Terry Pratchett A Slip of ...

Terry Pratchett «A Slip of the Keyboard: Collected Nonfiction»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:

A Slip of the Keyboard: Collected Nonfiction

авторский сборник

Язык издания: английский

London: Doubleday, 2014 г. (сентябрь)

ISBN: 978-0-385-53830-5

Тип обложки: твёрдая + суперобложка

Страниц: 307


Cover art by Justin Gerard.


  1. Terry Pratchett. Dedication
  2. Neil Gaiman. Foreword (статья)
  3. A Scribbling Intruder
    1. Terry Pratchett. Thought Progress (эссе)
    2. Terry Pratchett. Palmtop (статья)
    3. Terry Pratchett. The Choice Word (эссе)
    4. Terry Pratchett. How to Be a Professional Boxer (статья)
    5. Terry Pratchett. Brewer's Boy (эссе)
    6. Terry Pratchett. Paperback Writer (эссе)
    7. Terry Pratchett. Advice to Booksellers (статья)
    8. Terry Pratchett. No Worries (эссе)
    9. Terry Pratchett. Conventional Wisdom (статья)
    10. Terry Pratchett. Straight from the Heart, Via the Groin (статья)
    11. Terry Pratchett. Discworld Turns 21 (статья)
    12. Terry Pratchett. Kevins (статья)
    13. Terry Pratchett. Wyrd Ideas (эссе)
    14. Terry Pratchett. Notes from a Successful Fantasy Author: Keep It Real (статья)
    15. Terry Pratchett. Whose Fantasy Are You? (эссе)
    16. Terry Pratchett. Why Gandalf Never Married (эссе)
    17. Terry Pratchett. Roots of Fantasy (эссе)
    18. Terry Pratchett. Elves Were Bastards (эссе)
    19. Terry Pratchett. Let There Be Dragons (эссе)
    20. Terry Pratchett. Magic Kingdoms (эссе)
    21. Terry Pratchett. Cult Classic (эссе)
    22. Terry Pratchett. Neil Gaiman: Amazing Master Conjurer (эссе)
    23. Terry Pratchett. 2001 Carnegie Medal Award Speech (эссе)
    24. Terry Pratchett. Boston Globe—Horn Book Award Speech for Nation (статья)
    25. Terry Pratchett. Watching Nation (статья)
    26. Terry Pratchett. Doctor Who? (эссе)
    27. Terry Pratchett. A Word About Hats (эссе)
  4. A Twit and a Dreamer
    1. Terry Pratchett. The Big Store (эссе)
    2. Terry Pratchett. Roundhead Wood, Forty Green (эссе)
    3. Terry Pratchett. A Star Pupil (статья)
    4. Terry Pratchett. On Granny Pratchett (статья)
    5. Terry Pratchett. Tales of Wonder and of Porn (эссе)
    6. Terry Pratchett. Letter to Vector (произведение (прочее))
    7. Terry Pratchett. Writer’s Choice (эссе)
    8. Terry Pratchett. Introduction to Roy Lewis's The Evolution Man (эссе)
    9. Terry Pratchett. The King and I, or How the Bottom Has Dropped Out of the Wise Man Business (статья)
    10. Terry Pratchett. Honey, these bees had a heart of gold (статья)
    11. Terry Pratchett. That sounds fungi, it must be the dawn chorus (статья)
    12. Terry Pratchett. Introduction to The Leaky Establishment by David Langford (эссе)
    13. Terry Pratchett. The Meaning of My Christmas (эссе)
    14. Terry Pratchett. Alien Christmas (эссе)
    15. Terry Pratchett. 2001: The Vision and the Reality (эссе)
    16. Terry Pratchett. The God Moment (эссе)
    17. Terry Pratchett. A Genuine Absent-Minded Professor (статья)
    18. Terry Pratchett. Saturdays (статья)
  5. Days of Rage
    1. Terry Pratchett. On Excellence in Schools: Education: what it means to you (эссе)
    2. Terry Pratchett. The Orangutans Are Dying (эссе)
    3. Terry Pratchett. The NHS is Seriously Injured (эссе)
    4. Terry Pratchett. I'm slipping away a bit at a time... and all I can do is watch it happen (эссе)
    5. Terry Pratchett. Taxworld: What Is an Author to Do When Every Other Word He Writes Will Be Written for the Chancellor of the Exchequer? (эссе)
    6. Terry Pratchett. Point Me to Heaven When the Final Chapter Comes (эссе)
    7. Terry Pratchett. The Richard Dimbleby Lecture: Shaking Hands with Death (эссе)
    8. Terry Pratchett. At Last We Have Real Compassion in Assisted-Dying Guidelines: The DPP's New Guidelines Are Good. People, Not the Diseases, Need to Be in Control (статья)
    9. Terry Pratchett. Assisted Dying: It's Time the Government Gave Us the Right to End Our Lives (статья)
    10. Terry Pratchett. Death Knocked and We Let Him In (статья)
    11. Terry Pratchett. A Week in the Death of Terry Pratchett: The Best-Selling Author and Alzheimer's Sufferer Reflects on the Days Following His Controversial Right-to-Die Documentary (статья)
  6. And finally...
    1. Terry Pratchett. Terry Pratchett's Wild Unattached Footnotes to Life (статья)

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