Редьярд Джозеф Киплинг Just ...

Редьярд Джозеф Киплинг «Just So Stories»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:

Редьярд Джозеф Киплинг

Just So Stories

авторский сборник

Язык издания: английский

London: Macmillan Children's Books, 2016 г.

ISBN: 9781509805587

Тип обложки: мягкая

Формат: 84x108/32 (130x200 мм)

Страниц: 240


  1. Rudyard Kipling. How the Whale got his Throat (сказка)
  2. Rudyard Kipling. How the Camel got his Hump (сказка)
  3. Rudyard Kipling. How the Rhinoceros got his Skin (сказка)
  4. Rudyard Kipling. How the Leopard got his Spots (сказка)
  5. Rudyard Kipling. The Elephant's Child (сказка)
  6. Rudyard Kipling. The Sing-Song of Old Man Kangaroo (сказка)
  7. Rudyard Kipling. The Beginning of the Armadilloes (сказка)
  8. Rudyard Kipling. How the First Letter was Written (сказка)
  9. Rudyard Kipling. How the Alphabet was Made (сказка)
  10. Rudyard Kipling. The Tabu Tale (сказка)
  11. Rudyard Kipling. The Crab that Played with the Sea (сказка)
  12. Rudyard Kipling. The Cat that Walked by Himself (сказка)
  13. Rudyard Kipling. The Butterfly that Stamped (сказка)
  14. Rudyard Kipling. Ham and the Porcupine (сказка)

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