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The Ghost Pirates and Other Revenants of the Sea: The Collected Fiction of William Hope Hodgson vol. 3

Сборник, год

В произведение входит: по порядкупо годупо рейтингу

7.79 (152)
10 отз.
  • The Phantom Ship  [= "The Silent Ship Tells How Jessop Was Picked Up", "The Silent Ship"] (1973)  
  • Stories of the Sea
6.68 (48)
1 отз.
7.94 (185)
10 отз.
7.62 (45)
2 отз.
6.32 (56)
1 отз.
7.53 (30)
1 отз.
7.87 (117)
4 отз.
8.25 (4)
6.00 (1)
  • Revenants, or Posthumously Published Stories of the Sea
6.52 (38)
1 отз.
7.61 (36)
2 отз.
7.00 (2)
7.00 (1)
6.00 (10)
6.33 (9)
  • A Note on the Texts

Издания: ВСЕ (1)

Издания на иностранных языках:

The Ghost Pirates and Other Revenants of the Sea: The Collected Fiction of William Hope Hodgson vol. 3
2005 г.


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