Роман Злотников, Антон Краснов — "Леннар" (серия "В одном томе")
Аннотация: Что творится под куполом небес? Как на самом деле устроен мир? Есть ли у него Создатель? И что произойдет с миром, когда Создатель, пресветлый Ааааму, проснется?
Аннотация: Земля, как и все колонизированные ею миры, была захвачена пришедшими из ниоткуда тертарами — расой завоевателей. Они загнали оставшихся в живых людей в рудники, сделав их рабами. Но люди решили бежать, понимая, что на Земле все кончено, и нужно основать новую цивилизацию. Захватив один из грузовиков, они по рискованной и не опробованной методике прыгнули сквозь звезду…
Александр Прозоров — "Потрясатель вселенной" (серия "Русское историческое фэнтези")
Аннотация: Он пришел из нашего мира... Его называли... ВЕДУН! Можно ли в кровавую эпоху сохранить в себе гуманизм? Можно ли создать империю, не рубя голов, не снося в пыль покоренные города и не грабя побежденные народы? У Олега Середина всего два желания: дать возможность поверившему ему племени мирно продать свой товар, а самому — отправиться с попутчицей в Муром и оттуда вернуться домой, в двадцать первый век. Но почему-то весть о злобном завоевателе катится перед путниками могучим валом, и раз за разом встают поперек дороги порождения черной магии, могучие чародеи и конные армии, мешая двум слабым людям попасть в скромную обитель деревенского целителя.
Аннотация: Что делать, если вам в дверь однажды ночью постучалась Смерть? И при этом Смерть – весьма привлекательный мужчина, который не прочь выпить чашечку кофе и предложить новую и интересную работу? Воображение знаменитой шведской писательницы Марии Эрнестам перенесет вас на узкие улочки Стокгольма, где в лучших булгаковских традициях столкнутся Смерть, Иисус и Дьявол, который, разумеется, – женщина. Попав в водоворот страстей, мистики и неотвратимого рока, читатель этой книги не сможет отложить ее в сторону, пока не перелистнёт последнюю страницу!
Христофор Колумб — "Путешествия. Дневники"
Аннотация: Христофор Колумб открыл не только Америку — он раздвинул границы возможного и дозволенного. Его каравеллы восемь раз пересекли Атлантический океан, чтобы привезти в Европу табак, кукурузу, картофель, томаты и горы золота, а главное — невероятные рассказы о чудесных заморских землях, изобильных и удивительных. Он умер, так и не разбогатев, не доплыв до настоящей Индии, но это была самая великая из географических ошибок, какие только знало человечество. Он был первым — и навсегда им остался. Колумб указал путь в другое полушарие всем тем, кому было тесно в Старом Свете: целому сонму мореплавателей и конкистадоров, пиратов и авантюристов, миссионеров и диссидентов. Благодаря их отчаянности, труду, фанатизму, жестокости, любопытству, алчности и самоотверженности мир стал таким, каков он есть. Дневники великого мореплавателя — полное драматизма повествование о четырех его плаваниях к берегам Америки. Записки Адмирала Моря-Океана и Вице-Короля новых испанских колоний вот уже 500 лет будоражат воображение читателей рассказами об опасных путешествиях, невероятных приключениях и полной драматизма истории покорения Нового Света.
Джеймс Кук — "Первое кругосветное плавание"
Аннотация: Джеймс Кук — самый знаменитый из британских мореплавателей. Всего за десять с половиной лет он трижды обогнул земной шар, открыл сотни островов (жемчужина среди них — Гавайи) и "закрыл" один мифический континент — "Южный материк". Он первым — притом пять раз — пересек Южный полярный круг, положил начало колонизации Британской империей Новой Зеландии, Австралии и множества других территорий. Дневник великого мореплавателя — подробный отчет о перипетиях его первого кругосветного плавания (1768-1771), в ходе которого были исследованы Океания, Новая Зеландия и Австралия.
Николай Миклухо-Маклай — "Путешествие на Берег Маклая"
Аннотация: Знаменитый русский путешественник и этнограф Н.Н.Миклухо-Маклай открыл цивилизованному миру уникальную природу Новой Гвинеи и экзотическую культуру населявших ее аборигенов. В своих дневниках он рассказал о жизни и приключениях среди диких племен Берега Маклая (названного так еще при его жизни). Сейчас в те места летают самолеты туристических авиалиний, но первым сошел по трапу на берег загадочной "Папуазии" русский исследователь и натуралист. В том избранных произведений выдающегося русского этнографа вошли дневниковые записи и статьи, в которых рассказывается о посещениях Новой Гвинеи в 70-х годах XIX века, о жизни среди аборигенов, об изучении природы и населения этого района Меланезии. Издание богато иллюстрировано и обращено ко всем, кто интересуется путешествиями, природой, экзотическими культурами Земли.
Николай Пржевальский — "Путешествия в Центральной Азии"
Аннотация: Избранные страницы дневников выдающегося русского путешественника Н.М.Пржевальского — увлекательный рассказ об экспедициях в Уссурийский край, Монголию, Китай, пустыню Гоби и на Тибет. Заповедная уссурийская тайга, голые монгольские степи, диковинные ландшафты Китая, опасные горные тропы ламаистского Тибета, иссушающая жара пустынь Гоби и Такла-Макан — все это он прошел, и не раз, чтобы крепче связать с Россией ее собственные дальневосточные окраины. Благодаря его неутомимым усилиям Монголия, Китай и Тибет стали ближе России.
Пауло Коэльо — "Брида"
Аннотация: Удивительная и правдивая история молодой Бриды О'Ферн, будущей наставницы Традиции Луны. В основе романа — излюбленная для Коэльо идея поиска себя, своей цели в жизни. Коэльо устами своих героев рассуждает о вере и религии, колдовстве и магии и конечно о любви. В этой истории, рассказанной просто и радостно, волшебство говорит языком человеческого сердца.
