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Статья написана 28 декабря 2008 г. 23:17

  • Брент Уикс (Brent Weeks) — "Shadow's Edge"

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    О книге: Фэнтези — роман, второй том трилогии "Night Angel", герой которого наемный убийца Блинт приключается в средневековом мире. Первый том цикла "The Way of Shadows" вышел пару месяцев.
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    Аннотация: Kylar Stern has rejected the assassin's life. The Godking's successful coup has left Kylar's master, Durzo, and his best friend, Logan, dead. He is starting over: new city, new friends, and new profession.

    But when he learns that Logan might actually be alive and in hiding, Kylar is faced with an agonizing choice: will he give up the way of shadows forever and live in peace with his new family, or will he risk everything by taking on the ultimate hit?

  • Брент Уикс (Brent Weeks) — "Beyond the Shadows"

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    О книге: Фэнтези — роман, заключительный том трилогии "Night Angel".
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    Аннотация: Cenaria, a country under siege, with a threadbare army and little hope. He has one chance — a desperate gamble, but one that could destroy his kingdom.

    In the north, the new Godking has a plan. If it comes to fruition, no one will have the power to stop him.

    Kylar Stern has no choice. To save his friends-and perhaps his enemies-he must accomplish the impossible: assassinate a goddess.


  • Келли Армстронг — "Living with the Dead"

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    О книге: Городское фэнтези, девятый том фэнтезийной серии «Женщина Иного мира». Герои цикла – всяческая нежить, обитающие бок о бок с людьми в похожем на наш мире.
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    Аннотация: They’re smart, sexy, and supernatural. They’re the men and women of the Otherworld—a realm of witches, ghosts, and werewolves who live unseen among us. Only now a reckless killer has torn down the wall, trapping one very human woman in the supernatural cross fire.

    Robyn Peltier moved to Los Angeles after her young husband’s sudden death, trying to put some distance between herself and her memories. Though she’s still grieving, the challenges of her new life as the PR consultant to Portia Kane—the world’s most famous celebutante wannabe—can sometimes be amusing, even distracting. But when her client is gunned down in the back room of a nightclub, Robyn is suddenly on the run as the prime suspect in the murder. And as more bodies pile up around her, it seems like only Hope Adams, Robyn’s best friend, and Hope’s somewhat spooky boyfriend Karl are on Robyn’s side. Hope Adams follows the kinds of stories whose headlines scream from supermarket checkout lines. But the difference is that Hope’s stories are even weirder—and they’re all true. Though determined to help Robyn, Hope knows it’s only a matter of time before her friend is caught. But it’s not the police Hope is worried about. For Robyn has gotten herself in the middle of a turf war between two powerful Otherworld cabals who’ll spill any amount of blood—human and inhuman—to protect what they consider theirs for all eternity. And the only way Hope can keep her friend alive is by letting her enter a world she’s safer knowing nothing about.

  • Орсон Скотт Кард — "Ender in Exile"

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    О книге: Научно-фантастический роман – очередной том знаменитого НФ-цикла о юном гениальном полководце Эндере Виггине. На этот раз Кард расскажет о событиях, последовавших непосредственно за первой книгой цикла «Игра Эндера». Мы узнаем, как великий победитель грозных инопланетян-жукеров был вынужден эмигрировать с Земли.
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    Аннотация: After twenty-three years, Orson Scott Card returns to his acclaimed best-selling series with the first true, direct sequel to the classicEnder's Game.

    In Ender’s Game, the world’s most gifted children were taken from their families and sent to an elite training school. At Battle School, they learned combat, strategy, and secret intelligence to fight a dangerous war on behalf of those left on Earth. But they also learned some important and less definable lessons about life.

    After the life-changing events of those years, these children—now teenagers—must leave the school and readapt to life in the outside world.

    Having not seen their families or interacted with other people for years—where do they go now? What can they do?

    Ender fought for humanity, but he is now reviled as a ruthless assassin. No longer allowed to live on Earth, he enters into exile. With his sister Valentine, he chooses to leave the only home he’s ever known to begin a relativistic—and revelatory—journey beyond the stars.

    What happened during the years between Ender’s Game and Speaker for the Dead? What did Ender go through from the ages of 12 through 35? The story of those years has never been told. Taking place 3000 years before Ender finally receives his chance at redemption in Speaker for the Dead, this is the long-lost story of Ender.

    For twenty-three years, millions of readers have wondered and now they will receive the answers. Ender in Exile is Orson Scott Card’s moving return to all the action and the adventure, the profound exploration of war and society, and the characters one never forgot.

    On one of these ships, there is a baby that just may share the same special gifts as Ender’s old friend Bean…

  • Джеффри Форд — "The Drowned Life"

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    О книге: Сборник рассказов. С содержанием сборника можно ознакомиться здесь.
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    Аннотация: There is a town that brews a strange intoxicant from a rare fruit called the deathberry—and once a year a handful of citizens are selected to drink it. . . .

    There is a life lived beneath the water—among rotted buildings and bloated corpses—by those so overburdened by the world's demands that they simply give up and go under. . . .

