Итак, цитата номер раз —
«There's no cake under my pillow,« he said.
«You don't understand poetry,« said Dunno. «Of course there's no cake there. I just said there was for the sake of the rhyme. I've written a poem about Dr. Pillman too.»
«We've got to put a stop to this, friends,« cried Dr. Pillman. «Are we to stand calmly by and let him go on telling fibs about us?»
Nikolai Nosov. The Adventures Of Dunno And His Friends
И цитата номер два —
INTERVIEWER: ... I suppose that your first important discovery, Dr. Pillman, was the celebrated Pillman radiant?
DR. PILLMAN: I wouldn’t say so. The Pillman radiant wasn’t my first discovery, it wasn’t important, and, strictly speaking, it wasn’t a discovery. It’s not entirely mine either.
Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. Roadside Picnic
Радиант Пилюлькина — это, я считаю, просто прелесть...