О книге: Научно-фантастический роман, продолжение романа «Grimspace».
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Аннотация: Sirantha Jax is a “Jumper,” a woman who possesses the unique genetic makeup needed to navigate faster than light ships through grimspace. Jax has worked for the Farwan Corporation her entire career. But now the word’s out that the Corp deliberately crashed a passenger ship, and their stranglehold on intergalactic commerce has crumbled—which means that Jax is out of a job.
She’s also broke, due to being declared dead a little prematurely. So when the government asks her to head up a vital diplomatic mission, Jax takes it. Her mandate: journey to the planet Ithiss-Tor and convince them to join the Conglomerate.
But Jax’s payday is light years away. First, she’ll have to contend with Syndicate criminals, a stormy relationship with her pilot, man-eating aliens, and her own grimspace-weakened body. She’ll be lucky just to make it to Ithiss-Tor alive…
О книге: Антология, состоящая из 14 рассказов, включает в себя произведения Нэнси Кресс, Бенджамина Розенбаума и Кори Доктороу, Пола Дж. Макоули, Йена Макдональда, Паоло Бачигалупи и других писателей. В 2007 году выходила первая антология «Fast Forward».
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Аннотация: When Fast Forward 1 debuted in February 2007, it marked the first major all- original, all-SF anthology series to appear in some time – and it was met with a huge outpouring of excitement and approbation from the science fiction community. No less than seven stories from Fast Forward 1 were chosen to be reprinted a total of nine times in the four major «Best of the Year» retrospective anthologies, a wonderful testament to the quality of contributions in our inaugural book. What’s more, Fast Forward 1 was hailed repeatedly as leading the charge in a return of original, unthemed anthologies series (several more have since appeared in our wake).
О книге: Юмористический фэнтези-роман, тридцать вторая книга в цикле «Ксанф».
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Аннотация: The future of Xanth is in frightful peril. A powerful magical bird named Ragna Roc has embarked on a campaign to become absolute ruler of that mystical realm. Those who swear loyalty to him are spared. The rest are simply disappeared.
So powerful are Ragna’s sorceries that even the Good Magician Humfrey dares not confront him directly. Instead he enlists Cyrus the Cyborg, a handsome half-human playwright with little knowledge of the world, in a stealthy subterfuge. Cyrus must assemble a troupe of traveling players to attract Ragna’s interest. And hidden in disguise among the bevy of beautiful young actresses are the young princesses, Melody, Harmony, and Rhythm, whose magics might just be a match for the evil bird.
But Ragna has planted a spy in the midst of the troupe, one who knows their deepest secrets, including the true nature of Cyrus’s forbidden love for one of the young princesses. Only a mysterious child called Kadence, and a cryptic clue — “Two to the Fifth» — may give the companions the edge they need to defeat Ragna’s dictatorial dreams.
Brimming with passion and merriment, drama and deception, Piers Anthony’s thirty-second Xanth fantasy is a pun-packed performance sure to provoke applause and ovations from the series’ myriad fans.
О книге: Роман-фэнтези, действие которого разворачивается в той же вселенной, что и в книге «Наковальня мира» (2003).
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Аннотация: Before the Riders came to their remote valley the Yendri led a tranquil pastoral life. When the Riders conquered and enslaved them, only a few escaped to the forests. Rebellion wasn't the Yendri way; they hid, or passively resisted, taking consolation in the prophecies of their spiritual leader.
Only one possessed the necessary rage to fight back: Gard the foundling, half-demon, who began a one-man guerrilla war against the Riders. His struggle ended in the loss of the family he loved, and condemnation from his own people.
Exiled, he was taken as a slave by powerful mages ruling an underground kingdom. Bitterer and wiser, he found more subtle ways to earn his freedom. This is the story of his rise to power, his vengeance, his unlikely redemption and his maturation into a loving father--as well as a lord and commander of demon armies.
Kage Baker, author of the popular and witty fantasy, The Anvil of the World, returns to that magical world for another story of love, adventure, and a fair bit of ironic humor.
О книге: Научно-фантастический роман, восьмая книга военной космооперы «Легион Проклятых». В новой книге, капитан Антонио Сантана продолжает сражаться с чужаками, и, вместе со своей возлюбленной, дипломатом Кристиной Вандервин, вступает в жесткий конфликт с президентом Республики.
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Аннотация: The gripping new Legion of the Damned novel—from the national bestselling author of When All Seems Lost.
