«The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1975»
Язык издания: английский
1975 г. (август)
Формат: 80х108/32 (130х190 мм)
Страниц: 164
- Tom Reamy. San Diego Lightfoot Sue (novelet), р. 6-45
- Alexei & Cory Panshin. Books (review), р. 46-53
- Charles W. Runyon. Terminal (short story), р. 54-62
- Henry Slesar. The Rise and Fall of the Fourth Reich (short story), р. 63-75
- Avram Davidson. The Crown Jewels of Jerusalem, Or, the Tell-Tale Head (novelet), р. 76-106
- Baird Searles. Films: Electra and the Beast, or Incest Like Charity Begins at Home (essay), р. 107-109
- Isaac Asimov. Earthset and Evening Star (short story), р. 110-125
- Robert F. Young. The Curious Case of Henry Dickens (short story), р. 126-135
- Isaac Asimov. The Wicked Witch is Dead (essay), р. 136-145
- Larry Eisenberg. Dr. Snow Maiden (short story), р. 146-151
- Ron Goulart. Falling Apart (short story), р. 152-159, 162
На обложке журнала иллюстрация к рассказу А. Азимова.