Издательство «Random House»Год открытия: 1925 Описание:The flagship imprint of Random House, Inc., the Random House Publishing Group had its origins in 1925 when Bennett Cerf and Donald Klopfer, two New Yorkers in their mid-twenties, acquired a line of classics and contemporary American works called The Modern Library from publisher Horace Liveright. The company assumed the name Random House two years later, in 1927, when Cerf and Klopfer decided to publish a few books on the side, «at random.» Участвует в |
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Всего изданий:
262Внесерийные издания
A Parade of Cockeyed Creatures, Or Did someone murder our wandering boy?
1967 год
Описание: Cover art by Howard Bernstein, design by Anthea LingemanEscape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library
2013 год
Описание: Book 1 in the "Mr. Lemoncello's Library" series.Cover art by Gilbert Ford.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream
1972 год
Описание: Illustrations by Ralph Steadman