Contours of the Fantastic ...

«Contours of the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Eighth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts»

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Contours of the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Eighth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts

первое издание

Язык издания: английский


Santa Barbara (CA): Greenwood Press, 1990 г. (май)

Серия: Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy

ISBN: 0-313-26647-6, 978-0-313-26647-8

Тип обложки: твёрдая

Страниц: 246


Выпуск 41. Сборник статей Восьмой международной конференции по фантастическому в искусстве.

Художник не указан.


  1. Michele K. Langford. Introduction (Contours of the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Eighth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts) (статья)
  2. Brian W. Aldiss. Fatal Breaks (статья)
  3. William Lomax. Epic Reversal in Mary Shelley's the Last Man: Romantic Irony and the Roots of Science Fiction (статья)
  4. Leonard G. Heldreth. From Reality to Fantasy: Displacement and Death in Albee's Zoo Story (статья)
  5. Peter Malekin. The Self, the Referent, and the Real in Science Fiction and the Fantastic: Lem, Pynchon, Kubin, and Delany (статья)
  6. Brian M. Stableford. The British and American Traditions of Speculative Fiction (статья)
  7. Joseph Andriano. «Our Dual Existence»: Archetypes of Love and Death in Le Fanu's «Carmilla» (статья)
  8. Bud Foote. The Panchronicon: A New Hampshire Yankee in Queen Elizabeth's Court (статья)
  9. Joyce Watford. Techniques of the Fantastic in Two West African Novels (статья)
  10. Nancy Willard. Making the Dreamed Earth (статья)
  11. Jules Zanger. Dorothy and Tarzan: Notes Toward a Theory of National Fantasy (статья)
  12. Michael Clifton. The Glass Around the Jewels: Baum's Ambivalent Vision (статья)
  13. Vivian Sobchack. Terminal Culture: Science Fiction Cinema in the Age of the Microchip (статья)
  14. Lisa M. Heilbronn. Natural Man, Unnatural Science: Rejection of Science in Recent Science Fiction and Fantasy Film (статья)
  15. Sharon Russell. The Problem of Novelization: Dead and Buried and Nomads by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (статья)
  16. Joe Sanders. 'My God, No!': The Varieties of Christian Horror Fiction (статья)
  17. Cynthia L. Walker. 'They're Fusing Just the Way They Should': Fusion, Transfusion, and Their Negative Correlates in The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant (статья)
  18. Mickey Pearlman. The Element of the Fantastic and the Artist Figure in the Novels of Muriel Spark (статья)
  19. Joel N. Feimer. Bram Stoker's Dracula: The Challenge of the Occult to Science, Reason, and Psychiatry (статья)
  20. Gregory L. Zentz. Physics, Metaphysics, and Science Fiction: Shifting Paradigms for Science Fiction (статья)
  21. Ingeborg M. Kohn. The United States in Contemporary French Fiction: A Geography of the Fantastic (статья)
  22. Jack G. Voller. Todorov Among the Gothics: Structuring the Supernatural Moment (статья)
  23. David Merlin Miller. Mommy Fortuna's Ontological Plenum: The Fantasy of Plenitude (статья)

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