    In this mesmerizing blend of the familiar and the fantastic, multiple award-winning New York Times notable author Jeffrey Ford creates true wonders and infuses the mundane with magic. In tales marked by his distinctive, dark imagery and fluid, exhilarating prose, he conjures up an annual gale that transforms the real into the impossible, invents a strange scribble that secretly unites a significant portion of society, and spins the myriad dreams of a restless astronaut and his alien lover. Bizarre, beautiful, unsettling, and sublime, The Drowned Life showcases the exceptional talents of one of contemporary fiction's most original artists.

  • Стивен Кинг — "Just After Sunset"

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    О книге: Сборник рассказов, состоящий из тринадцати рассказов (двенадцать, из которых печатались ранее и один — "N." — абсолютно новый).
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    Аннотация: Stephen King -- who has written more than fifty books, dozens of number one New York Times bestsellers, and many unforgettable movies -- delivers an astonishing collection of short stories, his first since Everything's Eventual six years ago. As guest editor of the bestselling Best American Short Stories 2007, King spent over a year reading hundreds of stories. His renewed passion for the form is evident on every page of Just After Sunset. The stories in this collection have appeared in The New Yorker, Playboy, McSweeney's, The Paris Review, Esquire, and other publications.

    Who but Stephen King would turn a Port-O-San into a slimy birth canal, or a roadside honky-tonk into a place for endless love? A book salesman with a grievance might pick up a mute hitchhiker, not knowing the silent man in the passenger seat listens altogether too well. Or an exercise routine on a stationary bicycle, begun to reduce bad cholesterol, might take its rider on a captivating -- and then terrifying -- journey. Set on a remote key in Florida, "The Gingerbread Girl" is a riveting tale featuring a young woman as vulnerable -- and resourceful -- as Audrey Hepburn's character in Wait Until Dark. In "Ayana," a blind girl works a miracle with a kiss and the touch of her hand. For King, the line between the living and the dead is often blurry, and the seams that hold our reality intact might tear apart at any moment. In one of the longer stories here, "N.," which recently broke new ground when it was adapted as a graphic digital entertainment, a psychiatric patient's irrational thinking might create an apocalyptic threat in the Maine countryside...or keep the world from falling victim to it.

    Just After Sunset -- call it dusk, call it twilight, it's a time when human intercourse takes on an unnatural cast, when nothing is quite as it appears, when the imagination begins to reach for shadows as they dissipate to darkness and living daylight can be scared right out of you. It's the perfect time for Stephen King.

  • Джейн Линдскольд — "Thirteen Orphans"

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    О книге: Фэнтези — роман — первый том цикла городского фэнтези с восточным колоритом. Героиня романа, студентка Бренда Моррис не верит в магию, однако ее мнение меняется после открытия фамильной тайны. Оказывается, ее предки бежали из мира колдовства в нашу реальность. И известная восточная игра маджонг — на самом деле ключ к великому магическому могуществу.
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    Аннотация: As far as college freshman Brenda Morris knows, there is only one Earth and magic exists only in fairy tales.

    Brenda is wrong.

    A father-daughter weekend turns into a nightmare when Brenda’s father is magically attacked before her eyes. Brenda soon learns that her ancestors once lived in world of smoke and shadows, of magic and secrets.

    When that world’s Emperor was overthrown, the Thirteen Orphans fled to our earth and hid their magic system in the game of mah-jong. Each Orphan represents an animal from the Chinese Zodiac. Brenda’s father is the Rat. And her polished, former child-star aunt, Pearl—that eminent lady is the Tiger.

    Only a handful of Orphans remain to stand against their enemies. The Tiger, the Rooster, the Dog, the Rabbit . . . and Brenda Morris. Not quite the Rat, but not quite human either.

  • Джульет Мариллер (Juliet Marillier) — "Heir to Sevenwaters"

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    О книге: Фэнтези — роман, четвертая книга цикла "Sevenwaters".
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    Аннотация: The chieftains of Sevenwaters have long been custodians of a vast and mysterious forest. Human and Otherworld dwellers have existed there side by side, sharing a wary trust. Until the spring when Lady Aisling of Sevenwaters finds herself expecting another child—a new heir to Sevenwaters.

    Then the family’s joy turns to despair when the baby is taken from his room and something...unnatural is left in his place. To reclaim her newborn brother, Clodagh must enter the shadowy Otherworld and confront the powerful prince who rules there.

  • Тодд Макэффри — "Dragonheart"

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    О книге: Научно-фантастический роман, сольный вклад сына в знаменитый сериал своей мамы о Драконах Перна. Причем, уже во второй раз (впервые Тодд это сделал два года назад, романом Dragonsblood). Роман повествует об инфекции, убивающей драконов, что грозит и людям.
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    Аннотация: The grim specter of sickness looms over the Weyrs of Pern, felling fire-lizards and posing a potentially devastating threat to their dragon cousins, Pern’s sole defense against the deadly phenomenon that is Thread. Fiona, the youngest and only surviving daughter of Lord Bemin, is just coming of age, and about to assume the duties of a Weyrwoman, when word spreads that dragons have indeed begun succumbing to the new contagion. With the next season of Threadfall quickly approaching, and the already diminished ranks of the dragons once more under siege, every Weyr across Pern is in crisis mode. It is hardly the time for disturbing distractions–such as the strange voice Fiona suddenly hears in her mind at the darkest and most urgent moments.