As the war with the Ramanthian continues, Captain Antonio Santana and his force of biobods and cyborgs find themselves surrounded by enemy forces, faced with annihilation at every turn.
On the home front, Santana’s love—diplomat Christine Vanderveen—copes with growing shortages, treacherous allies, and her own emotions. Yet when she meets the charismatic newly elected president of the Clone Republic, she finds herself torn between old love and new loyalty.
As Christine fights her own divided heart, light years away, Santana is in a battle for his life. And this battle may be his last…
О книге: Научно-фантастический роман, рассказывает о чужих, которые следят за космическим кораблем людей, наполненным поселенцами-изгоями с Земли.
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Аннотация: The planet Miran had sent a spaceship to rendezvous with the enormous vessel that was approaching their star system. The vessel’s design was odd—a multitude of separate globular habitats in a framework—and most of the alien team that entered one of the habitats were slaughtered by savage creatures called “humans.” One alien had barely managed to escape to another habitat where the humans were more friendly, if rather technologically backward. But he needed to get back to his spaceship, and he would need one human’s help to do that.
They would have to travel through several more habitats, each one isolated from the other, each with its own bizarre dangers and customs. And friendliness toward strangers was not one of those customs. . . .
О книге: Подростковый роман-фэнтези, заключительный том детско-юношеской фэнтезийной трилогии «Чернильный мир». В России этот цикл выпускает издательство «Росмэн». Кстати, вскоре выйдет голливудская экранизация с Бренданом Фрейзером.
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Аннотация: Ever since the extraordinary events of Inkspell, when the story of Inkheart magically drew Meggie, Mo, and Dustfinger back into its pages, life in the Inkworld has ben far from easy. With Dustfinger dead and the evil Adderhead now in control, the title has taken a tragic turn. Meggie and Mo, lost between the covers of a book, face a curse of eternal winter — unless they can rewrite past wrongs and strike a dangerous deal with death....
О книге: Научно-фантастический роман, превый в трилогии о двух братьях-подростках, которые нашли куски инопланетного космического корабля неподалеку от своего дома в северном Онтарио.
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Аннотация: An adventure into the limits of technology, the nature of evil, and the destiny of humankind. Fast-paced, frightening, and full of vivid science, The Third Craft is the first book in James T. Harris's Third Craft Trilogy, a saga of morality, civil war, and human evolution.
The story begins when two teenaged brothers — Joe and Hawk Grayer — find a strange metal object buried in the ground close to the Northern Ontario town where they are spending the summer. As a strange host of characters begins to materialize — including their own long-disappeared father — Joe and Hawk learn that what they have uncovered is a spaceship that holds the key not just to the government's most closely guarded secrets, but to an intrigue that's been boiling below the surface of global politics, and to a battle that once raged on another planet but will now be borne out on Earth.
О книге: Роман-фэнтези, первая книга австралийской писательницы, опубликованная в США. Российскому читателю она известна как автор рассказа «Отпевая сестру», который входит в антологию «Лучшее за год 2007. Мистика, фэнтези, магический реализм».
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Аннотация: Tender Morsels is a dark and vivid story, set in two worlds and worrying at the border between them. Liga lives modestly in her own personal heaven, a world given to her in exchange for her earthly life. Her two daughters grow up in this soft place, protected from the violence that once harmed their mother. But the real world cannot be denied forever—magicked men and wild bears break down the borders of Liga’s refuge. Now, having known Heaven, how will these three women survive in a world where beauty and brutality lie side by side?
О книге: Авторский сборник, состоящий из девяти рассказов, восемь из которых были ранее опубликованы и один, заглавный, написан специально для этого сборника.
В Росссии были изданы сборники — «Все это очень странно» и «Магия для «чайников»».
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Аннотация: Kelly Link has lit up adult literary publishing—and Viking is honored to publish her first YA story collection. Through the lens of Link’s vivid imagination, nothing is what it seems, and everything deserves a second look. From the multiple award-winning “The Faery Handbag,” in which a teenager’s grandmother carries an entire village (or is it a man-eating dog?) in her handbag, to the near-future of “The Surfer,” whose narrator (a soccer-playing skeptic) waits with a planeload of refugees for the aliens to arrive, Link’s stories are funny and full of unexpected insights and skewed perspectives on the world. Her fans range from Michael Chabon to Peter Buck of R.E.M. to Holly Black of Spiderwick Chronicles fame. Now teens can have their world rocked, too!