Язык издания: английский
Составители: Lillian Stewart Carl, John Helfers
Riverdale: Baen Books, 2010 г. (сентябрь)
Тираж: не указан
ISBN: 978-1-4391-3379-8
Тип обложки:
Формат: другой
Страниц: 688
Cover art by Darrell K. Sweet.
A guide to the Vorkosiverse. It includes a preface, seventeen articles divided into five Parts and three appendices (a combination of essay, charts, and graphs). This work provides almost more than a reader would want to know about Miles Vorkosigan, his relatives, his friends, his world, his fans and his author.
- Copyrights, c. ix-x
- Lois McMaster Bujold. Preface: «Gosh, is it midnight already?» (статья), c. 1-3
- Part One: Creator of the Vorkosiverse
- Lois McMaster Bujold. Putting It Together: Life, the Vorkosiverse, and Everything (статья), c. 7-41
- Lois McMaster Bujold, Lillian Stewart Carl. A Conversation with Lois McMaster Bujold (интервью), c. 42-90
- Lois McMaster Bujold. Publishing, Writing, and Authoring: Three Different Things (статья), c. 91-109
- John Helfers, Toni Weisskopf. A Conversation with Toni Weisskopf (интервью), c. 110-116
- Part Two: Aspects of the Vorkosiverse
- Mary Jo Putney. Romance in the Vorkosiverse (статья), c. 119-125
- Tora K. Smulders-Srinivasan, Ph.D. Biology in the Vorkosiverse and Today (статья), c. 126-140
- Ed Burkhead. «What's the Worst Thing I Can Do to This Character?»: Technology of the Vorkosiverse (статья), c. 141-162
- Part Three: Appreciations
- Lillian Stewart Carl. Through Darkest Adolescence with Lois McMaster Bujold, or Thank You, But I Already Have a Life (статья), c. 165-173
- James A. McMaster. Foreword to Falling Free (статья), c. 174-190
- James Bryant. Foreword to Shards of Honor (статья), c. 191-195
- Douglas Muir. "More Than the Sum of His Parts": Foreword to The Warrior's Apprentice (статья), c. 196-201
- Marna Nightingale. Foreword to Ethan of Athos (статья), c. 202-212
- Part Four: The Fans
- Marna Nightingale. Come for the Bujold, Stay for the Beer: Science Fiction Writers as Occasions of Fandom (статья), c. 215-225
- Part Five: The Vorkosiverse Itself
- Suford Lewis. A Pronunciation Guide to the Vorkosigan Universe (энциклопедия/справочник), c. 229-273
- Denise Little. An Old Earther's Guide to the Vorkosigan Universe (энциклопедия/справочник), c. 274-292
- John Helfers. The Vorkosigan Saga Novel Summaries (энциклопедия/справочник), c. 293-340
- John Helfers, Ed Burkhead, Kerrie Hughes. The Vorkosigan Saga Concordance (энциклопедия/справочник), c. 341-630
- Appendices
- Appendix I. A Map of the Vorkosigan Universe
- Suford Lewis, Crystal Carroll. Topology of the Wormhole Nexus (энциклопедия/справочник), c. 633-635
- Appendix II. Timelines of the Vorkosigan Saga
- Suford Lewis. Timelines (энциклопедия/справочник), c. 636-643
- Appendix III. A Brief Guide to Barrayaran Genealogy
- Suford Lewis. Some Barrayaran Genealogy (энциклопедия/справочник), c. 644-656
- Lois McMaster Bujold. Cryoburn (отрывок), c. 657-678
Размер книги: 10,3х17 см.
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