    Circumstances and the mood of the weyrfolk worsen when advance patrols relay the dreaded news that black dust–the unmistakable herald of falling Thread–has been sighted. As more dragons sicken and die, leaving only a new generation of weyrlings too young to succeed them, Weyrleader B’Nik and queen rider Lorana arrive from Benden Weyr to comb Fort Weyr’s archives in a desperate search for clues from the past that may hold the solution to the plague.

    But could the actual past itself prove the pathway to salvation for Pern’s stricken dragons and the entire imperiled planet? Guided by a mysterious ally from a wholly unexpected place, and trusting in the unique dragon gift for transcending time, Fiona will join a risky expedition with far-reaching consequences for both Pern’s future and her personal destiny.

  • Р. М. Мелух (R. M. Meluch) — "Strength and Honor"

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    О книге: Научно-фантастический роман, четвертая книга цикла "Tour of the Merrimack".
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    Аннотация: The forced alliance between the interplanetary Empire of Rome and the United States-led Earth forces is shattered as Caesar Romulus declares war, striking at the U.S. Deep Space base, and then following with a direct attack against Earth. Merrimack has no choice but to retaliate with an assault on the Roman capital world of Palatine. In the midst of this chaos, the Hive renews its invasion. And even if John Faragut and his crew can survive all of this, the rogue Roman patterner Augustus—who has long been assigned to his own mission aboard Merrimack—flees the ship when war is declared, and no one knows whether he is only biding his time, waiting to meet Farragut in a final deadly showdown.

  • Статья написана 28 декабря 2008 г. 23:17

  • Лиланд Экстон Модезитт — "The Lord-Protector's Daughter"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, седьмая книга цикла "Corean Chronicles".
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    Аннотация: The Lord-Protector’s Daughter is a standalone fantasy novel that takes place in Tempre, the capital city of Lanachrona on Corus, the world of Modesitt’s Corean Chronicles.

    Mykella, the eldest daughter of the Lord-Protector of Lanachrona, discovers that someone is diverting significant sums of money from her father’s treasury. One of the ancient soarers appears to Mykella, telling her that she must go to the antique stone Table in the cellars of the Palace and find her Talent in order to save her land and her world.

    From there, matters become more perilous. There are attempts to remove Mykella and her sisters from Tempre by marrying them off to lords in neighboring lands, and fatal and near fatal accidents occur to members of her family and trusted retainers. While Mykella develops a solid idea of who stands behind it all, every attempted solution is used to discredit her. How can she save their father and land?

  • Джон Ринго, Тревис Тэйлор (Travis B. Taylor) — "Claws that Catch"

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    О книге: Научно-фантастический роман, четвертая книга цикла "Into the Looking Glass".
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    Аннотация: Humans have come a long ways since the looking glass gates first appeared and an alien menace turned a motley crew of scientists, sailors and force recon Marines into battle-hardened space adventurers. Now with other species running scared, it’s up to humans to take the lead and mold a weapon capable of checking the Dreen—a galactic cancer that has so far proved unstoppable. Their arsenal? A hodge-podge of powerful technologies begged, borrowed and/or looted from across the galaxy and cobbled together on what has to be the strangest ship ever to ply the starways: the good ship Vorpal Blade II!


  • Шарон Шинн (Sharon Shinn) — "Fortune and Fate"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, четвертая часть цикла "Twelve Houses".
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    Аннотация: National bestselling author Sharon Shinn’s “lyrical and entertaining” (Kirkus Reviews) Twelve Houses books have captivated readers and critics alike with their irresistible cocktail of fantasy, romance, and adventure. Now Shinn returns with a new novel set in the same world, where a troubled Warrior Rider named Wen faces her greatest challenge in the last place she ever expected: behind the walls of a great family estate known as Fortune, where Wen has been hired to guard the young heiress. Once there, she will find that fate has other plans for her…


  • М. М. Бакнер (M. M. Buckner) — "Watermind"

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    О книге: Научно-фантастический роман.
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    Аннотация: From storm drains, illegal dumps, and flooded landfills, all of North America’s most advanced technology flows down the Mississippi River—microchips, nano-devices, pharmaceuticals, genetically modified seed—and lodges in the Louisiana delta. Out of this mire emerges a self-organized neural net, drifting in the water: the Watermind. It can freeze, boil, condense, and move—seemingly at will.

    Both infuriating and sympathetic, CJ Reilly is a brilliant, sexy, self-destructive MIT dropout running away from Cambridge and the suicide of her ironic, emotionally-distant father. She is working as a laborer in Devil’s Swamp near Baton Rouge, cleaning up a small pollution spill, when she and her new lover, Max, discover the mysterious Watermind. Reilly’s more interested in investigating it than containing it, but when it kills someone and escapes into the Mississippi, corporations, governments, protesters, the Coast Guard, and a really wacky underground journalist get involved. And there’s no longer any question that it must be destroyed before it reaches the ocean. Watermind is Philip K. Dick meets The Blob, a postmodern combination of camp SF motifs and writerly ambition attacking serious subjects.

  • Рэмси Кэмпбелл — "Inconsequential Tales"

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    О книге: Сборник рассказов. С содержанием сборника можно ознакомиться здесь.
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    Аннотация: Inconsequential Tales is a collection of previous uncollected — and even unpublished — tales by this highly respected modern practitioner of the weird tale.

