How often do you read books ...

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  How often do you read books in English

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Ссылка на сообщение 18 июня 2020 г. 16:00  
wow, thank you for your coment! I wanted to read it too, now I know that I can read it even in English!


Ссылка на сообщение 24 июля 2020 г. 22:59  
What is it about, in a nutshell?:-D


Ссылка на сообщение 23 сентября 2020 г. 10:02  
I started to read Harry Potter's book. it is seemed interesting


Ссылка на сообщение 18 октября 2020 г. 08:54  
Well, in my case English is my first language, so I usually read in English. But lately I have been reading Gennady Smolin's book on Bulgakov only in Russian.


Ссылка на сообщение 18 октября 2020 г. 08:57  

цитата Кечуа

Hello. As for me, I read some fairy-tales in English. Now I'm going to read more serious book in English. But my language isn't enough good to read very complicated book. What would you advise me?

Get a copy of the English book and also a copy of the Russian book and then read one and then another, like paragraph by paragraph.

Otherwise if you just want something simple in English, Mark Twain's books are classics and he has them in short story form.


Ссылка на сообщение 18 октября 2020 г. 08:57  

цитата Cobby

I started to read Harry Potter's book. it is seemed interesting

Harry Potter's books seem to have occult allusions.


Ссылка на сообщение 30 мая 2021 г. 16:05  
Rarely. I read only my favorite prose in English language. For the rest, I read in Russian language.
26 августа уезжаю в Пекин. Надолго.
Лицензированные в России BL/даньмэй-новеллы — издательствам я не спонсирую.


Ссылка на сообщение 13 июня 2021 г. 21:05  
I've been reading nothing but in English for several years now, since I often cannot wait for a translation to be published. Besides, the originals are mostly way better than their translations. Now I'm addicted :D


Ссылка на сообщение 28 июля 2021 г. 12:29  
Still i have no one book readen, but i have a plan read something


Ссылка на сообщение 28 июля 2021 г. 21:17  
I'd advise you to read not complicated books.
В таксономическом единстве


Ссылка на сообщение 17 ноября 2021 г. 22:12  
Until now I've read only in Russian but recently I've decided to try myself at reading in English, besides a tale I wanted to read wasn't published Russian then. And I've already read two stories and am reading third. And I have to say I feel great since I have an opportunity to read what hasn't published yet. And an author I'm reading now, Joe Lansdale, has written a new story of series of Jebidiah Mercer this year and it definitely won't be published Russian in short time. In these cases I read in English and am glad that I'm able to do that.
No better to be safe than sorry


Ссылка на сообщение 16 декабря 2021 г. 11:33  
I started to buy books in English regularly in 2021. I really like buying from Bookdepositary and waiting until it arrives because I know I can find all cycles from there. I have started with "Saxon Chronicles" Cornwell. I have read 5 books out of 13 now. I have bought 1 book ranobe Re:Zero. Also I have bought the next book of Harrington cycle that I have read previously from the phone. I plan to buy also a Malazan cycle. The high price of the book and practicing English motivates me to read.


Ссылка на сообщение 12 июля 2022 г. 11:32  
I've switched to English only while reading and watching TV series for the sake of entertainment. It's rather difficult otherwise to keep yourself immersed in the 2nd language. Russia is pretty xenophobic. It goes backwards in time, even the lingua franca of modern society has no chances here.


Ссылка на сообщение вчера в 03:00  
At this moment I'm reading in english. Main reason it's realy hard to understand what is available for reading in english. In russian it's amost imossible. Market is not dead yet but it is definitely almost there.
So at this moment I'm reading chinese web-novels in english. It's crazy..
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