fantlab ru

Авторские книги (12):

Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 13
1994 г.
Лунный ад
2001 г.
Из мрака ночи
2016 г.
Лунный ад
2020 г.
Из мрака ночи
2020 г.
Путь черной звезды
2020 г.
Острова в космосе
2021 г.
Путь чёрной звезды
2021 г.
Лунный ад
2021 г.
Из мрака ночи
2022 г.
Ледяной ад
2023 г.
Ледяной ад
2023 г.

Антологии и сборники (18):

Через Солнечную сторону
1971 г.
И грянул гром…
1976 г.
Пасынки Вселенной
1989 г.
Американская фантастика / American science fiction
1989 г.
1990 г.
Обнаженное солнце
1990 г.
Американская фантастика XX века
1990 г.
1990 г.
Звезды американской фантастики
1991 г.
Поединок разумов
1991 г.
Одинокий Адам
1992 г.
Американская фантастика ХХ века
1992 г.
Космическая чума
1993 г.
1995 г.
Антология мировой фантастики. Том 6. Контакт. Столкновение
2003 г.
Антология мировой фантастики. Том 2. Машина времени
2003 г.
Звездное наследие
2005 г.
До золотого века. Том 2
2023 г.

Периодика (5):

Le Zombie, 56, 1944, January
1944 г.
Публикатор № 1 1990
1990 г.
Миры/Worlds 01’1995
1995 г.
Если № 7, июль 1999
1999 г.
Астра Нова: альманах фантастики № 1, 2016
2016 г.

Самиздат и фэнзины (18):

Селена № 1
1989 г.
До золотого века
2017 г.
Венец эволюции
2017 г.
Невероятная планета
2017 г.
Похитители мыслей
2017 г.
До золотого века
2018 г.
До золотого века
2020 г.
До Золотого века. Том 2
2022 г.
Невероятная планета
2023 г.
Невероятная планета
2023 г.
Похитители мыслей
2023 г.
Ледяной ад
2023 г.
Похитители мыслей
2023 г.
Венец эволюции
2023 г.
Венец эволюции
2023 г.
Реквием по Astounding
2024 г.
Мёртвое знание
2024 г.
Батарея ненависти
2024 г.

Аудиокниги (3):

Тёмные аллеи №17. Тёмные аллеи в кино
2011 г.
Старая добрая Сай Фай
2011 г.
2016 г.

Электронные издания (1):

Айзек Азимов представляет великие научно-фантастические рассказы 1939
2024 г.

Издания на иностранных языках (357):