    Ramsey Campbell is the most distinguished and highly acclaimed writer of horror and supernatural fiction of our time. In more than a score of novels and hundreds of stories, Campbell has demonstrated mastery in every facet of the weird tale. This volume gathers tales, written over a period of more than thirty years, that have not yet been included in any of Campbell’s dozen or more short story collections. Among them are such dark jewels of the supernatural as “The Reshaping of Rossiter,” an early version of the celebrated tale “The Scar”; “Broadcast,” which invests terror in a microphone; “Writer’s Curse,” in which horror writing itself is made a subject of terror; “Murders,” a bizarre mix of horror and science fiction; “Snakes and Ladders,” a powerfully cosmic vignette that served as an early version of “Playing the Game.”

  • Мэтью Кук (Matthew Cook) — "Nights of Sin"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, продолжение романа "Blood Magic" (2007).
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    Аннотация: The besieged Imperial City lies inside the massive wall of the Armitage; outside, the attacking Mor have laid waste to most of the land. The Imperial Court seems unaware of their peril, but Kirin and Lia — who have barely survived the Mor and made their way to the City — know the danger all too well! When Kirin discovers a necromancer who seems to possess her power over blood, she hopes he can help her understand her strange magic. Meanwhile, the deadly Mor are assaulting the walls of the city that shelters them.


  • Дэйв Дункан — "Ill Met in the Arena"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, первая часть сериала "A Series of One".
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    Аннотация: The nobles of Aureity have been breeding their children for psychic powers for generations. Women’s powers are mental, including psychic control and mind-reading, making them ideal rulers. Men have superhuman strength and can teleport to any place they have previously visited. Consequently, young noblemen make their fortune by competing in psychic gladiatorial contests to display their powers in the hope of being hired—and married—by women of high rank.

    When Quirt, an older man with obvious skill but little known record, first enters the arena, the combat circuit is abuzz wondering who he might be. But his mystery is almost eclipsed by the young cub who has been entering competitions anonymously and winning them all. Barely in his teens, full of raw power but short on training or patience, Humate is so horrified when he’s bested by Quirt that he insists on finding out where he came from.

    Unfortunately for Humate, the answer reaches far beyond his birth: back to the terrible wrongs done to Quirt’s mother and his new wife by one of Humate’s relatives, and back to Quirt’s sentencing, a doom which takes away his identity until he can bring the culprit to justice. Humate is in deep denial about this familial scandal generations deep, but Quirt must try to covince him to help, compelled by his doom and by the stirrings of a new love that cannot possibly be realized in his nameless condition.

    No one ever said revenge was going to be easy.

  • Диана Фараон Франсис (Diana Pharaoh Francis) — "The Black Ship"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, вторая часть цикла "Crosspointe".
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    Аннотация: Thorn is a member of the Pilot’s Guild—those who possess the magical ability to navigate Crosspointe’s deadly seas. When a malevolent master within the Guild bans him from the sea, it seems his life is over. Then he is kidnapped and forced to serve aboard the rogue ship Eidolon—pitch black from bow to stern—and Thorn finds himself battling a mad captain, a mutinous crew, and the terrifying magic of the sea.

    But there is a saboteur on board, trying to make sure the Eidolon never arrives safely in port. Thorn begins to realize his kidnapping may have been no mere chance— and that the cargo the black ship carries may seal his doom…

  • Сара А. Хойт — "Gentleman Takes a Chance"

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    О книге: Городское фэнтези, вторая часть цикла "Shifters".
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    Аннотация: There are those living secretly among us who have the power to change their physical form from that of a human to an animal, even animals thought to be mythical, such as dragons. Throughout out the ages, these shape shifters have come together in a loose organization to protect themselves from humans—and other shape shifters. According to their code, killing another shifter is a crime, no matter if the shifter was slaughtering humans.

    Kyrie Smith, a young panther shifter, must decide where she will stand: with her group or with humanity at large. And she’ll have to do it while both older shifters and her boyfriend Tom Ormson—a dragon shifter—push her from quandary to quandary and police detective Rafiel Thrall—who happens to be a lion shifter—demands her help in solving mysterious murders that he suspects have been committed by a shifter. But when Tom begins getting telepathic warnings from the Great Sky Dragon that his life is in danger, the same dragon who recently almost killed him, he and Kyrie realize that much more is involved than a homicidal shape shifter.

    Someone—or something—has been killing shifters in large numbers, and the most ancient and powerful of shifters are converging on the city to find the killer. And anyone, human or shifter, who gets in their way will be eliminated without mercy. . . .

  • Сара А. Хойт — "Heart and Soul"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, альтернативная история, третья часть цикла "Magical British Empire".
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    Аннотация: Within the magical realm of a Victorian British Empire that never was, one man embarks on a fantastic mission that dates back to the first true king of Europe and that may determine the fate of the last true emperor of China–and the world.