О книге:Фэнтези-роман о человеке, который не умер от полученной травмы головы, и о том, что случилось с призраком, посланным для того, чтобы забрать его душу на Небеса. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: The Ghost in Love is about what happens to us when we discover that we have become the masters of our own fate. No excuses, no outside forces or gods to blame—the responsibility is all our own. It’s also about love, ghosts that happen to be gourmet cooks, talking dogs, and picnicking in the rain with yourself at twenty different ages.
Stephen King has said that “Jonathan Carroll is as scary as Hitchcock, when he isn’t being as funny as Jim Carrey.” Jonathan Lethem sees Carroll as the “master of sunlit surrealism.” However one regards this beguiling original, two facts are indisputable: It’s tough being a ghost on an empty stomach. And The Ghost in Love is a triumphant return.
Neil Gaiman has written: “Jonathan Carroll has the magic. He’ll lend you his eyes, and you’ll never see the world in quite the same way ever again.”
Антология «Dreaming Again: Thirty-Five New Stories Celebrating the Wild Side of Australian Fiction» (составитель Джек Данн (Jack Dann))
О книге:Антология, состоящая из 34 рассказов австралийских авторов, включает в себя произведения Гарта Никса, Шона Макмуллена, Сары Дуглас, Труди Канаван и других писателей. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: Following the World Fantasy Award-winning Dreaming Down-Under, acclaimed editor Jack Dann gathers thirty-five of the best and brightest in a golden age of Australian fiction to pen fantastic new tales to shock, astound, and delight. The outstanding bestselling authors include Garth Nix, Terry Dowling, Sean McMullen, Kim Wilkins, Sara Douglass, A. Bertram Chandler, Cecilia Dart-Thornton, Stephen Dedman, Trudi Canavan, John Birmingham, Margo Lanagan, Janeen Webb, Isobelle Carmody, and many others.
О книге:Сборник, состоящий из 19 произведений Томаса Диша, которые были опубликованы в период с 1981 по 2005 год. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: Following the breakout novel, The Word of God, these surreal, satiric stories pay a mesmerizing visit to the shadowy zone that lies between everyday life as we now know it and a perilous near future that is frighteningly tangible. In "The Wall of America," the Department of Homeland Security has put up a border wall between the U.S. and Canada. But the NEA has plans for the wall as well, turning it into the world’s largest art gallery. After the Rapture, working-class life for "A Family of the Post-Apocalypse" is not as different as one might imagine, despite the occasional plague of biker-gang locusts, Between addiction and art is "Ringtime," where a criminal is trapped in a recursive compulsion to visit other people’s memories while he is forced to record his own for an eager audience. A Somali schoolgirl living in post-WWIII Minneapolis goes on a bloody crusade to rid her town of a familiar predator, one who might just be a monster, in "White Man." Vivid, starkly imagined, and strikingly articulate, this disquieting collection is a journey that skillfully straddles the line between playful absurdity and pointed irony.
О книге:Подростковый фэнтези-роман. Герой этой страшилки для детей — мальчик Бод, который живет на кладбище. С раннего детства Бод научился сосуществовать с призраками, оборотнями, зомби. Даже с вампирами, хотя твари так и норовят свести с ним излишне близкое знакомство… Так уж вышло, что семью Бода убили, когда он был совсем малышом и кладбищенские обитатели – все, что у него есть. Американские критики уже назвали книгу Геймана историей готического Маугли. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: He would be completely normal if he didn't live in a sprawling graveyard, being raised and educated by ghosts, with a solitary guardian who belongs to neither the world of the living nor of the dead.
There are dangers and adventures in the graveyard for a boy-an ancient Indigo Man beneath the hill, a gateway to a desert leading to an abandoned city of ghouls, the strange and terrible menace of the Sleer.
But if Bod leaves the graveyard, then he will come under attack from the man Jack—who has already killed Bod's family. . . .
Beloved master storyteller Neil Gaiman returns with a luminous new novel for the audience that embraced his New York Times bestselling modern classic coraline. Magical, terrifying, and filled with breathtaking adventures, the graveyard book is sure to enthrall readers of all ages.
Андрэ Нортон, Саша Миллер — "The Knight of the Red Beard"
О книге:Фэнтези-роман, пятый в цикле "Книга Дуба, Тиса, Ясеня и Рябины". В России были изданы первые три романа этого цикла. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: Having rebuilt the NordornLand from rubble, Ashen and Gaurin rule justly and fairly over a reinvigorated land. Beloved by their kingdom, they now turn their attention to the next generation of Nordorn royalty.
Responsible Bjaudin, heir to the throne, focuses on his studies and Hegrin, Queen of Rendel, rears her own growing brood. But the youngest siblings, Elin and Mikkel, seem destined to alter the future of the NordornLand—for better or for worse.
Thirteen-year-old Elin craves power, and believes her new alliance with the evil Ysa may help her achieve it.
Eleven-year-old Mikkel stows away on a Sea-Rover ship, hoping for a brief adventure. But when the ship is attacked, Mikkel is taken prisoner, and soon his bonds to the NordornLand are the last thing on his mind.
Through births and deaths, celebration and wars, Ashen and Gaurin have worked tirelessly to bring peace and prosperity to their kingdom. But it appears that this era of peace may be at its end. This final installment of the Cycle of Oak, Yew, Ash, and Rowan brings the series to a thrilling climax worthy of these fascinating characters.
Антология "The Darker Mask: Heroes From the Shadows" (составители Гари Филлипс (Gary Phillips) и Кристофер Чемберс (Christopher Chambers)
О книге:Антология, состоящая из 18 новых рассказов, посвященных супергероям. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: Expanding on the concept behind Byron Preiss'sWeird Heroes from the 1970s, George R. R. Martin's Wild Card series, and Michael Chabon's McSweeney's Mammoth Treasury of Thrilling Tales, The Darker Mask is a collection of original prose stories recalling the derring-do of the beings we call Superheroes and the worlds they fight to save. But unique to The Darker Mask stories is that these plots and characters color a literary universe outside of what has been predominantly white, idiosyncratic, and male in previous homages to pulp. This is the stuff of urban legends, new mythos, and extraordinary folks who might live in a soon-to-be-gentrified ghetto, the dreary rust-belt of the city, or in another dimension. The Darker Mask offers an eclectic mix of popular fiction writers exploring worlds gritty, visceral, and fantastic.
