«The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 1976»
Язык издания: английский
1976 г. (май)
Формат: 80х108/32 (130х190 мм)
Страниц: 164
- Paul Darcy Boles. The Sunday We Didn't Go to Lemon's (short story), р. 5-21
- Algis Budrys. Books (review), р. 22-32
- Frederik Pohl. Man Plus (serial continuation), р. 33-94
- Baird Searles. Films: Mismosh Redux (essay), р. 95-96
- Avram Davidson. The Account of Mr. Ira Davidson (short story), р. 98-106
- Harvey Jacobs. Three Comedians (short story), р. 107-117
- Bonnie Dalzell. Pages from a 22nd Century Zoologist's Notebook: Part 2 (short story), р. 118-119
- Michael Reaves. The Sound of Something Dying (short story), р. 120-131
- Isaac Asimov. It's a Wonderful Town! (essay), р. 132-143
- Richard Cowper. Paradise Beach (novelet), р. 144-160