December 1975
1975 г.
Or All the Seas with Oysters
1976 г.
Year's Best Horror Stories Series lV
1976 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories: 2
1976 г.
Alfred Hitchcock’s Tales to Keep You Spellbound
1976 г.
Masters of the Maze
1976 г.
Or All the Seas with Oysters
1976 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, March 1976 (Vol. 67, No. 3. Whole No. 388)
1976 г.
The Black Magic Omnibus
1976 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 1976
1976 г.
Galactic Empires Volume Two
1976 г.
Flashing Swords! #3: Warriors and Wizards
1976 г.
Galactic Empires Volume 2
1976 г.
1977 г.
Alfred Hitchkok’s Anthology #1
1977 г.
The Black Magic Omnibus. Volume 2
1977 г.
Earth Is the Strangest Planet: Ten Stories of Science Fiction
1977 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1977
1977 г.
Peregrine: Primus
1977 г.
The Phoenix and the Mirror
1978 г.
1978 г.
The Redward Edward Papers
1978 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, May 1978 (Vol. 71, No. 5. Whole No. 414)
1978 г.
The Year's Finest Fantasy
1978 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1978
1978 г.
Time of Passage
1978 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories: 4
1978 г.
The Best of Avram Davidson
1979 г.
The Kar-Chee Reign / Rogue Dragon
1979 г.
The Year's Finest Fantasy
1979 г.
Car Sinister
1979 г.
The Year's Finest Fantasy Volume 2
1979 г.
Whispers II
1979 г.
1979 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, October 1979
1979 г.
The Androids are Coming
1979 г.
The 13 Crimes of Science Fiction
1979 г.
The Spell of Conan
1980 г.
The World Fantasy Awards. Volume Two
1980 г.
Alfred Hitchcock: The Best of Mystery
1980 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction: A 30 Year Retrospective
1980 г.
Other Worlds 2
1980 г.
Alchemy & Academe
1980 г.
1980 г.
The Arbor House Treasury of Modern Science Fiction
1980 г.
The Arbor House Treasury of Modern Science Fiction
1980 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, October 1980
1980 г.
Peregrine: Secundus
1981 г.
A Treasury of Modern Fantasy
1981 г.
First Voyages
1981 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, July 6, 1981
1981 г.
Strange Seas and Shores
1981 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, October 1981
1981 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, October 26, 1981
1981 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, May 11, 1981
1981 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, December 21, 1981
1981 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, 17th Series
1982 г.
Avram Davidson: Collected Fantasies
1982 г.
Das Forschungsteam
1982 г.
The Big Apple Mysteries
1982 г.
Laughing Space
1982 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, January 1982
1982 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, February 1982
1982 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, March 1982
1982 г.
1982 г.
Flying Saucers
1982 г.
Amra V2n71, July 1982
1982 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, October 1982
1982 г.
The Road to Science Fiction #4: From Here to Forever
1982 г.
Ellery Queen’s Anthology Summer 1983. Ellery Queen’s Lost Ladies
1983 г.
Magic for Sale
1983 г.
The Phoenix and the Mirror
1983 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, February 1983
1983 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, April 1983
1983 г.
Clash of Star-Kings
1983 г.
The Fantasy Hall of Fame
1983 г.
100 Great Fantasy Short Short Stories
1984 г.
The Year's Best Science Fiction: First Annual Collection
1984 г.
The Year's Best Science Fiction: First Annual Collection
1984 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, August 1984
1984 г.
13 Short Fantasy Novels
1984 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories: 10
1984 г.
Amazing Science Fiction Stories, November 1984 (combined with Fantastic Stories)
1984 г.
The Best Fantasy Stories from the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
1985 г.
Laughing Space
1985 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, January 1985
1985 г.
100 Great Fantasy Short Short Stories
1985 г.
Universe 15
1985 г.
Utopia der Detektive
1986 г.
Ellery Queen’s Anthology Fall 1986. Ellery Queen’s Prime Crimes 4
1986 г.
The Mammoth Book of Short Fantasy Novels
1986 г.
1986 г.
And Don’t Forget the One Red Rose
1986 г.
The Year's Best Science Fiction: Third Annual Collection
1986 г.
The Year's Best Science Fiction: Third Annual Collection
1986 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, June 1986
1986 г.
Heroic Visions II
1986 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, July 1986 (Vol. 88, No. 1. Whole No. 519)
1986 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, July 1986
1986 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, August 1986 (Vol. 88, No. 2. Whole No. 520)
1986 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, September 1986
1986 г.
1986 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Mid-December 1986 (Vol. 88, No. 7. Whole No. 525)
1986 г.
Vergil in Averno
1987 г.
Manhattan Mysteries
1987 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, January 1987
1987 г.
Tales from the Spaceport Bar
1987 г.
1987 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, March 1987 (Vol. 89, No. 3. Whole No. 528)
1987 г.
1987 г.
Flying Saucers
1987 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, October 1987
1987 г.
Whispers II
1987 г.
Great Science Fiction of the 20th Century
1987 г.
Universe 15
1987 г.
«Weird Tales» Winter 1988
1988 г.
Marco Polo and the Sleeping Beauty
1988 г.
Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction & Fantasy Story-a-Month 1989 Calendar
1988 г.
Masterpieces of Fantasy and Enchantment
1988 г.
Tales from the Spaceport Bar
1988 г.
The Best of Shadows
1988 г.
The Mammoth Book of Fantasy All-Time Greats
1988 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, August 1988
1988 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, October 1988
1988 г.
