The Magazine of Fantasy and ...

«The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, January 1967»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, January 1967

Язык издания: английский

1967 г. (январь)

Формат: другой

Страниц: 132


Cover art by Gray Morrow.


  1. John Christopher. The Little People (serial beginning), р. 6-62
  2. Judith Merril. Books (review), р. 63-70
  3. J. W. Schutz. The Star Driver (short story), р. 72-81
  4. Theodore L. Thomas. Interplanetary Dust (essay), р. 82
  5. James G. Huneker. The Disenchanted Symphony (short story), р. 83-94
  6. Bob Leman. Bait (short story), р. 95-104
  7. Gahan Wilson. The Knight-Errant, the Dragon, and the Maiden (short story), р. 105-106
  8. Isaac Asimov. Right Beneath Your Feet (essay), р. 107-116
  9. Robert F. Young. Kingdom Come, Inc. (short story), р. 117-128


На обложке журнала иллюстрация к роману Д. Кристофера.

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