Including stories by: Walter Mosley, L. A. Banks, Naomi Hirahara, Lorenzo Carcaterra, Tananarive Due and Stephen Barnes, Mike Gonzales, Gar Anthony Haywood, Ann Nocenti, Jerry Rodriguez, Reed Farrell Coleman, Doselle Young, Mat Johnson, Peter Spiegelman, Alexandra Sokoloff, Christopher Chambers, Gary Phillips, Victor LaValle, and Wayne Wilson.
О книге:Подростковый роман, первый о мире вне Диска за многие годы, в котором речь в ней идёт о мальчике Мау, последнем уцелевшем на маленьком острове в океане, где буря уносит всю его семью, но зато приносит корабль с девочкой Дафной. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: The sea has taken everything.
Mau is the only one left after a giant wave sweeps his island village away. But when much is taken, something is returned, and somewhere in the jungle Daphne—a girl from the other side of the globe—is the sole survivor of a ship destroyed by the same wave.
Together the two confront the aftermath of catastrophe. Drawn by the smoke of Mau and Daphne's sheltering fire, other refugees slowly arrive: children without parents, mothers without babies, husbands without wives—all of them hungry and all of them frightened. As Mau and Daphne struggle to keep the small band safe and fed, they defy ancestral spirits, challenge death himself, and uncover a long-hidden secret that literally turns the world upside down. . . .
Internationally revered storyteller Terry Pratchett presents a breathtaking adventure of survival and discovery, and of the courage required to forge new beliefs.
Майкл П. Спрадлин (Michael P. Spradlin) — "The Youngest Templar: Keeper of the Grail"
О книге:Подростковый роман, рассказывающий о сироте, который присоединился к рыцарям-тамплиерам и вернул Святой Грааль в Британию. На Западе автор известен как автор цикла "Spy Goddess". ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: 1191 A.D. The orphan Tristan has joined the Knights Templar as a squire, journeying with Richard the Lionheart on his crusade to free the Holy Land from the Saracens. As defeat looms near, Tristan is entrusted with the most sacred of Christian relics, the Holy Grail. He must return it safely to Britain, but he must also keep it secret, because the Grail’s power will drive men to madness, and even his fellow Knights Templar will kill for it. Tristan teams up with the fiery Robard Hode— returning to his home in Sherwood after serving with the King’s Archers—and Maryam, an equally fierce girl and a member of the dreaded Hashshashin. Together they must escape the Holy Land, dodging bandits, the forces of the Saladin, and unscrupulous knights who will stop at nothing to possess the Grail.
О книге:Научно фантастический роман, альтернативная история, третий в цикле "Still Life with Fascists", следующий за романами "Farthing" (2006) и "Ha'Penny" (2007), действие которого разворачивается в годы после заключения мирного договора между Британией и нацисткой Германией. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: In 1941 Britain and Germany signed the Farthing Peace accord, which allowed the English elite to continue to live an affluent lifestyle while "undesirables" like the Jews and any anti government protestors have been and still are shipped to Easton Europe in cattle cars. Nineteen years later, London hosts an international peace conference in which the three superpowers Britain, Germany and Japan plan to increase their respective spheres of influence.
Peter Carmichael left Scotland Yard to become head of the Watch, a secret police whose midnight raids have terrorized much of the country. His mission is to weed out dissenters and traitors as well as Jews. However, he tries to sneak the Jews to safety when he can. He also knows his relationship with his valet Jack, if discovered will send him to the camps in the east as that behavior is unacceptable. However, everything will soon come to a head for Peter when teenage ward Elvira Royston overhears a conversation that if she reveals will destroy her guardian.
One of the best alternate historical miniseries in recent years, the final tale is as terrific as its predecessors (see HA'PENNY and FARTHING) due to the strong characterizations. Readers obtain a taste of living under a totalitarian rule especially how the next generation, who were born after the Farthing Peace Accord, react; in many ways Elivra's simple acceptance of the inevitability of human brutality makes the tale and the saga. In all the bleakness as the let them eat cake affluent party thrives while many suffer; there remain slight flickers of hope, but slowly they are being snuffed out.
О книге:Научно-фантастический роман, состоящий из 10 связанных между собой историй, происходящих на фоне завоевания Американской империи. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: A disabled US veteran from Iraq finds in Scotland a bizarrely distorted form of Fairyland and realizes he has lost his own country. A New Yorker learns how to discard the sad times from his life as around him society crumbles. A dream-research laboratory uncovers the true origin of our reality, a secret too dangerous to reveal . . .
The powerhouse dystopian novel by a master of fantastic literature.
Two children are taught to suppress their imagination. Armies travel back in time to conquer the worlds of the past, there to hold gladiatorial circuses. A man suffers the death penalty over and over for everyone else's murders, so the victims' families may have "closure" . . .
Ten episodes from a horrifying future, with the Decline and Fall of the American Empire as their backdrop.
Two karmic tempters dance through myriad different universes in search of ways to engineer the downfall of their enemies here. A rusted ferris wheel standing tall above the desert is a locus for barbarous religious executions. An old woman recalls her childhood loss of innocence about the world in which she lives . . .
In the great If This Goes On tradition, an impassioned assault on the seeds of destruction sown within our society. Searing prose conjures a nightmare vision you will never be able to forget.
A loner foraging in the graveyard of our civilization comes across what may be all that's left of human literature . . .
One of the most astonishing novels of the new century's first decade, LEAVING FORTUSA is also one of its most urgent.
