David Ketterer
New Worlds for Old: The Apocalyptic Imagination, Science Fiction, and American Literature
авторская книга, первое издание
Язык издания: английский
New York: Anchor Books, 1974 г.
Тираж: не указан
ISBN: 0-385-00470-2
Тип обложки:
Формат: другой
Страниц: 360
- David Ketterer. New Worlds for Old: The Apocalyptic Imagination, Science Fiction, and American Literature (монография)
- Preface, c. ix-xii
- Part One: New Worlds for Old
- I.The Apocalyptic Imagination, Science Fiction, and American Literature, c. 3-39
- 1.Science Fiction, c. 15-25
- 2.A Prophecy of America, the Moon, and Mars, c. 26-39
- Part Two: Other Worlds
- II.Other Worlds out of Space and Time, c. 43-90
- 3.Edgar Allan Poe and the Visionary Tradition of Science Fiction, c. 50-75
- 4.The Left Hand of Darkness: Ursula K. LeGuin’s Archetypal “Winter-Journey”, c. 76-90
- III.Other Worlds in Space and Time, c. 91-156
- 5.Utopian Fantasy as Millennial Motive and Science-Fiction Motif, c. 96-122
- 6.The Means and Ends of Science Fiction, c. 123-156
- Part Three: The Present Worlds in Other Terms
- IV.Human, More or Less, c. 159-202
- 7.The Transformed Worlds of Charles Brockden Brown’s Wieland, c. 167-181
- 8.Solaris and the Illegitimate Suns of Science Fiction, c. 182-202
- V.It’s a Flat Worlds!, c. 203-260
- 9.Epoch-Eclipse and Apocalypse: Special “Effects” in A Connecticut Yankee, c. 213-232
- 10.New Dimensions of Time, Space, and Literature, c. 233-260
- VI.Somebody up There, c. 261-333
- 11.Melville’s The Confidence-Man and the Fiction of Science, c. 267-295
- 12.Vonnegut’s Spiral Siren Calls: From Dresden’s Lunar Vistas to Tralfamadore, c. 296-333
- Index, c. 335-347
Размер книги: 10,5х18 см.
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