Канда Джейн Дорси «Machine Sex and Other Stories»
9 • Sleeping in a Box • short story by Candas Jane Dorsey
15 • Johnny Appleseed and the New World • (1985) • short story by Candas Jane Dorsey (variant of Johnny Appleseed on the New World)
21 • Death and Morning • short story by Candas Jane Dorsey
29 • The Prairie Warriors • novelette by Candas Jane Dorsey
53 • War and Rumours of War • short story by Candas Jane Dorsey
61 • Black Dog • short story by Candas Jane Dorsey
69 • (Learning About) Machine Sex • short story by Candas Jane Dorsey
87 • «You'll Remember Mercury» • short story by Candas Jane Dorsey
95 • Time Is the School in Which We Learn, Time Is the Fire in Which We Burn • short story by Candas Jane Dorsey
105 • Columbus Hits the Shoreline Rag • (1977) • short story by Candas Jane Dorsey
115 • the white city • (1985) • short story by Candas Jane Dorsey
121 • By Their Taste Shall Ye Know Them • short story by Candas Jane Dorsey
125 • Willows • (1987) • short story by Candas Jane Dorsey
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Аврора / Prix Aurora Awards, 1989 // Крупная форма на английском языке (сборник) |
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