О книге:Научно-фантастический роман, продолжение романа "Grimspace". ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: Sirantha Jax is a “Jumper,” a woman who possesses the unique genetic makeup needed to navigate faster than light ships through grimspace. Jax has worked for the Farwan Corporation her entire career. But now the word’s out that the Corp deliberately crashed a passenger ship, and their stranglehold on intergalactic commerce has crumbled—which means that Jax is out of a job.
She’s also broke, due to being declared dead a little prematurely. So when the government asks her to head up a vital diplomatic mission, Jax takes it. Her mandate: journey to the planet Ithiss-Tor and convince them to join the Conglomerate.
But Jax’s payday is light years away. First, she’ll have to contend with Syndicate criminals, a stormy relationship with her pilot, man-eating aliens, and her own grimspace-weakened body. She’ll be lucky just to make it to Ithiss-Tor alive…
О книге:Антология, состоящая из 14 рассказов, включает в себя произведения Нэнси Кресс, Бенджамина Розенбаума и Кори Доктороу, Пола Дж. Макоули, Йена Макдональда, Паоло Бачигалупи и других писателей. В 2007 году выходила первая антология "Fast Forward". ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: When Fast Forward 1 debuted in February 2007, it marked the first major all- original, all-SF anthology series to appear in some time – and it was met with a huge outpouring of excitement and approbation from the science fiction community. No less than seven stories from Fast Forward 1 were chosen to be reprinted a total of nine times in the four major "Best of the Year" retrospective anthologies, a wonderful testament to the quality of contributions in our inaugural book. What’s more, Fast Forward 1 was hailed repeatedly as leading the charge in a return of original, unthemed anthologies series (several more have since appeared in our wake).
О книге:Юмористический фэнтези-роман, тридцать вторая книга в цикле "Ксанф". ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: The future of Xanth is in frightful peril. A powerful magical bird named Ragna Roc has embarked on a campaign to become absolute ruler of that mystical realm. Those who swear loyalty to him are spared. The rest are simply disappeared.
So powerful are Ragna’s sorceries that even the Good Magician Humfrey dares not confront him directly. Instead he enlists Cyrus the Cyborg, a handsome half-human playwright with little knowledge of the world, in a stealthy subterfuge. Cyrus must assemble a troupe of traveling players to attract Ragna’s interest. And hidden in disguise among the bevy of beautiful young actresses are the young princesses, Melody, Harmony, and Rhythm, whose magics might just be a match for the evil bird.
But Ragna has planted a spy in the midst of the troupe, one who knows their deepest secrets, including the true nature of Cyrus’s forbidden love for one of the young princesses. Only a mysterious child called Kadence, and a cryptic clue — “Two to the Fifth" — may give the companions the edge they need to defeat Ragna’s dictatorial dreams.
Brimming with passion and merriment, drama and deception, Piers Anthony’s thirty-second Xanth fantasy is a pun-packed performance sure to provoke applause and ovations from the series’ myriad fans.
О книге:Роман-фэнтези, действие которого разворачивается в той же вселенной, что и в книге "Наковальня мира" (2003). ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: Before the Riders came to their remote valley the Yendri led a tranquil pastoral life. When the Riders conquered and enslaved them, only a few escaped to the forests. Rebellion wasn't the Yendri way; they hid, or passively resisted, taking consolation in the prophecies of their spiritual leader.
Only one possessed the necessary rage to fight back: Gard the foundling, half-demon, who began a one-man guerrilla war against the Riders. His struggle ended in the loss of the family he loved, and condemnation from his own people.
Exiled, he was taken as a slave by powerful mages ruling an underground kingdom. Bitterer and wiser, he found more subtle ways to earn his freedom. This is the story of his rise to power, his vengeance, his unlikely redemption and his maturation into a loving father--as well as a lord and commander of demon armies.
Kage Baker, author of the popular and witty fantasy, The Anvil of the World, returns to that magical world for another story of love, adventure, and a fair bit of ironic humor.
О книге:Научно-фантастический роман, восьмая книга военной космооперы «Легион Проклятых». В новой книге, капитан Антонио Сантана продолжает сражаться с чужаками, и, вместе со своей возлюбленной, дипломатом Кристиной Вандервин, вступает в жесткий конфликт с президентом Республики. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: The gripping new Legion of the Damned novel—from the national bestselling author of When All Seems Lost.
As the war with the Ramanthian continues, Captain Antonio Santana and his force of biobods and cyborgs find themselves surrounded by enemy forces, faced with annihilation at every turn.
On the home front, Santana’s love—diplomat Christine Vanderveen—copes with growing shortages, treacherous allies, and her own emotions. Yet when she meets the charismatic newly elected president of the Clone Republic, she finds herself torn between old love and new loyalty.
As Christine fights her own divided heart, light years away, Santana is in a battle for his life. And this battle may be his last…
Эрик Флинт и Дэйв Фрир (Dave Freer) — "Slow Train to Arcturus"
О книге:Научно-фантастический роман, рассказывает о чужих, которые следят за космическим кораблем людей, наполненным поселенцами-изгоями с Земли. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: The planet Miran had sent a spaceship to rendezvous with the enormous vessel that was approaching their star system. The vessel’s design was odd—a multitude of separate globular habitats in a framework—and most of the alien team that entered one of the habitats were slaughtered by savage creatures called “humans.” One alien had barely managed to escape to another habitat where the humans were more friendly, if rather technologically backward. But he needed to get back to his spaceship, and he would need one human’s help to do that.
They would have to travel through several more habitats, each one isolated from the other, each with its own bizarre dangers and customs. And friendliness toward strangers was not one of those customs. . . .
О книге:Подростковый роман-фэнтези, заключительный том детско-юношеской фэнтезийной трилогии "Чернильный мир". В России этот цикл выпускает издательство «Росмэн». Кстати, вскоре выйдет голливудская экранизация с Бренданом Фрейзером. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: Ever since the extraordinary events of Inkspell, when the story of Inkheart magically drew Meggie, Mo, and Dustfinger back into its pages, life in the Inkworld has ben far from easy. With Dustfinger dead and the evil Adderhead now in control, the title has taken a tragic turn. Meggie and Mo, lost between the covers of a book, face a curse of eternal winter — unless they can rewrite past wrongs and strike a dangerous deal with death....
