«Contours of the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Eighth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts»
Выпуск 41. Сборник статей Восьмой международной конференции по фантастическому в искусстве.
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- Michele K. Langford. Introduction (Contours of the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Eighth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts) (статья)
- Brian W. Aldiss. Fatal Breaks (статья)
- William Lomax. Epic Reversal in Mary Shelley's the Last Man: Romantic Irony and the Roots of Science Fiction (статья)
- Leonard G. Heldreth. From Reality to Fantasy: Displacement and Death in Albee's Zoo Story (статья)
- Peter Malekin. The Self, the Referent, and the Real in Science Fiction and the Fantastic: Lem, Pynchon, Kubin, and Delany (статья)
- Brian M. Stableford. The British and American Traditions of Speculative Fiction (статья)
- Joseph Andriano. «Our Dual Existence»: Archetypes of Love and Death in Le Fanu's «Carmilla» (статья)
- Bud Foote. The Panchronicon: A New Hampshire Yankee in Queen Elizabeth's Court (статья)
- Joyce Watford. Techniques of the Fantastic in Two West African Novels (статья)
- Nancy Willard. Making the Dreamed Earth (статья)
- Jules Zanger. Dorothy and Tarzan: Notes Toward a Theory of National Fantasy (статья)
- Michael Clifton. The Glass Around the Jewels: Baum's Ambivalent Vision (статья)
- Vivian Sobchack. Terminal Culture: Science Fiction Cinema in the Age of the Microchip (статья)
- Lisa M. Heilbronn. Natural Man, Unnatural Science: Rejection of Science in Recent Science Fiction and Fantasy Film (статья)
- Sharon Russell. The Problem of Novelization: Dead and Buried and Nomads by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (статья)
- Joe Sanders. 'My God, No!': The Varieties of Christian Horror Fiction (статья)
- Cynthia L. Walker. 'They're Fusing Just the Way They Should': Fusion, Transfusion, and Their Negative Correlates in The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant (статья)
- Mickey Pearlman. The Element of the Fantastic and the Artist Figure in the Novels of Muriel Spark (статья)
- Joel N. Feimer. Bram Stoker's Dracula: The Challenge of the Occult to Science, Reason, and Psychiatry (статья)
- Gregory L. Zentz. Physics, Metaphysics, and Science Fiction: Shifting Paradigms for Science Fiction (статья)
- Ingeborg M. Kohn. The United States in Contemporary French Fiction: A Geography of the Fantastic (статья)
- Jack G. Voller. Todorov Among the Gothics: Structuring the Supernatural Moment (статья)
- David Merlin Miller. Mommy Fortuna's Ontological Plenum: The Fantasy of Plenitude (статья)
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