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Премия имени Ширли Джексон / Shirley Jackson Award
Место проведения:
Ридеркон 33, Куинси, Массачусетс
Дата проведения:
13 июля 2024 г.
Тананарив Дью "The Reformatory"
Tananarive Due "The Reformatory"
Эллисон Рамфитт "Brainwyrms"
Alison Rumfitt "Brainwyrms"
Криста Кармен "The Daughters of Block Island"
Christa Carmen "The Daughters of Block Island"
Стивен Грэм Джонс "Не бойся жнеца"
Stephen Graham Jones "Don't Fear the Reaper"
Алия Чаудхри "Every Version Ends in Death"
Aliya Chaudhry "Every Version Ends in Death"
Джон Милас "The Militia House"
John Milas "The Militia House"
Латойя Джордан "To the Woman in the Pink Hat"
LaToya Jordan "To the Woman in the Pink Hat"
Юджин Бэкон "Broken Paradise"
Eugen Bacon "Broken Paradise"
Роппотуха Гринберг "Getting by in Tligolian"
Roppotucha Greenberg "Getting by in Tligolian"
Тиффани Моррис "Green Fuse Burning"
Tiffany Morris "Green Fuse Burning"
Кассандра Хоу "The Salt Grows Heavy"
Cassandra Khaw "The Salt Grows Heavy"
Дж. А. У. Маккарти "Sleep Alone"
J. A. W. McCarthy "Sleep Alone"
Короткая повесть
Евгения Триантафиллу "Six Versions of My Brother Found Under the Bridge"
Eugenia M. Triantafyllou "Six Versions of My Brother Found Under the Bridge"
Сильвия Морено-Гарсиа "The Lover"
Silvia Moreno-Garcia "The Lover"
Минка Кент "People Like Them"
Minka Kent "People Like Them"
Джо Хилл "The Pram"
Joe Hill "The Pram"
Линн Питс "The Swan"
Lynn C. Pitts "The Swan"
Майкл Уихант "Vampire Fiction"
Michael Wehunt "Vampire Fiction"
Кэт Пауэлл "What’s He Building in There"
Cat Powell "What’s He Building in There"
Лора Блэкуэлл "The First Mrs. Edward Rochester Would Like a Word"
Laura Blackwell "The First Mrs. Edward Rochester Would Like a Word"
Кристина Тен "The Dizzy Room"
Kristina Ten "The Dizzy Room"
Лесли Ннека Арима "Invasion of the Baby Snatchers"
Lesley Nneka Arimah "Invasion of the Baby Snatchers"
Шаша Декей "Kazti Girls"
Sciascia DeKay "Kazti Girls"
Джоанна Парипински "Something is Rotten"
Jo Kaplan "Something is Rotten"
Авторский сборник
Габриела Дамиан Миравете
"They Will Dream in the Garden" (перевод с испанского Adrian Demopulos)
Gabriela Damián Miravete "They Will Dream in the Garden"
Иветт Лиза Ндлову "Drinking from Graveyard Wells"
Yvette Lisa Ndlovu "Drinking from Graveyard Wells"
Паола Ферранте "Her Body Among Animals"
Paola Ferrante "Her Body Among Animals"
Тоби Огундиран "Jackal, Jackal"
Tobi Ogundiran "Jackal, Jackal"
Ребекка Роуланд "White Trash & Recycled Nightmares"
Rebecca Rowland "White Trash & Recycled Nightmares"
Джоли Тумаджан "Aseptic and Faintly Sadistic: An Anthology of Hysteria Fiction"
Jolie Toomajan "Aseptic and Faintly Sadistic: An Anthology of Hysteria Fiction"
Джон У. М. Томпсон "Mooncalves: Strange Stories"
John W. M. Thompson "Mooncalves: Strange Stories"
Шейн Хоук, Теодор Ван Алст-младший "Never Whistle at Night"
Shane Hawk, Theodore C. Van Alst, Jr. "Never Whistle at Night"
Джордан Пил, Джон Джозеф Адамс "Out There Screaming: An Anthology of New Black Horror"
Jordan Peele, John Joseph Adams "Out There Screaming: An Anthology of New Black Horror"
Джеймс Аквилон "Shakespeare Unleashed"
James Aquilone "Shakespeare Unleashed"
Специальный приз
Элизабет Хэнд "Призраки на холме"
Elizabeth Hand "A Haunting on the Hill"
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