Издательство «Bowling Green State University Popular Press»Годы существования: 1967 – 2002 Описание:Bowling Green State University Popular Press — издательское отделение Университета Боулинг-Грина, основанное Рэем и Патом Браунами в 1967 году с целью издания местного академического журнала Journal of Popular Culture. В 1969 году начал издавать и книги. Специализировался (как и родительский университет) на тематике современной популярной культуры. В 2002 году торговая марка The Popular Press была продана University of Wisconsin Press. Страна:![]() Город:Bowling Green (Ohio)ISBN-префикс:0-87972Всего изданий:16Внесерийные издания Horrors and Unpleasantries: A Bibliographical History and Collector's Price Guide to Arkham House 1982 год Описание: Cover by Gary DummThe Empire Strikes Out: Kurd Lasswitz, Hans Dominik, and the Development of German Science Fiction 1984 год Описание: Artist not credited.Detailed, careful, and sound, Fischer's analyses give a good picture of Lasswitz's and Dominik's significance in the larger context of German history and literature. He also singles out some representative German SF writers: Herbert W. Franke, Michael Weisser, and Wolfgang Jeschke, along with certain GDR writers of SF. Voices for the Future: Essays on Major Science Fiction Writers. Volume Three 1983 год Описание: Cover art by Michel Gurtzweiler.Voices for the Future: Essays on Major Science Fiction Writers. Volume I 1976 год Описание: Collection of articles on the works of famous writers of science fiction's Golden Age SF.The first volume (of three published). Cover art not credited. Voices for the Future: Essays on Major Science Fiction Writers. Volume Two 1979 год Описание: Cover art by Michel Gurtzweiler.SF: The Other Side of Realism: Essays on Modern Fantasy and Science Fiction 1971 год Описание: Critical anthology in honor of the 10th anniversary of the Modern Language Association Seminar on Science Fiction and grounds Science Fiction Research Association (SFRA), one of the best writers in composition — seven of them award winners Pilgrim Award.Artist not credited (it's unclear if the pictures are by John A. Mitchell or just come from his novel Drowsy). |