Fiction 2000 Cyberpunk and ...

«Fiction 2000: Cyberpunk and the Future of Narrative»

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Fiction 2000: Cyberpunk and the Future of Narrative

первое издание

Язык издания: английский

Составители: ,

Athens (GA): University of Georgia Press, 1992 г.

Тираж: не указан

ISBN: 0-8203-1449-8

Тип обложки: мягкая

Формат: другой

Страниц: 312


Non-fiction, criticism, a collection of 17 essays and one multiple-author interview concerning cyberpunk and the future of narrative fiction.

Essays from an international symposium on the nature of fiction at the end of the twentieth century, held in Leeds, England, between June 28 and July 1, 1989.

Computer illustration by Lanny Webb.


  1. George Slusser. Introduction: Fiction as Information, с. 1-14
  2. Part 1: The Movement: Forward or Backward?
    1. Lewis Shiner. Inside the Movement: Past, Present, and Future (статья), с. 17-25
    2. Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr. Futuristic Flu, or, The Revenge of the Future (статья), с. 26-45
    3. George Slusser. The Frankenstein Barrier (статья), с. 46-71
  3. Part 2: The Question of Tradition: Cyberpunk and Science Fiction
    1. Paul Alkon. Deus Ex Machina in William Gibson's Cyberpunk Trilogy (статья), с. 75-87
    2. Gary Westfahl. «The Gernsback Continuum»: William Gibson in the Context of Science Fiction (статья), с. 88-108
    3. Carol McGuirk. The «New» Romancers: Science Fiction Innovators from Gernsback to Gibson (статья), с. 109-129
  4. Part 3: The Question of Newness: Cyberpunk and Postmodernism
    1. John Huntington. Newness, Neuromancer, and the End of Narrative (статья), с. 133-141
    2. Lance Olsen. Cyberpunk and the Crisis of Postmodernity (статья), с. 142-152
    3. Brooks Landon. Not What It Used to Be: The Overloading of Memory in Digital Narrative (статья), с. 153-167
  5. Part 4: The Question of Generic Identity: The Cyberpunk "Canon"
    1. John Christie. Of AIs and Others: William Gibson's Transit (статья), с. 171-182
    2. Robert Donahoo, Chuck Etheridge. Lewis Shiner and the «Good» Anarchist (статья), с. 183-190
    3. Frances Bonner. Separate Development: Cyberpunk in Film and TV (статья), с. 191-207
    4. Tom Shippey. Semiotic Ghosts and Ghostliness in the Work of Bruce Sterling (статья), с. 208-220
  6. Part 5: The New Metaphoricity: The Future of Fiction
    1. Gregory Benford. Science Fiction, Rhetoric, and Realties: Words to the Critic (статья), с. 223-229
    2. Ruth Curl. The Metaphors of Cyberpunk: Ontology, Epistemology, and Science Fiction (статья), с. 230-245
    3. David Porush. Frothing the Synaptic Bath: What Puts the Punk in Cyberpunk? (статья), с. 246-261
    4. Eric S. Rabkin. Undecidability and Oxymoronism (статья), с. 262-278
    5. Terri Frongia, Alida Allison. «We're on the Eve of 2000»: Writers and Critics Speak Out on Cyberpunk, HyperCard, and the (New?) Nature of Narrative [коллективное интервью с участниками конференции], с. 279-292
  7. Contributors, с. 293-294
  8. Index, с. 295-303


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