«The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1978»
Язык издания: английский
1978 г. (март)
Формат: 80х108/32 (130х190 мм)
Страниц: 164
- John Varley. The Persistence of Vision (novella), р. 6-50
- Manly Wade Wellman. Hundred Years Gone (short story), р. 51-62
- Algis Budrys. Books (review), р. 63-71
- Ted Thomas. The Family Man (short story), р. 72-77
- Glen Cook. The Seventh Fool (short story), р. 78-82
- Charles L. Grant. Hear Me Now, My Sweet Abbey Rose (short story), р. 84-96
- Baird Searles. Films and Television: The Road to Albany (essay), р. 97-99
- Robert F. Young. Down the Ladder (short story), р. 100-110
- Randall Garrett. The Horror Out of Time (short story), р. 111-122
- Isaac Asimov. Anyone for Tens? (essay), р. 123-134
- R. Bretnor. Papa Schimmelhorn's Yang (novelet), р. 135-159