Издательство Titan Books

Издательство «Titan Books»

Год открытия: 1981

Номинации на премии:

Премия «Это — хоррор» / This Is Horror Awards, 2021 // Издательство года
Премии Ассоциации писателей-криминалистов Великобритании "Кинжалы" / CWA Dagger Awards, 2022 // Издательский кинжал

144 Southwark Street, London, SE1 0UP
0-85768, 1-78116, 1-84576, 1-84023

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Всего изданий:


Внесерийные издания

Seek and Destroy

2017 год

Описание: Book 2 in the "America Rising" series.


2018 год

Описание: Book 2 in the "Wintersong" series.
Cover art by Anna Gorovoy.

Sovereign's War

2017 год

Описание: Book 3 in the Robin Hood: Demon Bane series.

Star Trek Federation: The First 150 Years

2013 год

Описание: Book in the "Star Trek" series.
Interior artworks by Joe Corroney, Mark McHaley, Cat Staggs, Jeff Carlisle.

Stars and Bones

2022 год

Описание: Book 1 in the «Continuance» series.

Stars and Bones

2023 год

Описание: Book 1 in the «Continuance» series.

Strange Ink

2018 год

Описание: Book 1 in the "Harry Hendrick" series.


2023 год

Описание: Book 1 in the «Talon Duology».

Tarnished Knight

2012 год

Описание: Book 1 in the «Lost Stars» series.
Edition format: 130x192 mm

Temple of No God

2022 год

Описание: Book 2 in the «The Four Pillars» series.

Ten Low

2021 год

Описание: Book 1 in the «Ten Low» series.

The Art Of Drew Struzan

2010 год

Описание: The book to cover Struzan’s iconic poster artwork in depth, with the final artwork for each piece accompanied by background and anecdotes from an exclusive interview with the artist. With an introduction to Struzan’s philosophies and techniques, this stunning hardcover will include photos, sketches and reference material, plus closeups and a brief history of each poster featured, from Star Wars to Back to the Future.
Cover art by Drew Struzan. Text by Drew Struzan & David J. Schow.

The Art of Fred Gambino: Dark Shepherd

2014 год

Описание: A large 160-page hardcover artbook that features predominantly the sci-fi artworks of Fred Gambino.
The first section is titled: Dark Shepherd Screenplay and has a credit to Gambino (with сontribution by John A. Lewis), the text reading as a screenplay; the rest of the text in the book is by Gambino. Dark Shepard is actually a sci-fi genre screenplay written by Gambino. The first portion of the book is devoted to fleshing out that screenplay with accompanying artworks. The rest of the book collects the commissioned artworks he created for book covers, and the concept art for film, tv and games.

Ian Miller, Tom Whyte

The Art of Ian Miller

2014 год

Описание: A tremendous compilation of work from an artist with a truly unique and important voice. Featuring over 300 pieces of artwork.
Tom Whyte appears on the cover only; NO names appear on either the Title or faux-Title pages. All the text is written in the first person, so obviously by Miller; it is unclear what the credit to Whyte signifies.
Cover art by Ian Miller.

The Art of Jim Burns: Hyperluminal

2014 год

Описание: Collection of Jim Burns' illustrations.

John Alvin, Andrea Alvin

The Art of John Alvin

2014 год

Описание: John Alvin’s movie poster art is among the most iconic of the last 40 years. This book not only collects some of Alvin’s finest work, but also includes previously unseen comprehensives and in progress sketches, accompanied by commentary from John’s widow, and his colleagues and admirers.
Written by Andrea Alvin.
Cover art by John Alvin.

The Art of John Harris: Beyond the Horizon

2014 год

Описание: Collection of artworks by John Harris., British painter and illustrator, including cover art for books by SF authors including John Scalzi, Ben Bova, Frederik Pohl, and Jack McDevitt.
With commentary by artist.
Full contents: http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/pl.cgi?451917.

The Art of Robert E. McGinnis

2014 год

Описание: Very well designed book that showcases the work of the great illustrator Robert McGinnis. This large formatted book covers many different illustrative works of the artist — film posters, magazine and editorial illustration and the iconic paperback covers.

The Art of Stephen Hickman

2015 год

Описание: A lavish, full-colour hardcover art book taking readers on a visual guide through Stephen Hickman’s artwork. The collection focuses on his book covers for famous SFF authors such as Harlan Ellison, Robert Heinlein, Anne McCaffrey, and Larry Niven.
Cover art by Stephen Hickman.

The Autobiography of James T. Kirk

2015 год

Описание: Book in the "Star Trek: The Original Series" subseries of the "Star Trek" series.
Cover art and interior artwork by Russell Walks.

The Autobiography of James T. Kirk

2016 год

Описание: Book in the "Star Trek: The Original Series" subseries of the "Star Trek" series.
Cover art and interior artworks by Russell Walks.

The Autobiography of Jean-Luc Picard

2017 год

Описание: Book in the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" subseries of the "Star Trek" series.
Cover art and interior artwork by Russell Walks.

The Autobiography of Jean-Luc Picard

2018 год

Описание: Book in the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" subseries of the "Star Trek" series.
Cover art and interior artworks by Russell Walks.

The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway

2020 год

Описание: Book in the "Star Trek: Voyager" subseries of the "Star Trek" series.
Cover art and interior artwork by Russell Walks.

The Autobiography of Mr. Spock

2019 год

Описание: Book in the "Star Trek: The Original Series" subseries of the "Star Trek" series.
Cover art and interior artwork by Russell Walks.
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