«The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, December 1973»
Язык издания: английский
1973 г. (декабрь)
Формат: 80х108/32 (130х190 мм)
Страниц: 164
- James Tiptree, Jr. The Women Men Don't See (novelet), р. 4-29
- Herbert Gold. Time-Sharing Man (short story), р. 30-38
- Gahan Wilson. Books (review), р. 39-43
- Richard A. Lupoff. 12:01 PM (short story), р. 44-58
- Jack Williamson. The Power of Blackness (novelet), р. 60-87
- Gary Jennings and Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. Ms. Found in an Oxygen Bottle (short story), р. 88-100
- Baird Searles. Films: See the Giant Clams Eat the Friendly Natives (essay), р. 101-103
- C. G. Cobb. Moonacy (short story), р. 104-123
- Doris Pitkin Buck. Voyage with Interruption (short story), р. 124-135
- Isaac Asimov. The Figure of the Farthest (essay), р. 136-146
- Robin Scott Wilson. Not a Red Cent (short story), р. 147-156
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