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Ричард Маккенна «Casey Agonistes»

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Casey Agonistes

Рассказ, год

Входит в:

— журнал «The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, September 1958», 1958 г.

— антологию «SF:'59: The Year's Greatest Science-Fiction and Fantasy», 1959 г.

— антологию «The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Ninth Series», 1960 г.

— антологию «16 Science Fiction-Stories», 1964 г.

— антологию «SF: The Best of the Best», 1967 г.

— сборник «Casey Agonistes, and Other Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories», 1973 г.

— антологию «A Shocking Thing», 1974 г.

— антологию «Masters of Darkness II», 1988 г.

— антологию «Intensive Scare», 1990 г.

— антологию «Modern Classics of Science Fiction», 1991 г.


The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, September 1958
1958 г.

Издания на иностранных языках:

SF:'59: The Year's Greatest Science-Fiction and Fantasy
1959 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Ninth Series
1960 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, 9th Series
1963 г.
16 Science Fiction-Stories
1964 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Ninth Series
1964 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, 9th Series
1964 г.
SF: The Best of the Best
1967 г.
SF: The Best of the Best
1968 г.
SF The Best of the Best Part One
1970 г.
Casey Agonistes, and Other Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories
1973 г.
A Shocking Thing
1974 г.
Casey Agonistes & Other SF & Fantasy Stories
1976 г.
Casey Agonistes, and Other Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories
1978 г.
Masters of Darkness II
1988 г.
Intensive Scare
1990 г.
The Complete Masters of Darkness
1991 г.
The Legend Book of Science Fiction
1991 г.
Modern Classics of Science Fiction
1993 г.


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