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 | Hayley Campbell№1055
The Art of Neil Gaiman авторская книга, 2014 год Описание: Nonfiction study of Neil Gaiman and his work, with insight from Gaiman’s personal notebooks, early work, and abandoned projects. Gaiman provides commentary, interview text, and annotations. Cover design by Alastair Campbell. Cover photo by Allan Amato. | |
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 | Ian Miller, Tom Whyte№1058
The Art of Ian Miller иллюстрированный альбом, 2014 год Описание: A tremendous compilation of work from an artist with a truly unique and important voice. Featuring over 300 pieces of artwork. Tom Whyte appears on the cover only; NO names appear on either the Title or faux-Title pages. All the text is written in the first person, so obviously by Miller; it is unclear what the credit to Whyte signifies. Cover art by Ian Miller. | |
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 | Richard E. Ziegfeld№1062
Stanislaw Lem авторская книга, 1985 год Описание: This book has a brief, one-chapter biography, and the rest is literary criticism on Lem's work up to 1985. Jacket design by Darby Downey. | |
 | Damon Knight№1063
Creating Short Fiction авторская книга, 1986 год Описание: Revised second edition. Second printing. Distilled from decades of teaching and practice, book offers no-nonsense advice on structure, pacing, dialogue, getting ideas, and much more. It includes examples and exercises that have proved their extraordinary effectiveness in classrooms and workshops everywhere. Book design by Barron Krody. Illustration by Paul Oliver and Damon Knight. | |
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 | William Gibson№1077
Distrust That Particular Flavor авторский сборник, 2012 год Описание: Non-fiction, a collection of 26 pieces on a variety of topics. All pieces followed by new, untitled afterwords. Jacket design by Lisa Amoroso. | |
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 | Forrest J. Ackerman№1079
Worlds of Tomorrow: The Amazing Universe of Science Fiction Art авторская книга, 2004 год Описание: Wonderful and nostalgic look back at science fiction art of the golden age of pulp magazines and science fiction books. Includes more than 300 classic international science fiction paperback, pulp, and book covers, along with running anecdotes from both Ackerman and Linaweaver. Cover artist is not credited. No visible signature. The illustration is from Startling Stories, July 1939, there credited to Howard V. Brown. | |
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 | Д. Ванюков, В. Шафоростова№1084
Бессмертие авторская книга, 2010 год Описание: В оформлении обложки использована картина Henri Fantin Latour «Immortality» («Бессмертие»), 1889 г. (в книге не указано). Оформление художника А. Балашовой. | |
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 | John Landis№1092
Monsters in the Movies: 100 Years of Cinematic Nightmares авторская книга, 2011 год Описание: The history of movie monsters from the silent era to today. A lavish collection of hundreds of amazing pictures and the interviews with Joe Dante, Sam Raimi, John Carpenter, Ray Harryhausen, Guillermo Del Toro, Rick Baker, Christopher Lee and David Cronenberg. Cover art not credited. | |
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 | Сергей Шикарев№1094
13 авторский сборник, 2015 год Описание: Сборник критики и публицистики за тринадцать лет работы в журналах «Если» и «Мир Фантастики». Художник не указан. | |
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 | Вера Калицкая№1096
Моя жизнь с Александром Грином: Воспоминания. Письма 2010 год Описание: В книгу вошли мемуары Веры Павловны Калицкой, первой жены Александра Грина. В настоящее издание впервые включен полный текст мемуаров, помещена избранная переписка Веры Павловны с Александром и Ниной Грин. Большая часть писем публикуется впервые. На обложке: фотопортреты Веры и Александра Гриневских (1910 г.). | |
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