«Voices for the Future: Essays on Major Science Fiction Writers. Volume Two»
- Introduction, c. vii-vii
- Thomas D. Clareson. The Fictions of Robert Silverberg (статья), с. 1-33
- Thomas L. Wymer. Phillip Jose' Farmer: The Trickster as Artist (статья), с. 34-55
- David N. Samuelson. The Lost Canticles of Walter M. Miller, Jr. (статья), с. 56-81
- H. Bruce Franklin. What Are We to Make of J.G. Ballard's Apocalypse (статья), с. 82-105
- Joe de Bolt. The Development of John Brunner (статья), с. 106-135
- Patricia Warrick. Mack Reynolds: The Future as Socio-economic Possibility (статья), с. 136-153
- Susan Wood. Discovering Worlds: The Fiction of Ursual K. Le Guin (статья), с. 154-179
- Joe Sanders. Zelazny: Unfinished Business (статья), с. 180-196
- Notes, c. 197-207
- Contributors, c. 208-208
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