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Издания: ВСЕ (323)
русский (40), английский (256), немецкий (7), испанский (1), французский (7), португальский (1), итальянский (7), финский (1), польский (1), болгарский (1), хорватский (1)
книги (294), периодика (4), самиздат (22), аудиокниги (2), другое (1)
В. Баканов (6), Г. Барух (1), Л. Безымянная (2), Т. Боровикова (1), С. Бояджиева (1), Д. Бузаджи (1), В. Букато (1), А. Бушуев (2), Т. Бушуева (2), Р. Валла (1), Н. Валлорани (3), Т. Вестермайр (2), А. Грузберг (8), А. Гузман (1), И. Гурова (6), Е. Доброхотова-Майкова (1), В. Заря (3), А. Засеев (2), А. Иванов (2), П. К. Рей (1), А.Ю. Кабалкин (3), С. Каллиойнен (1), Д. Кальницкая (1), А.С. Киланова (1), М. Клеветенко (1), О. Колесников (5), А. Комаринец (5), Г. Корчагин (1), В. Куртони (1), Й. Кёрбер (1), Т. Ладан (1), Д. Липпи (1), Б. Мартен (2), А. Минаев (3), А. Минаева (1), А.В. Молокин (5), И. Невструев (3), А. Новиков (1), А. Питчер (1), А. Пуумалайнен (1), Ж.-П. Пьюжи (1), Р. Рамбелли (1), А. Розенблюм (1), Р. Рыбкин (4), Г. Соловьёва (1), К. Сташевски (3), Л. Терехина (5), Э. Фонсека (1), А. Штумпф (1), П. Эбер (2)

Авторские книги (1):

Счастье — это теплый звездолет
2018 г.

Антологии и сборники (10):

Ралли «Конская голова»
1990 г.
Завещание Джеффри
1990 г.
Фата — Моргана 2
1991 г.
1991 г.
Предел желаний
1991 г.
Фата-Моргана 9
1994 г.
Самое мощное оружие
1998 г.
Пришельцы с небес
2002 г.
Жизнь коротка
2005 г.
Апокалиптическая фантастика
2012 г.

Периодика (4):

Техника и наука № 3, 1988 г.
1988 г.
Сверхновая американская фантастика № 3, 1995
1995 г.
Если № 1, январь 1998 г.
1998 г.
Если № 8, август 2000
2000 г.

Самиздат и фэнзины (22):

Границы бытия
2004 г.
Звёздный Рифт
2007 г.
Померкнет воздух рая
2007 г.
Секс с чужаками
2011 г.
Девочка, которую подключили
2012 г.
Звездный венец
2015 г.
Корабль призраков
2016 г.
Особое мнение
2017 г.
Особое мнение
2017 г.
День охотников
2017 г.
Границы бытия
2017 г.
Блеск падает с небес
2019 г.
Новые Опасные видения
2020 г.
Твоё гаплоидное сердце
2021 г.
Наш местный джинн
2023 г.
Звёздный рифт
2023 г.
Блеск падает с небес
2023 г.
Блеск падает с небес
2023 г.
Сквозь женское стекло
2024 г.
Творцы мечты. Том II. Замечательные мужчины и женщины, пишущие научную фантастику
2024 г.
Творцы мечты. Том третий
2025 г.

Аудиокниги (2):

Элементы — модель для сборки
1995 г.
Модель для сборки
2004 г.

Прочие издания (1):

Вспомнить все
2015 г.

Издания на иностранных языках (283):