Science Wonder Stories, July 1929
1929 г.
Amazing Stories, January 1930
1930 г.
Amazing Stories, March 1930
1930 г.
Amazing Stories, May 1930
1930 г.
Amazing Stories Quarterly, Summer 1930
1930 г.
Amazing Stories, September 1930
1930 г.
Amazing Stories Quarterly, Fall 1930
1930 г.
Amazing Stories, November 1930
1930 г.
Amazing Stories Quarterly, Spring 1931
1931 г.
Wonder Stories, January 1932
1932 г.
Wonder Stories, April 1932
1932 г.
Wonder Stories, December 1932
1932 г.
Amazing Stories Quarterly, Spring-Summer 1932
1932 г.
Astounding Stories, November 1934
1934 г.
Astounding Stories, December 1934
1934 г.
Astounding Stories, May 1935
1935 г.
Astounding Stories, August 1935
1935 г.
Astounding Stories, February 1935
1935 г.
Astounding Stories, March 1935
1935 г.
Astounding Stories, April 1935
1935 г.
Astounding Stories, June 1935
1935 г.
Astounding Stories, October 1935
1935 г.
Astounding Stories, January 1935
1935 г.
Astounding Stories, July 1936
1936 г.
Astounding Stories, June 1936
1936 г.
Astounding Stories, August 1936
1936 г.
Astounding Stories, September 1936
1936 г.
Astounding Stories, October 1936
1936 г.
Astounding Stories, November 1936
1936 г.
Astounding Stories, December 1936
1936 г.
Astounding Stories, May 1936
1936 г.
Thrilling Wonder Stories, December 1936
1936 г.
Astounding Stories, April 1937
1937 г.
Astounding Stories, May 1937
1937 г.
Astounding Stories, June 1937
1937 г.
Astounding Stories, July 1937
1937 г.
Astounding Stories, August 1937
1937 г.
Astounding Stories, September 1937
1937 г.
Astounding Stories, January 1937
1937 г.
Astounding Stories, October 1937
1937 г.
Astounding Stories, February 1937
1937 г.
Astounding Stories, November 1937
1937 г.
Astounding Stories, March 1937
1937 г.
Thrilling Wonder Stories, August 1937
1937 г.
Thrilling Wonder Stories, October 1937
1937 г.
Thrilling Wonder Stories, December 1937
1937 г.
Astounding Stories, December 1937
1937 г.
Thrilling Wonder Stories, October 1938
1938 г.
Astounding Stories, January 1938
1938 г.
Astounding Stories, February 1938
1938 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, March 1938
1938 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, April 1938
1938 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, May 1938
1938 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, June 1938
1938 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, July 1938
1938 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, August 1938
1938 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, September 1938
1938 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, November 1938
1938 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, December 1938
1938 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, March 1939
1939 г.
Thrilling Wonder Stories, October 1939
1939 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, January 1939
1939 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, February 1939
1939 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, April 1939
1939 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, May 1939
1939 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, June 1939
1939 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, July 1939
1939 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, August 1939
1939 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, September 1939
1939 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, October 1939
1939 г.
Unknown, November 1939
1939 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, November 1939
1939 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, December 1939
1939 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, February 1940
1940 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, November 1940
1940 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, January 1940
1940 г.
Spaceways, March 1940
1940 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, March 1940
1940 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, April 1940
1940 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, May 1940
1940 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, June 1940
1940 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, July 1940
1940 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, August 1940
1940 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, September 1940
1940 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, October 1940
1940 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, December 1940
1940 г.
Unknown Fantasy Fiction, April 1941
1941 г.
Bizarre, January 1941
1941 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, January 1941
1941 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, February 1941
1941 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, March 1941
1941 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, April 1941
1941 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, May 1941
1941 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, June 1941
1941 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, July 1941
1941 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, August 1941
1941 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, September 1941
1941 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, October 1941
1941 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, November 1941
1941 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, December 1941
1941 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, January 1942
1942 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, February 1942
1942 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, March 1942
1942 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, April 1942
1942 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, May 1942
1942 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, June 1942
1942 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, July 1942
1942 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, August 1942
1942 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, September 1942
1942 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, October 1942
1942 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, November 1942
1942 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, December 1942
1942 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, January 1943
1943 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, February 1943