Джеймс Т. Харрис (James T. Harris) — "The Third Craft"
О книге:Научно-фантастический роман, превый в трилогии о двух братьях-подростках, которые нашли куски инопланетного космического корабля неподалеку от своего дома в северном Онтарио. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: An adventure into the limits of technology, the nature of evil, and the destiny of humankind. Fast-paced, frightening, and full of vivid science, The Third Craft is the first book in James T. Harris's Third Craft Trilogy, a saga of morality, civil war, and human evolution.
The story begins when two teenaged brothers — Joe and Hawk Grayer — find a strange metal object buried in the ground close to the Northern Ontario town where they are spending the summer. As a strange host of characters begins to materialize — including their own long-disappeared father — Joe and Hawk learn that what they have uncovered is a spaceship that holds the key not just to the government's most closely guarded secrets, but to an intrigue that's been boiling below the surface of global politics, and to a battle that once raged on another planet but will now be borne out on Earth.
О книге:Роман-фэнтези, первая книга австралийской писательницы, опубликованная в США. Российскому читателю она известна как автор рассказа "Отпевая сестру", который входит в антологию "Лучшее за год 2007. Мистика, фэнтези, магический реализм". ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: Tender Morsels is a dark and vivid story, set in two worlds and worrying at the border between them. Liga lives modestly in her own personal heaven, a world given to her in exchange for her earthly life. Her two daughters grow up in this soft place, protected from the violence that once harmed their mother. But the real world cannot be denied forever—magicked men and wild bears break down the borders of Liga’s refuge. Now, having known Heaven, how will these three women survive in a world where beauty and brutality lie side by side?
О книге:Авторский сборник, состоящий из девяти рассказов, восемь из которых были ранее опубликованы и один, заглавный, написан специально для этого сборника. В Росссии были изданы сборники — "Все это очень странно" и "Магия для «чайников»». ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: Kelly Link has lit up adult literary publishing—and Viking is honored to publish her first YA story collection. Through the lens of Link’s vivid imagination, nothing is what it seems, and everything deserves a second look. From the multiple award-winning “The Faery Handbag,” in which a teenager’s grandmother carries an entire village (or is it a man-eating dog?) in her handbag, to the near-future of “The Surfer,” whose narrator (a soccer-playing skeptic) waits with a planeload of refugees for the aliens to arrive, Link’s stories are funny and full of unexpected insights and skewed perspectives on the world. Her fans range from Michael Chabon to Peter Buck of R.E.M. to Holly Black of Spiderwick Chronicles fame. Now teens can have their world rocked, too!
О книге:Фэнтези-роман — очередной вклад в многотомную фэнтезийную серию «Хроники Мидгарда». Любопытно, что поначалу автор сочинял свой цикл как прямой фанфик Толкина, действие которого происходило в Средиземье. Однако наследники Профессора резко встали на дыбы, потому пришлось перенести действие в новый мир, хоть и очень похожий на вселенную «Властелина Колец». Несколько лет назад ряд романов серии выпускало в России издательство "Азбука". ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: The myth of a lost city carved of precious jade has proven irresistible to many in Mithgar. Now Aravan, captain of the Elven ship Eroean, has undertaken a quest to find it. With his true love Aylis, the Magekind Seeress, beside him and a crew of men and dwarves, he sets sail to follow the lure of legend.
The journey will be long and perilous—and the voyagers will find more than treasure awaiting them in the City of Jade. They will find dark sorcery and great danger, and some among them will find death.
О книге:Фэнтези-роман. Третья книга цикла "Герои умирают". Это технофэнтези о суперубийце Кейне, участнике необычного риалити-шоу, герои которого забрасываются в параллельный Земле магический мир. В новой книге Кейн возвращается в земли, где давным-давно одержал свою первую большую победу над племенем Черных Ножей. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: In Heroes Die and Blade of Tyshalle, Matthew Stover created a new kind of fantasy novel, and a new kind of hero to go with it: Caine, a street thug turned superstar, battling in a future where reality shows take place in another dimension, on a world where magic exists and gods are up close and personal. In that beautiful, savage land, Caine is an assassin without peer, a living legend born from one of the highest-rated reality shows ever made. That season, Caine almost single-handedly defeated–and all but exterminated–the fiercest of all tribes: the Black Knives. But the shocking truth of what really took place during that blood-drenched adventure has never been revealed . . . until now.
Thirty years later, Caine returns to the scene of his greatest triumph–some would say greatest crime–at the request of his adopted brother Orbek, the last of the true Black Knives. But where Caine goes, danger follows, and he soon finds himself back in familiar territory: fighting for his life against impossible odds, with the fate of two worlds hanging in the balance.
Just the way Caine likes it.
Джонатан Томас (Jonathan Thomas) — "Midnight Call and Other Stories"
О книге:Авторский сборник, состоящий из 25 рассказов в жанре ужасов, ранее не публиковавшихся, за исключением некоторых, напечатаных в 1992 году в антологии от издательства "Big Black House". ______________________________________________________ __________________________________
Аннотация: An artist is summoned to paint the portrait of sinister Mr. Finster in a decaying mansion . . . A suburban couple is vexed by the inveterate lawn-mowing of a ghost . . . In ice-bound Vermont, one farmer's crop is suspiciously bountiful . . . A miniature nymph is found swimming in an office water cooler . . . These are the bizarre conceptions of Jonathan Thomas, a powerful new writer of weird, horrific, and supernatural fiction who introduces himself to the reading public with this rich and varied short story collection. Thomas is, however, a practiced hand at terror-weaving, and his work spans the spectrum from comic fantasy to psychological suspense to science fiction. Unifying all his tales is a prose style of singular fluency and grace, enlivened by keen observation and mordant satire. "Jonathan Thomas has an enviably impressive range-from the gentle to the gruesome, from science fiction through fantasy to the spectral and horrific-but his wit is reliable, and so is the clarity of his eye, and the precision of his prose. He's an asset to all his fields."-Ramsey Campbell. "Thomas's dynamism in plot-weaving and his pungently satirical prose testify to a prodigious fund of creativity and a fine eye for observing the little absurdities of life in the twenty-first century."-From S. T. Joshi's Foreword.