If, June 1968
1968 г.
If, October 1968
1968 г.
Galaxy Science Fiction, April 1969
1969 г.
Galaxy Science Fiction, March 1969
1969 г.
If, November 1969
1969 г.
Galaxy Science Fiction, January 1969
1969 г.
If, May-June 1970
1970 г.
Worlds of Fantasy Issue 2, 1970
1970 г.
Worlds of Fantasy Issue 3, 1970-71
1970 г.
World's Best Science Fiction: 1970
1970 г.
The Year's Best Science Fiction 3
1970 г.
World's Best Science Fiction: 1970
1970 г.
Galaxy Science Fiction, March 1971
1971 г.
Best SF: 1969
1971 г.
1971 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1972
1972 г.
Nova 2
1972 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1972
1972 г.
Again, Dangerous Visions
1972 г.
Amazing Science Fiction, May 1972
1972 г.
Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year
1972 г.
Generation: An Anthology of Speculative Fiction
1972 г.
Best Science Fiction for 1972
1972 г.
New Dimensions II: Eleven Original Science Fiction Stories
1972 г.
The 1973 Annual World's Best SF
1973 г.
Ten Thousand Light-Years From Home
1973 г.
Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year: Second Annual Collection
1973 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #2
1973 г.
Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year
1973 г.
The 1973 Annual World's Best SF
1973 г.
New Dimensions 3
1973 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, December 1973
1973 г.
Worlds of If, July-August 1974
1974 г.
Final Stage: The Ultimate Science Fiction Anthology
1974 г.
SF: Authors' Choice 4
1974 г.
New Dimensions III
1974 г.
New Dimensions III
1974 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #3
1974 г.
SF: Authors' Choice 4
1974 г.
Nebula Award Stories 9
1974 г.
Space Odysseys
1974 г.
Final Stage: The Ultimate Science Fiction Anthology
1975 г.
Warm Worlds and Otherwise
1975 г.
Nova 2
1975 г.
The New Atlantis and Other Novellas of Science Fiction
1975 г.
The New Awareness: Religion Through Science Fiction
1975 г.
Nebula Award Stories Nine
1975 г.
Ten Thousand Light-Years From Home
1975 г.
Best SF: 1974
1975 г.
Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year, Second Annual Collection
1975 г.
Alpha 6
1976 г.
Galaxy Science Fiction, May 1976
1976 г.
The New Atlantis and Other Novellas of Science Fiction
1976 г.
Future Power
1976 г.
New Dimensions 6
1976 г.
Aurora: Beyond Equality
1976 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #2
1976 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #3
1976 г.
New Dimensions 6
1976 г.
Nebula Award Stories 9
1976 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, 22nd Series
1977 г.
Another World: Adventures in Otherness
1977 г.
Heavy Metal Magazine #2
1977 г.
The 1977 Annual World's Best SF
1977 г.
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, June 1977
1977 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #6
1977 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #6
1977 г.
The Infinite Web
1977 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1977
1977 г.
The Hugo Winners, Volume 3
1977 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, 22nd Series
1978 г.
Star Songs of an Old Primate
1978 г.
The New Women of Wonder
1978 г.
Up the Walls of the World
1978 г.
Nebula Winners Twelve
1978 г.
Space Odysseys
1978 г.
Stellar #4
1978 г.
The 1978 Annual World's Best SF
1978 г.
Stellar Science Fiction Stories #4
1978 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #7
1978 г.
Nebula Award Stories Nine
1978 г.
Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year: Seventh Annual Collection
1978 г.
The 1978 Annual World's Best SF
1978 г.
The New Atlantis and Other Novellas of Science Fiction
1978 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year 7
1978 г.
Warm Worlds and Otherwise
1979 г.
Nebula Winners Twelve
1979 г.
The 1979 Annual World's Best SF
1979 г.
Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year: Seventh Annual Collection
1979 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, October 1979
1979 г.
The Best of New Dimensions
1979 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction: A 30 Year Retrospective
1980 г.
Il Meglio di If, Volume 3
1980 г.
Odabrane naučno-fantastične priče
1980 г.
Nebula Winners Thirteen
1980 г.
1980 г.
The Future in Question
1980 г.
The Spear of Mars
1980 г.
Galaxy: Thirty Years of Innovative Science Fiction
1980 г.