1943 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, March 1943
1943 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, April 1943
1943 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, May 1943
1943 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, June 1943
1943 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, July 1943
1943 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, August 1943
1943 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, September 1943
1943 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, October 1943
1943 г.
Unknown Worlds, October 1943
1943 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, November 1943
1943 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, December 1943
1943 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, November 1944
1944 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, December 1944
1944 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, January 1944
1944 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, February 1944
1944 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, March 1944
1944 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, April 1944
1944 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, May 1944
1944 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, June 1944
1944 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, July 1944
1944 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, August 1944
1944 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, September 1944
1944 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, October 1944
1944 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, February 1945
1945 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, July 1945
1945 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, January 1945
1945 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, May 1945
1945 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, June 1945
1945 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, August 1945
1945 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, October 1945
1945 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, November 1945
1945 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, March 1945
1945 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, September 1945
1945 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, April 1945
1945 г.
Adventures in Time and Space
1946 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, February 1946
1946 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, January 1946
1946 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, March 1946
1946 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, April 1946
1946 г.
Venus Equilateral
1947 г.
Of Worlds Beyond
1947 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, January 1948
1948 г.
Who Goes There?
1948 г.
From Unknown Worlds
1948 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, October 1948
1948 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, November 1948
1948 г.
«Astounding Science Fiction», January 1949
1949 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, February 1949
1949 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, March 1949
1949 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, March 1950
1950 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, August 1950
1950 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, November 1950
1950 г.
The Moon Is Hell
1951 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, May 1951
1951 г.
1951 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, January 1951
1951 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, April 1951
1951 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, July 1952
1952 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, September 1952
1952 г.
From Unknown Worlds
1952 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, January 1952
1952 г.
Wonder Story Annual
1952 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, August 1952
1952 г.
American Science Fiction #5
1952 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, November 1952
1952 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, December 1952
1952 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, March 1953
1953 г.
Modern Science Fiction: Its Meaning and Its Future
1953 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, August 1953
1953 г.
American Science Fiction, #16
1953 г.
American Science Fiction, #17
1953 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, October 1953
1953 г.
Fantastic Story Magazine, Winter 1954
1954 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, January 1954
1954 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, March 1954
1954 г.
Editor's Choice in Science Fiction
1954 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, April 1954
1954 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, July 1954
1954 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, December 1954
1954 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, April 1956
1956 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, May 1956
1956 г.
Famous Science-Fiction Stories: Adventures in Time and Space
1957 г.
Astounding Tales of Space and Time
1957 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, May 1957
1957 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, August 1957
1957 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, July 1958
1958 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, October 1958
1958 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, May 1959
1959 г.
The Armchair Science Reader
1959 г.
Amra V2n2, March 1959
1959 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, June 1959
1959 г.
Astounding/Analog Science Fact & Fiction, June 1960
1960 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, January 1960
1960 г.
Astounding/Analog Science Fact & Fiction, March 1960
1960 г.
Astounding/Analog Science Fact & Fiction, February 1960
1960 г.
Astounding Science Fact & Fiction, April 1960
1960 г.
Invaders from the Infinite
1961 г.
Prologue to Analog
1962 г.
Analog Science Fact -> Science Fiction, November 1963
1963 г.
The Man Who Sold the Moon
1963 г.
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, December 1964
1964 г.
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, August 1964
1964 г.