О книге:Научно-фантастический роман. По сюжету – это космическая опера далекого будущего, герой которой – капитан звездолета, нашедший загадочный артефакт давно исчезнувшей расы. За ценнейшим предметом начинается настоящая охота, в которой замешаны разведки разных галактических империй, да еще и космические пираты. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: A triumph of the New Space Opera: fast, complicated, wonder-filled!
Hugo Award finalist and Robert A. Heinlein Award–winning SF writer Michael Flynn now turns to space opera with stunningly successful results. Full of rich echoes of space opera classics from Doc Smith to Cordwainer Smith, The January Dancer tells the fateful story of an ancient pre-human artifact of great power, and the people who found it.
Starting with Captain Amos January, who quickly loses it, and then the others who fought, schemed, and killed to get it, we travel around the complex, decadent, brawling, mongrelized interstellar human civilization the artifact might save or destroy. Collectors want the Dancer; pirates take it, rulers crave it, and they’ll all kill if necessary to get it. This is a thrilling yarn of love, revolution, music, and mystery, and it ends, as all great stories do, with shock and a beginning.
О книге:Подростковый фэнтези-роман — очередной том детского антропоморфного фэнтези про аббатство Рэдволл. На этот раз в центре внимания – шайка Воронов, которые охотятся за древним сокровищем. У нас цикл о зверях, ведущих себя подобно людям. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: On a moonless night, two rats follow hypnotic lights into the forest, never to be seen again. Such is the power of the Doomwytes, sinister ravens led by the deadly Korvus Skurr. And when the young mouse Bisky persuades the creatures of Redwall Abbey to go in search of a fabled treasure, hidden long ago by one of the abbey’s most notorious thieves, they do not suspect Skurr and his ravens will be vying for that very treasure. Bisky and his fellow Redwallers must summon all their courage to face the evil horde of slithering snakes and vicious ravens. From underground tunnels to the tops of trees, the fearless Redwallers, with the help of their woodland friends, battle some of their most vicious enemies yet in an exhilarating, terrifying treasure hunt.
О книге:Фэнтези-роман, Это первая книга цикла "Collegium Chronicles" – приквела к знаменитому фэнтезийно-романтическому сериалу Лэки о Герольдах Валдемара. По свидетельству критиков, Лэки вновь возвращается к книгам, скроенным по принесшей ей некогда успех схеме. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: In this chronicle of the early history of Valdemar, Mercedes Lackey’s bestselling world, a thirteenyear- old orphan named Magpie escapes a life of slavery in the gem mines when he is chosen by one of the magical Companion horses of Valdemar to be trained as a Herald. Thrust into the center of a legend in the making, Magpie discovers talents he never knew he had—and witnesses the founding of the great Heralds’ Collegium.
О книге:Антология, состоящая из 14 рассказов, действия которых разворачиваются в школе магических исскуств, включает в себя произведения Кристин Кэтрин Раш, Лауры Резник, Дианы Дуэйн, Эстер Фриснер, Джоди Линн Най и Сары Зеттел. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: move over, hogwarts...
High school is different for everyone. For some, it’s a time to shine, and for others, a time to survive. Then there are the students who attend those special schools for the gifted. But what if there was a school that catered to those rarest of students—those who can do magic?
These fourteen tales explore the challenges that students of the magical arts may face in a high school of their very own. If you think chemistry is tough, try alchemy. If you ever fell victim to a school bully, how would you deal with a bully gifted with powerful magic? And if you needed more time to study, what spell could give you all the time you desired?
These are just a few of the magical adventures that will await you when you enter Salem Township Public High School #4— otherwise known as Witch High...
О книге:Роман-фэнтези, посвященное группе солдат-ветеранов, которые ушли в отставку из королевской армии и отправились на поиски сокровищ. Действие происходит в мире, напоминающем европейский XVIII век. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: Hoping for a better life, five war veterans colonize an abandoned island. They take with them everything they could possibly need — food, clothes, tools, weapons, even wives.
But an unanticipated discovery shatters their dream and replaces it with a very different one. The colonists feel sure that their friendship will keep them together. Only then do they begin to realize that they've brought with them rather more than they bargained for.
For one of them, it seems, has been hiding a terrible secret from the rest of the company. And when the truth begins to emerge, it soon becomes clear that the war is far from over.
With masterful storytelling, irresistible wit, and extraordinary insight into human nature, K.J. Parker is widely acknowledged as one of the most original and exciting fantasy writers of modern times. THE COMPANY, K.J. Parker's first stand-alone novel, is a tour de force from an author who is changing the face of the fantasy genre.
О книге:Научно-фантастический роман. Действие происходит в 23 веке, когда у правительства Земли возникает острейший конфликт с поселенцами на других планетах. Известный обозреватель журнала "Locus" Гэри Вулф назвал эту книгу одним из самых лучших НФ-романов истекающего года. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: Twenty-third century Earth, ravaged by climate change, looks backwards to the holy ideal of a pre-industrial Eden. Political power has been grabbed by a few powerful families and their green saints. Millions of people are imprisoned in teeming cities; millions more labour on Pharaonic projects to rebuild ruined ecosystems. On the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, the Outers, descendants of refugees from Earth's repressive regimes, have constructed a wild variety of self-sufficient cities and settlements: scientific utopias crammed with exuberant creations of the genetic arts; the last outposts of every kind of democratic tradition. The fragile detente between the Outer cities and the dynasties of Earth is threatened by the ambitions of the rising generation of Outers, who want to break free of their cosy, inward-looking pocket paradises, colonise the rest of the Solar System, and drive human evolution in a hundred new directions. On Earth, many demand pre-emptive action against the Outers before it's too late; others want to exploit the talents of their scientists and gene wizards. Amid campaigns for peace and reconciliation, political machinations, crude displays of military might, and espionage by cunningly wrought agents, the two branches of humanity edge towards war...
