The Strand Magazine 410 ...

«The Strand Magazine #410, February 1925»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


The Strand Magazine #410, February 1925

Язык издания: английский

1925 г. (февраль)

Страниц: 106


  1. A. Conan Doyle. The Adventure of the Illustrious Client (начало рассказа), p. 108
  2. Horace Annesley Vachell. Romance, Rattlesnakes, and Middlemen (рассказ), p. 119
  3. Harry B. Smith. How Charles Dickens Wrote His Books: Leaves from a Hitherto Unpublished Notebook (очерк), p. 128
  4. B. Willoughby. The Devil-Drum (рассказ), p. 137
  5. P.G. Wodehouse. Honeysuckle Cottage (рассказ), p. 150
  6. Sir Oliver Lodge. When I Was Young, No. III (очерк), p. 163
  7. J.C. Snaith. The Dance of the Roses (рассказ), p. 170
  8. Harry Harper. Exploring, Mining, Treasure-Hunting, and Weather-Making by Aeroplane (статья), p. 184
  9. Barry Pain. Bobbed Hair and Sausages (рассказ), p. 193
  10. Acrostics, p. 196
  11. The Humour of Ridgewell (очерк), p. 197
  12. Denis Mackail. The Discoveries at Buz (рассказ), p. 204
  13. Henry E. Dudeney. Perplexities, p. 212

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