The Arbor House Treasury of Modern Science Fiction
1980 г.
The Arbor House Treasury of Modern Science Fiction
1980 г.
1980 г.
Microcosmic Tales
1980 г.
Universe 10
1980 г.
The Arbor House Treasury of Great Science Fiction Short Novels
1980 г.
Friendly Aliens: Thirteen Stories of the Fantastic Set in Canada
1981 г.
The Future I
1981 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury
1981 г.
Galaxy: Thirty Years of Innovative Science Fiction
1981 г.
The Arbor House Treasury of Great Science Fiction Short Novels
1981 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #10
1981 г.
Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year: Tenth Annual Collection
1981 г.
Stellar #7
1981 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, September 28, 1981
1981 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #10
1981 г.
Galaxy: Volume 2
1981 г.
Out of the Everywhere, and Other Extraordinary Visions
1981 г.
Isaac Asimov's Wonders of the World
1982 г.
Isaac Asimov's Wonders of the World
1982 г.
Yesterday's Tomorrows
1982 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, October 1982
1982 г.
Universe 10
1982 г.
Fantasy Annual V
1982 г.
The Road to Science Fiction #4: From Here to Forever
1982 г.
The Arbor House Treasury of Science Fiction Masterpieces
1983 г.
Isaac Asimov's Wonders of the World
1983 г.
Die schönsten Science Fiction Stories des Jahres: Band 1
1983 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, January 1983
1983 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, April 1983
1983 г.
Dream Makers, Volume II: The Uncommon Men & Women Who Write Science Fiction
1983 г.
Histoires de survivants
1983 г.
Histoires de médecins
1983 г.
Light Years and Dark
1984 г.
Mensagens do Futuro
1984 г.
Feuerwerk der SF
1984 г.
Feuerwerk der SF: 100 utopische Geschichten
1984 г.
The Year's Best Science Fiction: First Annual Collection
1984 г.
The Year's Best Science Fiction: First Annual Collection
1984 г.
Histoires de mondes étranges
1984 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories: 10
1984 г.
Histoires paradoxales
1984 г.
A Treasury of American Horror Stories
1985 г.
Brightness Falls from the Air
1985 г.
Great Tales of Science Fiction
1985 г.
Science Fiction Jubiläums Band: 25 Jahre Heyne Science Fiction & Fantasy, 1960-1985
1985 г.
The Hugo Winners, Volume 4
1985 г.
Great Science Fiction Stories by the World's Great Scientists
1985 г.
Amazing Stories: 60 Years of the Best Science Fiction
1985 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, October 1985
1985 г.
Byte Beautiful: 8 Science Fiction Stories
1985 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, Mid-December 1985
1985 г.
Tales of the Quintana Roo
1986 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, March 1986
1986 г.
The Year's Best Science Fiction: Third Annual Collection
1986 г.
The Year's Best Science Fiction: Third Annual Collection
1986 г.
Great Science Fiction Stories by the World's Great Scientists
1986 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, May 1986
1986 г.
Millemondiestate 1986
1986 г.
The Starry Rift
1986 г.
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume IV
1986 г.
Terry Carr's Best Science Fiction of the Year #15
1986 г.
Worlds of If: A Retrospective Anthology
1986 г.
Isaac Asimov präsentiert: Die Wunder der Welt
1986 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, October 1986
1986 г.
Best SF of the Year 15
1986 г.
Best SF of the Year 15
1986 г.
Brightness Falls from the Air
1986 г.
Dream Makers: Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers at Work
1987 г.
Dream Makers: Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers at Work
1987 г.
Universe 17
1987 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, July 1987
1987 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, November 1987
1987 г.
Great Science Fiction of the 20th Century
1987 г.
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Four
1987 г.
Don Wollheim proponuje 1988
1988 г.
Science Fiction: The Science Fiction Research Association Anthology
1988 г.
Synergy: New Science Fiction, Volume Two
1988 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, May 1988
1988 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, May 1988
1988 г.
The 1988 Annual World's Best SF
1988 г.
The Spear of Mars
1988 г.
The 1988 Annual World's Best SF
1988 г.
Crown of Stars
1988 г.