О книге:Фэнтези-роман — заключительный том фэнтезийного цикла "Mistborn". ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: Who is the Hero of Ages?
To end the Final Empire and restore freedom, Vin killed the Lord Ruler. But as a result, the Deepness---the lethal form of the ubiquitous mists---is back, along with increasingly heavy ashfalls and ever more powerful earthquakes. Humanity appears to be doomed.
Having escaped death at the climax of The Well of Ascension only by becoming a Mistborn himself, Emperor Elend Venture hopes to find clues left behind by the Lord Ruler that will allow him to save the world. Vin is consumed with guilt at having been tricked into releasing the mystic force known as Ruin from the Well. Ruin wants to end the world, and its near omniscience and ability to warp reality make stopping it seem impossible. She can’t even discuss it with Elend lest Ruin learn their plans!
The conclusion of the Mistborn trilogy fulfills all the promise of the first two books. Revelations abound, connections rooted in early chapters of the series click into place, and surprises, as satisfying as they are stunning, blossom like fireworks to dazzle and delight. It all leads up to a finale unmatched for originality and audacity that will leave readers rubbing their eyes in wonder, as if awaking from an amazing dream.
О книге:Фэнтези-роман, альтернативная история, в котором во время оккупации Берлина советскими войсками, один из офицеров Вермахта попадает в мир волшебников и единорогов. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: 1945: Russian troops have entered Berlin, and are engaged in a violent orgy of robbery, rape, and revenge...
Wehrmacht officer Hasso Pemsel, a career soldier on the losing end of the greatest war in history, flees from a sniper's bullet, finding himself hurled into a mysterious, fantastic world of wizards, dragons, and unicorns. There he allies himself with the blond-haired, blue-eyed Lenelli, and Velona, their goddess in human form, offering them his knowledge of warfare and weaponry in their genocidal struggle against a race of diminutive, swarthy barbarians known as Grenye.
But soon, the savagery of the Lenelli begins to eat at Hasso Pemsel's soul, causing him to question everything he has long believed about race and Reich, right and wrong, Ubermenschen and Untermenschen. Hasso Pemsel will learn the difference between following orders... and following his conscience.
From Harry Turtledove, the master of alternate history, comes After the Downfall, a novel of magic, epic warfare, and desperate choices.
О книге:Научно-фантастический роман – новый НФ-триллер о приключениях галактического суперагента Яна Кормака. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: Raised to adulthood during the end of the war between the human Polity and a vicious alien race, the Prador, Ian Cormac is haunted by childhood memories of a sinister scorpion-shaped war drone and the burden of losses he doesn't remember. Cormac signs up with Earth Central Security and is sent out to help restore and maintain order on worlds devastated by the war. There he discovers that though the Prador remain as murderous as ever, they are not anywhere near as treacherous or dangerous as some of his fellow humans, some closer to him than he would like. Amidst the ruins left by wartime genocides, Cormac will discover in himself a cold capacity for violence and learn some horrible truths about his own past while trying to stay alive on his course of vengeance.
Лоррейн Пинелли Браун (Lorraine Pinelli Brown) — "The Puppets of Low Magic"
О книге:Исторический фэнтези-роман, дебютная книга автора повествующая о пуританской женщине, рожденной с высоким коэффициентом IQ и сильно развитой интуицией, которая вынуждена скрывать свои способности из-за страха быть сожженной как ведьма. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: The late 17th/early 18th centuries marked a time of awakening, with the birth of institutions of higher learning, yet the most enlightened of that time spent their cognitive brilliance debating how many angels could fit upon the head of a pin. Satan was ubiquitous, and he was known to have appeared in many forms. He was thought forever present on the earth, a wolf amongst God's holy sheep; watching, waiting for his chance to corrupt the faithful. Temptation loomed— witchcraft was actually practiced— and good men prayed hard for deliverance from Beelzebub and his foul minions. Rachel Mapes is a Puritan woman who, upon accident of birth, receives an IQ of 160. She has a level of understanding that would take others years of book-learning to achieve. She is able to make connections where it would seem no connection was possible. She possesses strong powers of intuition. And she has to hide her special abilities . . . or be burned at the stake. But what if she really is a witch . . . ?
О книге:Научно-фантастический роман. Роман входит в межавторский цикл "Чужие", рассказывающий о детективе, который вел расследование о том, зачем Компания заключила секретное соглашение с Чужими. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: After thirty years of cryogenic sleep, Detective Anders Kramm wakes to a changed world. The alien threat has been subdued. Company interests dominate universal trade. Terraforming is big money now, with powerful men willing to do anything to assure dominance over other worlds.
But Kramm has a secret. He knows why The Company killed twelve of its top scientists. He knows why the aliens have been let loose on the surface of a contested planet. He knows that the information he has is valuable, and that The Company will do everything it can to stop him from telling his secret to the world. Haunted by memories of the brutal murder of his family, Kramm is set adrift amid billion dollar stakes . . . with aliens around every corner, waiting for him to make a mistake.
О книге:Научно-фантастический роман – входит в цикл "The Humanx Commonwealth Books", куда также входит популярный цикл писателя о Флинксе. Действие происходит в этой же вселенной, хотя ни Фдинкса, ни его дракончика-телепата Пипа, в романе нет. Герои – звездолетчики и ученые, которые исследуют загадочную планету. Их ждет столкновение с неизвестной ранее разумной формой жизни, а также поиски таинственного убийцы, скрывающегося на корабле. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: Bestselling author Alan Dean Foster’s new adventure takes place in the amazing Humanx Commonwealth, home of the ever-popular Pip & Flinx. Although the dynamic redhead and his daring minidrag do not appear in Quofum, this knockout thriller sets the stage for their explosive date with destiny in the duo’s final climactic adventure, Flinx Transcendent.
