Издательство «Thomas Nelson»Год открытия: 1798 Описание:From humble beginnings in a village in Scotland 200 years ago to our modern-day publishing enterprise employing over 600 people, Thomas Nelson's goal has been to Honor God and Serve People. Страна:![]() Город:Nashville (TN)Адрес:501 Nelson Place, Nashville, TN, 37214ISBN-префикс:0-529, 0-7180, 0-7852, 0-8407, 0-8499, 0-86605, 0-88113, 0-89840, 0-89922, 0-918956, 1-4002, 1-4003, 1-4016, 1-4041, 1-4185, 1-4261, 1-4845, 1-5000, 1-5314, 1-59145, 1-59554, 1-59555, 1-59951, 1-60255Сайт:Всего изданий:48Внесерийные издания Computers, Computers, Computers: In Fiction and in Verse 1977 год Описание: An anthology of stories and poetry about computers.Cover art by Jay J. Smith. 1973 год Описание: Newer writers belong unarguably to the literary generation of the 1970’s.Cover art by Dan Quest. 1973 год Описание: Newer writers belong unarguably to the literary generation of the 1970’s.Cover art by Dan Quest. The Aliens: Seven Stories of Science Fiction 1976 год Описание: Истории об инопланетянах.Cover art by James E. Barry. Earth Is the Strangest Planet: Ten Stories of Science Fiction 1977 год Описание: Cover art by Mike Mariano. |