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, October 1964
1964 г.
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, November 1964
1964 г.
A Requiem for Astounding
1964 г.
Alien Worlds
1964 г.
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, September 1964
1964 г.
Analog Science Fact -> Science Fiction, February 1965
1965 г.
Modern Masterpieces of Science Fiction
1965 г.
Analog 3
1965 г.
Analog Anthology
1965 г.
Of Worlds Beyond: The Science of Science Fiction Writing
1965 г.
Collected Editorials from Analog
1966 г.
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, July 1966
1966 г.
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, December 1966
1966 г.
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, November 1966
1966 г.
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, August 1966
1966 г.
Cities of Wonder
1966 г.
Analog 3
1966 г.
Award Science Fiction Reader
1966 г.
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, November 1967
1967 г.
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, June 1967
1967 г.
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, December 1967
1967 г.
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, September 1967
1967 г.
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, March 1967
1967 г.
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, May 1967
1967 г.
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, August 1967
1967 г.
Prologue to Analog
1967 г.
Cities of Wonder
1967 г.
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, July 1967
1967 г.
Toward Infinity
1968 г.
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, February 1968
1968 г.
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, August 1968
1968 г.
Microcosmic God and Other Stories from Modern Masterpieces of Science Fiction
1968 г.
Analog 3
1968 г.
Alien Worlds
1968 г.
Analog 6
1968 г.
Analog 7
1969 г.
14 Great Tales of ESP
1969 г.
Analog 6
1969 г.
Astounding Tales of Space and Time
1969 г.
Nebula Award Stories Four
1969 г.
The Disappearing Future: A Symposium of Speculation
1970 г.
14 Great Tales of ESP
1970 г.
Cities of Wonder
1970 г.
The Ends of Time
1970 г.
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume One
1970 г.
Mirror of Infinity
1970 г.
Mirror of Infinity
1970 г.
Towards Infinity
1970 г.
Analog 7
1970 г.
Where Do We Go from Here?
1971 г.
Analog 8
1971 г.
Nebula Award Stories Four
1971 г.
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, May 1971
1971 г.
Mirror of Infinity
1971 г.
Science Fiction Hall of Fame
1971 г.
Cities of Wonder
1971 г.
Nebula Award Stories 4
1971 г.
The Astounding-Analog Reader, Volume One
1972 г.
Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume One
1972 г.
The Best of John W. Campbell
1973 г.
Mirror of Infinity
1973 г.
Towards Infinity
1973 г.
The Astounding-Analog Reader, Book One
1973 г.
Modern Masterpieces of Science Fiction
1974 г.
Modern Masterpieces of Science Fiction
1974 г.
Amra V2n2, March 1959
1974 г.
Modern Science Fiction
1974 г.
Before the Golden Age
1974 г.
Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume 2A
1974 г.
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame: The Greatest Science Fiction Stories of All Time
1975 г.
Science Fiction Hall of Fame: The Novellas, Book 1
1975 г.
Microcosmic God and Other Stories from Modern Masterpieces of Science Fiction
1975 г.
Adventures in Time and Space
1975 г.
The Science Fiction Roll of Honor
1975 г.
Evil Earths
1976 г.
Modern Science Fiction
1976 г.
The Best of John W. Campbell
1976 г.
Turning Points: Essays on the Art of Science Fiction
1977 г.
Galactic Dreamers: Science Fiction as Visionary Literature
1977 г.
Science Fiction: Contemporary Mythology
1978 г.
Adventures in Time and Space
1978 г.
Science Fiction: Contemporary Mythology
1978 г.
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 1 (1939)
1979 г.
Evil Earths
1979 г.
Adventures in Time and Space
1979 г.
The Future in Question
1980 г.
Astounding Science Fiction, July 1939
1981 г.
Analog's Golden Anniversary Anthology
1981 г.
They Came from Outer Space
1981 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury
1981 г.
Space Mail Vol. II
1982 г.
Gosh! Wow! (Sense of Wonder) Science Fiction
1982 г.
Isaac Asimov Presents The Golden Years of Science Fiction
1983 г.
Space Odyssey
1983 г.
O Que Será o Futuro
1984 г.
Fragezeichen Zukunft
1984 г.
The John W. Campbell Letters. Volume 1
1985 г.
13 Short Science Fiction Novels
1985 г.
The Mammoth Book of Short Science Fiction Novels
1986 г.
The Stars At War
1986 г.
Space Odyssey
1987 г.
Los grandes cuentos de ciencia ficción. Volumen I (1939)
1987 г.
Amazing Science Fiction Anthology: The Wonder Years 1926-1935
1987 г.
1987 г.
Science Fiction: The Science Fiction Research Association Anthology
1988 г.
Space Odyssey
1988 г.
Movie Monsters: Great Horror Film Stories
1988 г.
The Mammoth Book of Classic Science Fiction: Short Novels of the 1930s
1988 г.
The Mammoth Book of Classic Science Fiction: Short Novels of the 1930s
1988 г.
The World Treasury of Science Fiction
1989 г.
Great Tales of Classic Science Fiction
1990 г.
Adventures in Time and Space
1990 г.
Foundations of Fear
1992 г.
The John W. Campbell Letters with Isaac Asimov and A. E. van Vogt. Volume II
1993 г.
Sense of Wonder Science Fiction
1993 г.
The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard SF
1994 г.
Reel Future
1994 г.
Between Time and Terror
1995 г.
Опасни светове
1997 г.
Time Machines: The Greatest Time Travel Stories Ever Written
1997 г.
«Weird Tales» Summer 1998
1998 г.
I figli di Mu
1998 г.
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Onee
1998 г.
The Antarktos Cycle
1999 г.
Avventura nell'iperspazio
2000 г.
L'atomo infinito
2000 г.
The Ends of Time
2000 г.
Isaac Asimov Presents Great Science Fiction Stories of 1939
2001 г.
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume One, 1929-1964
2003 г.
The World Turned Upside Down
2005 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury
2006 г.
Le grandi storie della SF vol. 1
2006 г.
The Antarktos Cycle
2006 г.
The Reel Stuff
2008 г.
Sense of Wonder: A Century of Science Fiction
2011 г.
The Heinlein Letters: Volume I: Correspondence of John W. Campbell, Jr., and Robert A. Heinlein
2011 г.
Who Goes There
2011 г.
The Mammoth Book of Body Horror
2012 г.
A Large Anthology of Science Fiction. Volume 1
2015 г.
Things From Outer Space
2016 г.
Frozen Hell
2019 г.

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