The mission to planet Quofum is supposed to be a quickie for Captain Boylan and his crew. Boylan is tasked with delivering four scientists–two men, one woman, and one thranx–to the unknown world, setting up camp while the experts investigate flora and fauna, then ferrying them safely home. The first surprise is that Quofum, which regularly slips in and out of existence on Commonwealth monitors, is actually there when Boylan and company arrive. The second surprise is more about what Quofum is not: The planet is not logical, ordered, or rational.
The team encounters three intelligent, warring species–some carbon-based, others silicate-based, all bizarre–along with thousands of unique, often unclassifiable life-forms. Quofum’s wild biodiversity doesn’t appear to be natural. But if it is by design, then by whose, and for what purpose?
There are more revelations, more highly evolved species waiting to be identified, even tantalizing clues to a civilization light-years ahead of the Commonwealth’s. But the crew members are not ready for the real shockers, because none of them expect to find a killer in their midst, or to discover that their spaceship is missing and, with it, all means of communication.
Of course, the marooned teammates know nothing about the Great Evil racing toward the galaxy, and they certainly have never heard of Flinx, the only person with half a chance to stop it. Nor do they know that Quofum could play a crucial role in defeating the all-devouring monster from beyond. One thing the scientists do know, however, is how to ferret out the truth. But whether that will be enough to alter the course of the oncoming catastrophe is anyone’s guess.
О книге:Научно фантастический роман, рассказывающий об умирающей виолачелистке, которая обнаружила голого, полуживого мужчину на пляже возле своего дома в Корнуэлле. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: Roushana is an aging violinist, dying of a degenerative disease in her cottage on the Cornish coast. She's preparing for the end by looking through her keepsakes, mentally arranging and reassessing the memories that they summon. Also, she just found a buff, naked, amnesiac dude on the beach and he's hanging out in her house, listening to her talk and play, and cooking her food.
Антология «Poe's Children: The New Horror» (составитель Питер Страуб)
О книге:Антология, состоящая из 24 рассказов в жанре ужасов, которые были написаны в период с 1982 по 2006 годы, включает в себя произведения Стивена Кинга, Нила Геймана, Джо Хилла, Келли Линк, Джон Краули и других авторов. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: Starred Review. Anyone concerned about the future of horror will find plenty of reassurance in this outstanding reprint anthology showcasing short fiction by today's best writers in the genre. Straub (The Throat) skillfully varies tempo and style, mixing stories of psychological terror with more traditional ghostly tales. Thomas Tessier puts a fresh spin on the empty old house theme in the memorable In Praise of Folly, in which the lonely protagonist pursues his fascination with bizarre structures to the Adirondacks. Tessier subtly raises chills even as the tale proceeds to its inevitable and dark conclusion. Another winner is Dan Chaon's The Bees, a powerful account of a man haunted by mistakes of the past. Ramsey Campbell's terrifying The Voice of the Beach echoes Algernon Blackwood's classic The Willows, with its account of two friends' fateful encounter with a remote beach that may be an entry point to another dimension. Aimed at a general audience, this volume also includes works by Stephen King, Elizabeth Hand, Kelly Link and Joe Hill. (Nov.)
Антология «Fast Ships, Black Sails» (составители Энн и Джефф Вандермеер)
О книге:Антология, состоящая из 18 новых рассказов, посвещенных пиратам и написанных в жанре как фэнтези так и научной фантастики, включает в себя произведения Майкла Муркока, Наоми Новик, Гарта Никса, Элизабет Бир и других авторов. С полным содержанием антологии можно ознакомиться здесь. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: Do you love the sound of a peg leg stomping across a quarterdeck? Or maybe you prefer a parrot on your arm, a strong wind at your back? Adventure, treasure, intrigue, humor, romance, danger — and, yes, plunder! Oh, the Devil does love a pirate — and so do readers everywhere! Swashbuckling from the past into the future and space itself, Fast Ships, Black Sails, edited by Ann and Jeff VanderMeer, presents an incredibly entertaining volume of original stories guaranteed to make you walk and talk like a pirate.
О книге:Научно-фантастический роман. Книга входит в межавторский цикл "Хищник". ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: On a remote South China Sea island, a deadly hunt is underway . . . but not the kind of expedition the participants expected. In this remote jungle-covered island somewhere between Thailand and Indonesia some of the most exotic animals in the world have been gathered as the prizes in a challenge of human against nature. The hunters come from all walks of life: a South African arms dealer, a Romanian ex-wrestler, two former KGB agents, a wildlife TV host, a Thai pirate, and John Gustat, a billionaire with a mysterious past. Each has come to the island for personal reasons, some secret, some deadly. But when the encampment's owner, ex-Khmer Rouge Colonel Rath Preap, finds the fences cut and his security men missing, it's clear that the game has turned. And as the hunters battle for survival, they discover there is another creature out for blood--a Predator with an unstoppable lust for conquest.
О книге:Фэнтези-роман, триллер, двенадцатая часть цикла "Repairman Jack". ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Аннотация: By the Sword takes up the adventures of Repairman Jack directly after Bloodline. Jack is hired to find a legendary Japanese sword, a katana stolen from the Hiroshima Peace Museum and brought to New York City. Central characters include the members of a weird Japanese cult, a young Japanese businessman and his three Yakuza bodyguards, plus Hank Thompson, the Kicker cult leader from Bloodline. The cult, the businessman, the Yakuza, and the Kickers are looking for the sword as well.
Also in the mix is the pregnant teenager carrying a child, loaded with abnormal DNA, who will be a decisive force in the cosmic shadow war raging behind the scenes. She becomes a pawn in the game, hunted by both sides. Following his usual m.o., Jack maneuvers all sides into a bloody melee from which he plans to waltz away with the fabled katana. Of course, when things don’t go as planned, Jack must improvise (and he hates to improvise). By the Sword takes F. Paul Wilson’s trademark breakneck pacing and interweaving storylines to a new level.