Millemondinverno 1988
1988 г.
Masterpieces of Fantasy and Wonder
1989 г.
The Best from Fantasy & Science Fiction: A 40th Anniversary Anthology
1989 г.
Die Sterne sind weiblich
1989 г.
The Best of the Nebulas
1989 г.
The Best of the Nebulas
1989 г.
Worlds Imagined
1989 г.
Isaac Asimov's Wonders of the World
1990 г.
Crown of Stars
1990 г.
Her Smoke Rose Up Forever
1990 г.
Ensimmäinen kerta
1990 г.
Alien Sex
1990 г.
Alien Sex
1990 г.
1990 г.
The Best of the Nebulas
1990 г.
Futurs à gogos
1991 г.
The Legend Book of Science Fiction
1991 г.
Alien Sex
1991 г.
Sexo alienígena
1992 г.
Microcosmic Tales
1992 г.
The Mammoth Book of Modern Science Fiction: Short Novels of the 1980s
1993 г.
The Mammoth Book of Modern Science Fiction: Short Novels of the 1980s
1993 г.
Modern Classics of Science Fiction
1993 г.
Future Earths: Under South American Skies
1993 г.
The Norton Book of Science Fiction: North American Science Fiction, 1960-1990
1993 г.
1993 г.
1993 г.
Great Tales of Science Fiction
1994 г.
The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard SF
1994 г.
The Penguin Book of Modern Fantasy by Women
1995 г.
Women of Wonder: The Classic Years
1995 г.
1996 г.
Houston, Houston, Do You Read?
1996 г.
1996 г.
Други светове
1996 г.
I premi Hugo 1974-75
1996 г.
The Penguin Book of Modern Fantasy by Women
1996 г.
100 Astounding Little Alien Stories
1996 г.
Asimov's Science Fiction, October-November 1996
1996 г.
Neat Sheets
1996 г.
A Century of Fantasy: 1980-1989
1997 г.
1997 г.
Tales in Time
1997 г.
The Science Fiction Century
1997 г.
The Good Old Stuff: Adventure Sf in the Grand Tradition
1998 г.
The Good Stuff
1999 г.
1999 г.
Meet Me at Infinity: The Uncollected Tiptree: Fiction and Nonfiction
2000 г.
Explorers: SF Adventures to Far Horizons
2000 г.
The Furthest Horizon: SF Adventures to the Far Future
2000 г.
Exploring the Horizons
2000 г.
Aliens Among Us
2000 г.
Histoires de mondes étranges
2001 г.
The Ultimate Cyberpunk
2002 г.
2003 г.
The Best Time Travel Stories of All Time
2003 г.
The Mammoth Book of 20th Century Science Fiction: Volume One
2003 г.
The Road to Science Fiction: Volume 4: From Here to Forever
2003 г.
Science Fiction
2004 г.
The Locus Awards: Thirty Years of the Best in Science Fiction and Fantasy
2004 г.
The Locus Awards: Thirty Years of the Best in Fantasy and Science Fiction
2004 г.
Nouvelles des siècles futurs
2004 г.
Her Smoke Rose Up Forever
2004 г.
The James Tiptree Award Anthology 1
2005 г.
The Campfire Collection: Thrilling Chilling Tales of Alien Encounters
2005 г.
Galileo's Children: Tales Of Science vs. Superstition
2005 г.
The James Tiptree Award Anthology 2
2006 г.
The Science Fiction Century, Volume One
2006 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury
2006 г.
Daughters of Earth: Feminist Science Fiction in the Twentieth Century
2006 г.
The James Tiptree Award Anthology 3
2007 г.
Passing for Human
2009 г.
Passing for Human
2009 г.
The Very Best of Fantasy & Science Fiction: Sixtieth Anniversary Anthology
2009 г.
The Mammoth Book of Apocalyptic SF
2010 г.
Sense of Wonder: A Century of Science Fiction
2011 г.
Nebula Awards Showcase 2012
2012 г.
The Weird: A Compendium of Strange and Dark Stories
2012 г.
Alien Sex: 19 Tales by the Masters of Science Fiction and Dark Fantasy
2012 г.
2013 г.
Lightspeed. Issue 42, November 2013
2013 г.
Dream Makers: The Stairway Press Collected Edition
2014 г.
Lightspeed. Issue 49, June 2014: Women Destroy Science Fiction! Special Issue
2014 г.
Lightspeed. Issue 49, June 2014: Women Destroy Science Fiction! Special Issue
2014 г.
Letters to Tiptree
2015 г.
Sisters of the Revolution: A Feminist Speculative Fiction Anthology
2015 г.
Lightspeed. Issue 65, October 2015
2015 г.
The Folio Science Fiction Anthology
2016 г.
The Big Book of Science Fiction
2016 г.
Women of Futures Past
2016 г.
Other Aliens
2016 г.
This Way to the End Times: Classic Tales of the Apocalypse
2016 г.
Clarkesworld. Issue 128, May 2017
2017 г.
Lightspeed. Issue 86, July 2017
2017 г.
Clarkesworld. Issue 136, January 2018
2018 г.
Helligkeit fällt vom Himmel
2018 г.
The Future Is Female!
2018 г.
Dream Makers, Volume II: The Uncommon Men & Women Who Write Science Fiction
2021 г.
The Future Is Female! More Classic Science Fiction Stories by Women, Volume Two: The 1970s
2022 г.
The Big Book of Cyberpunk
2023 г.

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