    When Nigel Oldhall hires on to pilot a magic carpetship under the name of Enoch Jones, it seems the perfect way for him to travel without attracting attention. For the English nobleman has in his possession the two most powerful jewels in the universe. His mission is to return them to their shrine in deepest Africa, restoring order to the world–and to his life. But he doesn’t count on being attacked by Chinese pirates–or being held captive by a shape-shifting beauty…

    Daughter of the Dragon King, sister of the new True Emperor of All Under Heaven, Red Jade is also on a mission: to reclaim the royal status stolen from her family by invaders. Since their expulsion, they have ruled only a mystical shadow-realm. Now, with the jewels in her sight, Red Jade has the chance to rule all. But she soon finds herself, and Enoch, trapped in a scheme that may cause her to change loyalties–and discover her heart’s true destiny.

  • Статья написана 28 декабря 2008 г. 23:16

  • Пола Джонсон (Paula Johanson) — "Tower in the Crooked Wood"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман.
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    Аннотация: Jenia is magically transported from her island tribe to become a slave under vicious rule — but only for a day and a night. Jenia leaves her home to find the location of the Tower to try to free the dying slaves and comes across a village with a culture very different from her own.


  • Эдвард Лернер — "Fools' Experiments"

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    О книге: Научно-фантастический роман. Это посткиберпанк о кибернетической форме жизни, предназначенной для военных целей, которая распространилась через Интернет. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________

    Аннотация: We are not alone, and it’s our own damn fault ...

    Something demonic is stalking the brightest men and women in the computer industry. It attacks without warning or mercy, leaving its prey insane, comatose--or dead.

    Something far nastier than any virus, worm, or Trojan horse program is being evolved in laboratory confinement by well-intentioned but misguided researchers. When their artificial life-form escapes onto the Internet, no conventional defense against malicious software can begin to compete. As disasters multiply, computer scientist Doug Carey knows that unconventional measures may be civilization’s last hope.

    And that any artificial life-form learns very fast ….

  • Мария Лима (Maria Lima) — "Blood Bargain"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, вторая книга цикла "Blood Lines".
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    Аннотация: Keira Kelly is coming into her unexpected and unexpectedly awesome powers... and Rio Seco, Texas ain't ever gonna be the same! Keira just wants to be left alone without many responsibilities to her supernatural clan and, lately, spend some time with sexy Adam Walker — a vampire trying to get his brethren to give up human blood — on his luxurious Wild Moon ranch. But trouble and her paranormal family keep intruding — Gigi, Keira's great-great-grandmother and the chief of the clan has sent Tucker, Keira's 1,200-year-old shapeshifter brother to keep an eye on her!


  • Девон Монк (Devon Monk) — "Magic to the Bone"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, вторая книга цикла "Allie Beckstrom".
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    Аннотация: Using magic means it uses you back, and every spell exacts a price from its user. But some people get out of it by Offloading the cost of magic onto an innocent. Then it’s Allison Beckstrom’s job to identify the spell-caster. Allie would rather live a hand-to-mouth existence than accept the family fortune—and the strings that come with it. But when she finds a boy dying from a magical Offload that has her father’s signature all over it, Allie is thrown back into his world of black magic. And the forces she calls on in her quest for the truth will make her capable of things that some will do anything to control...


  • Энди Ремик (Andy Remic) — "BioHell"

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    О книге: Научно-фантастический роман, вторая часть цикла "Combat-K".
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    Аннотация: The Combat-K squad are back in this new novel by War Machine author Andy Remic. In BioHell they must battle a nano-generated zombie plague and try to uncover the cause of these deformed mutations. And soon their focus is on the darkness at the Nano-Tek corporation…


  • Денис Россетти (Denise Rossetti) -"The Flame and the Shadow"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, первая книга цикла "Four-Sided Pentacle series".
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    Аннотация: A sizzling new fantasy series from a hot new talent.

    Some are drawn to the light. Some are drawn to the dark. Some desire both…

    Grayson of Concordia, known on countless worlds as the Duke of Ombra, is a mercenary, a sorcerer of shadows—a man whose soul is consumed by darkness. For Gray, the bleak savagery in his heart is manifest in an entity he calls Shad. He has long resisted Shad’s enticements, but when he is hired to kidnap a fire witch, he seizes the chance to restore his soul—no matter the cost.

    Cenda’s heart is ash. Since the death of her precious baby daughter, life has lost all meaning for the fire witch. Slowly, she has worked to master her powers and go on living. But when she encounters Gray, her will is no match for her desire. But her love may not survive the terrible discovery of Gray’s betrayal…

  • Холли Блэк & Тэд Найфех (Ted Naifeh) — "The Good Neighbors, Book One: Kin"

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    О книге: Графическмй фэнтези-роман, первая книга цикла "The Good Neighbors". Холли Блэк известна российскому читателю как автор цикла "Спайдервик".
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    Аннотация: Naifeh's distinctive art complements the story nicely, capturing the angry-teen-meets-faerie mood just fine, with a gothic edge that's a pleasant change from the too-pretty manga so popular these days.


  • Дебора Честер (Deborah Chester) — "The Crown"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, вторая книга цикла "The Pearls and the Crown".
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    Аннотация: Deborah Chester, national bestselling author of the acclaimed fantasy trilogy The Sword, The Ring, and The Chalice, now concludes the riveting saga of a princess blessed by light…and a warrior consumed by darkness.


