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С уважением, Ваши Анна и Анатолий.
О книге: Научно-фантастический роман, второй в цикле «Stratification», следующий за романом «Reap the Wild Wind» (2007). Очередные романтические герои – изгои из клана Йен, копаются в своем мрачном прошлом.
Российскому читателю Джулия Чернеда известна как автор романов: «Тысяча имен для странника», «Темная сила вселенной» и «Глаз паутины», опубликованных издательством «ЭКСМО».
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Аннотация: Riders of the Storm picks up the story of the Om’ray on Cersi. Led by Aryl Sarc into the mountains, the exiles from Yena Clan face not only the novelty of life on the ground, but their first winter. But the mountains hold a secret from the past that will change forever how the Om’ray view themselves, their world, and their place in it.
О книге: Фэнтези — роман, альтернативная история. Дебютный роман автора. На русском языке выходил рассказ Дэрила Грегори — «Второе лицо, настоящее время», который вошел в антологию «Лучшее за год XXIII: Научная фантастика, космический боевик, киберпанк».
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Аннотация: It is a world like our own in every respect . . . save one. In the 1950s, random acts of possession begin to occur. Ordinary men, women, and children are the targets of entities that seem to spring from the depths of the collective unconscious, pop-cultural avatars some call demons. There’s the Truth, implacable avenger of falsehood. The Captain, brave and self-sacrificing soldier. The Little Angel, whose kiss brings death, whether desired or not. And a string of others, ranging from the bizarre to the benign to the horrific.
As a boy, Del Pierce is possessed by the Hellion, an entity whose mischief-making can be deadly. With the help of Del’s family and a caring psychiatrist, the demon is exorcised . . . or is it? Years later, following a car accident, the Hellion is back, trapped inside Del’s head and clamoring to get out.
Del’s quest for help leads him to Valis, an entity possessing the science fiction writer formerly known as Philip K. Dick; to Mother Mariette, a nun who inspires decidedly unchaste feelings; and to the Human League, a secret society devoted to the extermination of demons. All believe that Del holds the key to the plague of possession–and its solution. But for Del, the cure may be worse than the disease.
О книге: Фэнтези — роман, первая книга цикла «Broken Man». Новая эпическая история от автора «Across the Face of the World».
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Аннотация: A brand new epic fantasy series from the acclaimed author of Across the Face of the World.
Seventy years after the conclusion of the Faltha War, three great continents – and their gods – are again at war for truth and immortality.
Husk is the remnant of a once-powerful magician, defeated decades ago by the Undying Man, Lord of Bhrudwo. He lies, eviscerated, in the dungeon of Andratan, planning his revenge.
There are three things he needs: the stone, the blood and a hand of hate. The three people he has manipulated from afar to bring these things to him are on their way … with no way of knowing what they are about.
But even Husk cannot know everything…
О книге: Романтический фэнтези — роман, первая книга дилогии «Rebecca Beauvally», повествует о молодой женщине с подмоченной репутацией, отец которой готов отдать ее замуж за первого встречного. Даже за бродячего авантюриста… Авторы вдохновлялись известной немецкой сказкой «Выйти замуж за короля». Вторая часть дилогии, «Longeye», выйдет в апреле 2009 года.
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Аннотация: In a moment of girlish folly, she allowed a high-flying young man to take her up in his phaeton, not realizing that he was drunk. When he dropped the ribbons, she recovered them, but could not avoid disaster.
The young man was killed. Rebecca survived, crippled, and with a reputation in tatters.
Against all expectation, her father has found someone who will marry her. Rebecca's life seems set, and she resigned to it. Then, Altimere of the Elder Fey enters her life—and everything changes.
О книге: Антология, состоящая из 13 новых рассказов о воображаемых друзьях.
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Аннотация: The theme of this fine anthology is just what the title advertises, IMAGINARY FRIENDS, but with a fantasy or Twilight Zone twist that widens the scope of the collection. The compilation of all new tales is superb as each entry is well written with some being excellent. Personal favorites include «A Good Day for Dragons» by Rick Hautala that kept me thinking of Pete's Dragon, «Best Friends Forever» by Tim Waggoner stars Biff the stuffed animal, «Images of Death» by Jim C. Hines as the title character is a best friend who reminds the little girl of a Muppet, and the moving tale of sibling love «Greg and Eli» by Paul Genesse. The remaining tales are all fun reminding readers of their own IMAGINARY FRIENDS.
О книге: Сверхъестественный фэнтези — роман, вторая часть цикла «Kayla Steele», следующая за романом «Dante's Girl» (2007).
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Аннотация: An angel is found murdered on the streets of Sunset Boulevard. To the media gossip mongers, it’s the biggest story ever. To the Hunters, an underground monster-fighting hit-squad, it’s just another case of ‘whodunnit’. To Kayla Steele, their youngest and newest member, it means a last, desperate chance to bring her murdered fiancé back from the dead, and to others with a far darker purpose it is the means to destroy the human race. If the Hunters are to stop the onset of Armageddon they must join forces with their most hated enemies, the werewolves…
О книге: Научно-фантастический роман, альтернативная история, второй в цикле «Change», следующий за романом «The Sunrise Lands» (2007).
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Аннотация: A series set in the same world as the «Dies the Fire» trilogy.
It's Change Year 22, a generation after high-energy technology died in a catastrophe most of the human race didn't survive. The children born after the Change are now starting to take center stage—and Whoever or Whatever was behind the Change itself may be taking a hand in their rivalries. An expedition must travel to Nantucket across a strange and hostile continent to find some answers.
О книге: Научно-фантистический роман, четвертая часть цикла «Книги Эмбера».
Недавно в России вышел первый роман цикла — «Город Эмбер. Побег».
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Аннотация: It’s been several months since Lina and Doon escaped the dying city of Ember and, along with the rest of their people, joined the town of Sparks. Now, struggling through the harsh winter aboveground, they find an unusual book. Torn up and missing most of its pages, it alludes to a mysterious device from before the Disaster, which they believe is still in Ember. Together, Lina and Doon must go back underground to retrieve what was lost and bring light to a dark world.
In the fourth Book of Ember, bestselling author Jeanne DuPrau juxtaposes yet another action-packed adventure with powerful themes about hope, learning, and the search for truth.
О книге: Фэнтези — роман, седьмой том цикла «Властители Рун». В России были изданы первые три романа этого цикла.
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Аннотация: Герой нового витка эпопеи — принц Фаллион Орден, сын предыдущего протагониста короля Габорна. Фаллион оказался пленником странного мира, возникшего как результат слияния двух альтернативных реальностей. Мрачные властители этого мира собирают армию чудищ со многих планет для завоевания вселенной. И только Фаллион может их остановить! Но сначала ему надо сбежать из узилища.
О книге: Фэнтези — роман, действие которого происходит в маленьком приморском городке, где каждый день в определенное время, когда солнце исчезает в море, раздается странный звон. Следы ведут в древнее поместье Айслин-Хауз… По словам самой писательницы, ее новая книга – попытка скрестить классический английский роман в духе Джейн Остин с фэнтези.
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Аннотация: Sealey Head is a small town on the edge of the ocean, a sleepy place where everyone hears the ringing of a bell no one can see. On the outskirts of town is an impressive estate, Aislinn House, where the aged Lady Eglantyne lies dying, and where the doors sometimes open not to its own dusty rooms, but to the wild majesty of a castle full of knights and princesses…