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 | Drew Struzan, Dylan Struzan№719
Drew Struzan: Oeuvre иллюстрированный альбом, 2011 год Описание: Hardbound edition of Drew Struzan's works, ranging from movie posters to album covers, collectibles, and book covers. Book design by Drew Struzan, with text by his wife Dylan Struzan. | |
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 | №732
Fiction 2000: Cyberpunk and the Future of Narrative сборник, 1992 год Описание: Non-fiction, criticism, a collection of 17 essays and one multiple-author interview concerning cyberpunk and the future of narrative fiction. Essays from an international symposium on the nature of fiction at the end of the twentieth century, held in Leeds, England, between June 28 and July 1, 1989. Computer illustration by Lanny Webb. | |
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 | Marjorie Hope Nicolson№742
Voyages to the Moon авторская книга, 1960 год Описание: A history of speculative voyages to the moon, and other «celestial voyages», including subterranean voyages, ''Alice in Wonderland'', etc. Includes a bibliography of 133 speculative works from before 1800. Cover design by Leo Manso. | |
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 | Майкл Уайт№745
Толкиен: Биография авторская книга, 2013 год Описание: 2-е издание. Иллюстрация на обложке на основе фотографии Стоунхенджа от Keawpiko, он же Pitcha Torranin (в издании не указано). | |
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