  • Карлос Кортес (Carlos Cortes) — Perfect Circle"

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    О книге: Научно-фантастический роман.
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    Аннотация: Set in the impenetrable jungles of the African Congo, this fast-paced debut tells the tale of a world poised for ecological crisis–and the secret that could save it. From corporate profiteers to the natives who’ve been expecting them, here is a story that asks if man and nature are fated to clash–or if the right man can break the cycle.

    Heir to a mining dynasty, geologist Paul Reece has chosen a simple life over the scheming opportunism of the International Mining Company. But when IMC approaches him about their mysterious discovery miles beneath the rain forest, Paul is compelled to set aside the sordid event that drove him from his legacy. For the project requires not only a brilliant engineer but one gutsy enough to descend 20,000 feet of solid rock–into the heart of a miracle. With Paul’s expertise, IMC can unearth a windfall–unless Paul decides to bury them first.

    But Paul isn’t alone in his quest. Congo’s mystics have prepared for this day. Paul doesn’t realize it yet, but he’s been chosen to pilot a mission that will decide the fate of humanity.

  • Эрик Флинт & Вирджиния Димарки (Virginia De Marce) — "1635: The Dreeson Incident"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, альтернативная история. Роман входит в цикл "Assiti Shards".
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    Аннотация: The Thirty Years War continues to ravage 17th century Europe, but a new force is gathering power and influence: the Confederated Principalities of Europe, an alliance between Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, and the West Virginians from the 20th century led by Mike Stearns who were hurled centuries into the past by a mysterious cosmic accident.

    While the old entrenched rulers and manipulators continue to plot against this new upstart nation, everyday life goes on in Grantville, the town lost in time, with librarians, firefighters, and garbage collectors trying to make do under unusual circumstances. And what better place for an undercover spy from France than working with the garbage collectors, examining 20th century machines that others throw out and copying the technology (though he wishes one device—the paper shredder—had been left behind in the future).

    There are more sinister agents at work, however. One of them, Ducos, almost succeeded in assassinating the Pope, but his plan was ruined by quick action by a few Americans. Now, the would-be assassin not only has a score to settle, but has also decided on two excellent targets: Grantville's leader Mike Stearns and his wife Rebecca. . . .

  • Статья написана 28 декабря 2008 г. 23:16

  • Памела Фриман (Pamela Freeman) — "Deep Water"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, вторая книга цикла "Castings".
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    Аннотация: Centuries ago, Acton and his people displaced the Travellers, the original inhabitants of the Eleven Domains. Now, Saker the enchanter is driven by this ancient rage. With the bones of his fallen ancestors and the blood from his own veins, he will raise armies of the dead to slake his revenge.

    But what really happened when Acton came through DeathPass a millennium ago? To find out, Bramble agrees to risk her life — and perhaps her soul — on a voyage of discovery. Will she find the simple answer she needs, or will her experiences shatter her deepest beliefs?

    Meanwhile, Ash, tormented by his past, must return to the Deep to find his father and uncover the Travellers' secret songs. He thought he had learnt all the ancient music. What has his father kept from him — and why?

    The truth, like all their destinies, is hidden in time and lies in deep water.

  • Стив Уайт — "Saint Antony's Fire"

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    О книге: Научно-фантастический роман, альтернативная история, где испанский конкистадор Понсе де Леон обнаруживает в Новом Свете инопланетные технологию, с помощью которых через 35 лет Непобедимая Армада завоевывает Британию.
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    Аннотация: In our universe, Ponce de León is remembered for his fruitless search for the mythical fountain of youth. But, in an alternate universe, his quest found something very different—and very dangerous.
    After his return to Spain, bizarre rumors flew about what he had found there, and what had come back with him.

    Eighty-five years later, Spain sent a fleet of ships against England. The English were confident that they could repel the threat—but England’s fleet was annihilated by weapons shooting beams of fiery light, weapons which seemed to employ the blackest of sorcery, even if they were wielded by odd-looking beings in monk’s garb.

    The Queen herself was forced to flee to the New World on Captain Thomas Winslow’s ship, Heron, accompanied by her advisor Dr. Dee, whom some called a sorcerer, and an odd fellow named Shakespeare, hoping there to find the source of Spain’s powerful weapons. But they would find far stranger matters there than they had expected, such as a grown woman who had been only an infant a year before, and eerie tales of a gate to another world with beings who were not human . . .

  • Антология "Better Off Undead"

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    О книге: Антология, состояшая из 18 рассказов, посвященных жизни вампиров, мумий и прочих бессмертных. Составители — Мартин Г. Гринберг и Дэниел Хойт.
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    Аннотация: Publisher: Eighteen original stories about the "lives" of the undead From vampires to mummy con artists, this lively collection explores the many forms the undead can take in stories that range from the chilling to the hysterical. There are those who people the Afterlife, others who wander the lands of the living in ghostly form, and even those who walk about in the flesh. For anyone who's ever wondered if the grass is greener on the other side of this mortal coil, this collection will provide a wide range of intriguing answers from those who are undead...and loving it!


  • Дерек Ганн (Derek Gunn) — "Vampire Apocalypse: Descent Into Chaos"

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    О книге: Роман ужасов, продолжение романа "Vampire Apocalypse: A World Torn Asunder" (2006).
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    Аннотация: The War is Over. The Vampires have Won. But a new campaign is about to begin. The first battle is over and Nero is dead. Now the human survivors will pull themselves from the ruins of their base to find that the world is a very different place outside Nero's territory. Nationally, the vampires have organized themselves into cabals but the scramble for power, raw materials and humans for their food, have led to an uneasy peace. Below the surface each state plots against the other and only the far-reaching power of the Vampire Council holds all-out war at bay. Now their control is slipping. And Peter Harris and his team have a plan that might just push them over the edge.


