Astounding Science Fiction ...

«Astounding Science Fiction, August 1953»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


Astounding Science Fiction, August 1953

Язык издания: английский

1953 г. (август)

Страниц: 164


Cover art by H. R. Van Dongen; illustrations by Stockwell, Van Dongen, Orban, Miller.


  1. The Editor. «You Know What I Mean...» (статья), p. 6-8, 161-162
  2. Poul Anderson. Sam Hall (рассказ, иллюстрации Stockwell), p. 9-35
  3. Wallace West. In Further Explanation... (эссе), p. 35
  4. G. Harry Stine. Pioneer (рассказ, иллюстрации Г.Р. Ван Донгена), p. 36-54
  5. The Editor. The Analytical Laboratory (произведение (прочее)), p. 54
  6. Chandler Davis. Share Our World (повесть, иллюстрации П. Орбана), p. 55-98
  7. Richard Ashby. Commencement Night (рассказ, иллюстрации У. Миллера), p. 99-121
  8. Mark Clifton, Alex Apostolides. Crazy Joey (рассказ, иллюстрации Г.Р. Ван Донгена), p. 122-137
  9. P. Schuyler Miller. The Reference Library: Off the Cuff... (статья), p. 138-142
    1. Review: Star Science Fiction Stories by Frederik Pohl, p. 142-143
    2. Review: Judgment Night by C. L. Moore, p. 143-144
    3. Review: Mists of Dawn by Chad Oliver, Islands in the Sky by Arthur C. Clarke, Rocket Jockey by Philip St. John, Sons of the Ocean Deeps by Bryce Walton, Vault of the Ages by Poul Anderson, p. 144-145
  10. Joseph A. Winter M.D. Thinking in Men and Machines (статья), p. 146-160


«In Further Explanation...» is a response to queries about an article in the March 1953 issue.

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