Robert Silverberg s Many ...

«Robert Silverberg's Many Trapdoors: Critical Essays on His Science Fiction»

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Robert Silverberg's Many Trapdoors: Critical Essays on His Science Fiction

Язык издания: английский

Составители: ,

Santa Barbara (CA): Greenwood Press, 1992 г.

Серия: Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy

ISBN: 0-31326-308-6

Тип обложки: твёрдая

Страниц: 156


Выпуск 53. Сборник статей про Р. Сильверберга.

Художник не указан.


  1. Martin H. Greenberg, Charles Elkins. Preface (статья)
  2. Thomas D. Clareson. Introduction (статья)
  3. Russell Letson. Robert Silverberg: An Overview (статья)
  4. Edgar L. Chapman. An Ironic Deflation of the Superman Myth: Literary Influence and Science Fiction Tradition in Dying Inside (статья)
  5. Joseph Francavilla. Repetition with Reversal: Robert Silverberg's Ironic Twist Endings (статья)
  6. John H. Flodstrom. Personal Identity in the Majipoor Trilogy, To Live Again, and Downward to the Earth (статья)
  7. Frank Dietz. Robert Silverberg's The World Inside as an Ambiguous Dystopia (статья)
  8. Robert Reilly. Silverberg's Ambiguous Transcendence (статья)
  9. C. N. Manlove. On Silverberg's Tom O'Bedlam (статья)
  10. Anonymous Author. Bibliography (Robert Silverberg's Many Trapdoors: Critical Essays on His Science Fiction) (роман)

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