  • Лора Рив (Laura Reeve) — "Peacekeeper"

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    О книге: Научно-фантастический роман, дебютный роман автора. Первый роман цикла "Major Ariane Kedros".
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    Аннотация: Fifteen years ago, Ariane Kedros piloted a ship on a mission that obliterated an entire solar system. Branded a war criminal, she was given a new identity and a new life in order to protect her from retribution.

    But now, twelve of Ariane’s wartime colleagues are dead— assassinated by someone who has uncovered their true identities. And her superiors in the Autonomist army have placed her directly in the assassin’s line of fire on a peacekeeping mission that will decide the fate of all humanity…


  • Джон Закур — "The Flaxen Femme Fatale"

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    О книге: Юмористический научно-фантастический роман, шестой роман цикла "Zach". В России выходил первый роман этого цикла — "Плутониевая блондинка".
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    Аннотация: The last freelance P.I. on earth, Zach Johnson has been hired to track down a young beauty who happens to be a deadly secret weapon for the World Council. Figuring girls just want to have fun, he follows Natasha to various vacation destinations, but she eludes him, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake.

    Zach, however, isn’t surprised to discover that things aren’t what they seem, and to save the world, he’s going to have to find a way to team up with the woman he’s supposed to destroy...

  • Статья написана 23 декабря 2008 г. 12:39

    Генри Лайон Олди, Андрей Валентинов — "Механизм Времени" (серия "Стрела Времени")

    Аннотация: Это было время Фарадея, Ома, Эрстеда и Вольта — мужей науки, еще не ставших единицами измерения. Это было время Калиостро, Сен-Жермена, Юнга-Молчаливого и Элифаса Леви—магов и шарлатанов, прославленных и безвестных. Ракеты Конгрева падали на Копенгаген, Европа помнила железную руку Наполеона, прятался в тени запрещенный орден иллюминатов; в Китае назревала Опиумная война. В далеком будущем тихо булькал лабиринт-лаборатория, решая судьбу человечества: от троглодитов до метаморфов. И крутились шестеренки Механизма Времени — двойной спирали веков. Мистика против науки — кто кого?

    Комментарий: Первая часть романа-эпопеи "Алюмен".


    А. Ли Мартинес — "Хроники Людоедского отряда" (серия "Век Дракона")

    Аннотация: Людоедский отряд — весьма колоритная боевая команда. В ней служат великаны и тролли, гоблины, сирены и даже суровые амазонки. Каждый из них уж и сам по себе хорош, а вместе — и вовсе нечто чудовищное!
    На пьянство, разгул и разгильдяйство наемников еще можно как-то смотреть сквозь пальцы — специфика профессии у них такая. Но вот привычку воинов убивать непонравившихся командиров начальство никак простить не может! Что делать? Разогнать отряд? Жалко... Может быть, лучше поступить похитрее? Почесав в затылке, штаб приходит к сенсационному решению — назначить «людоедам» нового командира — лихого офицера по прозвищу Вечно Живой Нэд, обладающего даром бессмертия...

    Мэри Дженис Дэвидсон — "Проклятие Дерика" (серия "Холод страха")

    Аннотация: Жизнь волка-оборотня трудна, а порою полна и вполне реальных опасностей. Охотники, силы Света, экзорцисты разного уровня...
    Впрочем, к этому-то обычный вервольф уже кое-как привык. Научился справляться помаленьку.
    А вот с высокой миссией, внезапно рухнувшей на его плечи, справиться будет не так просто.
    Найти и уничтожить реинкарнацию самой феи Морганы, дабы предотвратить тем самым грядущую гибель мира... легко ли?
    Дерик в жизни не убивал женщин
    Он их даже не кусал!
    И теперь он отправляется на поиски нового воплощения злокозненной царицы тьмы, совершенно не настроенный на кровавую бойню.
    Нет. Настоящий современный вервольф действует цивилизованно...

    Комментарий: Роман входит в цикл "Wyndham Werewolf".

    Нил Гейман, Майкл Ривз — "Интермир"

    Аннотация: По следу Джои Харкера идут загадочные охотники двух параллельных миров, в одном из которых правит наука, а в другом — магия. Эти гигантские империи давно воюют между собой. И главная их надежда на победу — Джои Харкер, обладающий удивительным даром, о котором и сам еще не подозревает. Даром странствовать между мирами…

    Комментарий: Книга вышла в двух разных оформлениях.

    Глен Кук — "Черный Отряд" (серия "Библиотека мировой фантастики")

    Аннотация: Наемникам наплевать — на чьей стороне сражаться. Согласно меткой пословице, за золото они готовы идти хоть на всадников Апокалипсиса. Однако для лихих парней из Черного Отряда эта пословица неожиданно становится реальностью… Их нанимают не короли, не графы — великие маги и чернокнижники. Они сражаются то на стороне Света, то на стороне Тьмы, и противники их — не только люди, но демоны, монстры и даже древние боги… Смерть? Опасность?
    Наплевать. Наемники издавна торгуют собственной кровью. А страх перед высшими силами и вовсе неведом лучшим «солдатам удачи» мира!