Tropical Chills
1988 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, Mid-December 1988
1988 г.
The Best from Fantasy & Science Fiction: A 40th Anniversary Anthology
1989 г.
Masterpieces of Fantasy and Wonder
1989 г.
Urania #1111
1989 г.
Tales of the Occult
1989 г.
A Treasury of American Mystery Stories
1989 г.
The World Treasury of Science Fiction
1989 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, August 1989 (Vol. 94, No. 2. Whole No. 559)
1989 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, September 1989
1989 г.
1989 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, October 1989
1989 г.
The Best Fantasy Stories of the Year: 1989
1990 г.
Le grandi storie della fantascienza 20
1990 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, February 1990
1990 г.
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories: 20 (1958)
1990 г.
The Year's Best Science Fiction: Seventh Annual Collection
1990 г.
The Year's Best Science Fiction: Seventh Annual Collection
1990 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, June 1990
1990 г.
Best New SF 4
1990 г.
1990 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, November 1990
1990 г.
Great Tales of Fantasy and Science Fiction
1991 г.
The Adventures of Doctor Eszterhazy
1991 г.
Historias de lo oculto
1991 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, January 1991
1991 г.
The Complete Masters of Darkness
1991 г.
Little People!
1991 г.
Smart Dragons, Foolish Elves
1991 г.
Hollywood Ghosts
1991 г.
Masters of Darkness III
1991 г.
Smart Dragons, Foolish Elves
1991 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, June 1991
1991 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, July 1991
1991 г.
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, December 1991 (Vol. 98, No. 7. Whole No. 591)
1991 г.
Magicats II
1991 г.
«Weird Tales» Winter 1992
1992 г.
Inside the Funhouse
1992 г.
Masters of Fantasy
1992 г.
Adventures in Unhistory
1993 г.
Avventure nell'occulto
1993 г.
100 Hair-Raising Little Horror Stories
1993 г.
Historias de lo oculto
1993 г.
Borderlands 3
1993 г.
Asimov's Science Fiction, February 1993
1993 г.
Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, March 1993 (Vol. 101, No. 3 & 4. Whole No. 610 & 611)
1993 г.
Isaac Asimov's Sf-Lite
1993 г.
100 Ghastly Little Ghost Stories
1993 г.
Future Earths: Under South American Skies
1993 г.
1993 г.
The Norton Book of Science Fiction: North American Science Fiction, 1960-1990
1993 г.
Asimov's Science Fiction, November 1993
1993 г.
I premi Hugo 1955-1962
1993 г.
Borderlands 3
1994 г.
Asimov's Science Fiction, April 1995
1995 г.
Asimov's Science Fiction, July 1995
1995 г.
Dinosaurs II
1995 г.
The Wizards of Odd: Comic Tales of Fantasy
1996 г.
Treasures of Fantasy
1997 г.
Manhattan Mysteries
1997 г.
Weirdbook 30 Combined With Whispers
1997 г.
Death in Dixie
1997 г.
The Wizards of Odd: Comic Tales of Fantasy
1997 г.
Modern Classics of Fantasy
1997 г.
1997 г.
Asimov's Science Fiction, September 1997
1997 г.
The Wizards of Odd
1997 г.
100 Menacing Little Murder Stories
1998 г.
The Avram Davidson Treasury: A Tribute Collection
1998 г.
Death in Dixie
1998 г.
The Mammoth Book of Comic Fantasy
1998 г.
The Fantasy Hall of Fame
1998 г.
Wandering Stars: An Anthology of Jewish Fantasy and Science Fiction
1998 г.
Boss in the Wall: A Treatise on the House Devil
1998 г.
Asimov's Science Fiction, July 1998
1998 г.
Le grandi storie della fantascienza 20
1999 г.
The Investigations of Avram Davidson
1999 г.
1999 г.
Treasures of Fantasy
1999 г.
The Mammoth Book of Seriously Comic Fantasy
1999 г.
The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Ten
1999 г.
Everybody Has Somebody in Heaven: Essential Jewish Tales of the Spirit
2000 г.
The Island Under the Earth
2000 г.
Murder Most Confederate: Tales of Crimes Quite Uncivil
2000 г.
Ursus of Ultima Thule
2000 г.
Moon Dogs
2000 г.
The Furthest Horizon: SF Adventures to the Far Future
2000 г.
Exploring the Horizons
2000 г.
Vanishing Acts
2000 г.
Aliens Among Us
2000 г.
Earth is the Strangest Planet
2000 г.
The Androids are Coming
2000 г.
The Other Nineteenth Century
2001 г.
Mutiny in Space
2002 г.
The American Fantasy Tradition
2002 г.
2003 г.
Murder Most Confederate: Tales of Crimes Quite Uncivil
2003 г.
100 Hair-Raising Little Horror Stories
2003 г.
The Road to Science Fiction: Volume 4: From Here to Forever
2003 г.
Great Fantasy
2004 г.
The Scarlet Fig; Or Slowly Through a Land of Stone
2005 г.
Adventures in Unhistory: Conjectures on the Factual Foundations of Several Ancient Legends
2006 г.
Futures Past
2006 г.
Sense of Wonder: A Century of Science Fiction
2011 г.
The Phoenix and the Mirror
2013 г.
Le grandi storie della fantascienza 20
2016 г.
Devil's Ways
2020 г.
We, Robots
2020 г.
Vanishing Acts
2023 г.
Robots Through the Ages
2023 г.
Robots Through the Ages
2023 г.

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