    Комментарий: Переиздание. Содержание книги: "Черный Отряд" (роман), "Тени сгущаются" (роман), "Белая роза" (роман), "Игра теней" (роман). Все произведения входят в цикл "Хроники Черного Отряда".

    Юлия Остапенко — "Лютый остров" (серия "Заклятые миры")

    Аннотация: Что-то неладно в мире "меча и магии". В Даланае, стране славных воинов, смелых князей и всезнающих волхвов, жители таинственного острова Салхан страдают от древнего проклятия — и не избыть его, покуда не явится на остров таинственный пришелец из иных земель… В гордой Альбигейе, земле рыцарей, клириков и прекрасных дам, всемогущие инквизиторы Бога Кричащего, носящие на груди магическую татуировку — Обличье, заливают страну кровью, посылая на суд и казнь все новых еретиков и ведьм…
    В славном граде Кремене суровый отец велит юноше взять в жены деву, которую молва ославила ведьмой, — и молодому супругу приходится поневоле выстаивать в бесконечной борьбе с наводимыми ею чарами… А далеко на Востоке, в пышной и жестокой Фарии, начинается история долгой и неизбывной вражды воина из личной охраны паши и загадочного убийцы — ассасина, — вражды, что прекратится тогда лишь, когда примет смерть один из недругов… Разные то земли. Далек путь от одной до других. Но Зло — хитрое, многоликое — не знает расстояний, как не знает их и Добро…

    Комментарий: С содержанием книги можно ознакомиться здесь. Книга вышла в двух разных оформлениях.

    Людмила Макарова — "Планета Миражей" (серия "Звездный лабиринт")

    Аннотация: Некогда Рэджинальд Гардон считался одним из лучших капитанов Галактики. Но теперь его легендарного звездолета «Моника» больше нет. Многие члены экипажа мертвы, другие пошли собственными дорогами — а сам Рэджинальд только что вернулся из госпиталя.
    Отныне космос должен стать для капитана Гардона лишь воспоминанием? Но неожиданно Служба космической безопасности предлагает ему новую работу — работу, о которой можно только мечтать.
    Ему снова предстоит вернуться в космос и снова увидеть полную приключений Планету Миражей…

    Комментарий: Продолжение романа "Близкие звезды". Также роман вышел в серии "Боевая фантастика".


    Филип Этанс — "Уничтожение" (серия "Забытые королевства" (Forgotten Realms))

    Аннотация: Таинственная и могущественная организация стоит за нападением на Мензоберранзан. Пользуясь молчанием богини Ллос, она делает все, чтобы разрушить город, как это уже случилось с Чед Насадом. Сражения идут повсюду — и в Подземье, и в невидимых сферах. Тем временем отряд темных эльфов продолжает свой путь к Паучьей Королеве. Преодолевая невероятные трудности, дроу неуклонно движутся к своей цели. Однако если богиня Ллос и молчит, это не значит, что она бездействует. Теперь уже не только дроу желают видеть свою повелительницу, сама Паучья Королева призывает их к себе. Но не всем суждено добраться живыми до вожделенной цели.

    Комментарий: Пятый роман цикла «Война Паучьей Королевы», который входит в межавторский цикл «Забытые королевства».

    Пол Кемп — "Возвращение" (серия "Забытые королевства" (Forgotten Realms))

    Аннотация: Война Паучьей Королевы подходит к концу. Богиня Ллос прервала свое затянувшееся молчание и вернула силу жрицам-дроу. Теперь она ждет Избранную, чтобы завершить воплощение и вернуть всю полноту власти. Тем временем отряд темных эльфов неуклонно приближается к цели своего долгого и опасного путешествия — к Вечной Паутине Ллос. Три жрицы готовы на все, чтобы добраться до богини, однако цели у них разные. Но Ллос не была бы богиней Хаоса, если бы позволила предугадать свои планы.

    Комментарий: Шестой роман цикла «Война Паучьей Королевы», который входит в межавторский цикл «Забытые королевства».


    Валерио Эванджелисти — "Маг. Книга 2. Обман" (серия "Книга-загадка. Дневник Мага")

    Аннотация: ХVI век. В Европе бесчинствуют четыре всадника Апокалипсиса, неся с собой ужасы войны, чумы, голода и братоубийственной ненависти. Кажется, что грядет конец света. Итолько Мишель Нострадамус знает, сколько еще испытаний выпадет на долю человечества. Его имя окружено пеленой тайны. Он видит сквозь барьеры времени, предсказания его с пугающей точностью сбываются и в ХХI веке. «Обман»—вторая книга романа В. Эванджелисти «Маг», в которой пророк Мишель Нострадамус обретает всеевропейскую славу. Его окружают могущественные друзья и не менее влиятельные враги. Его преследуют князья церкви и инквизиция. Нострадамусу надо проявлять предельную острожность, чтобы избежать обвинений в ереси и в том, что он общается с существами из потустороннего мира. Поможет ли ему его чудесный и зловещий дар?

    Комментарий: Второй роман цикла «Маг».


    Количество подписчиков: 73

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