Издания |
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| №57
Death in Dixie антология, 1997 год Описание: 15 crime and mystery stories set in the states of the old Confederacy. Cover art is not credited. | |
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| №58
The Edgar Award Book антология, 1996 год Описание: An anthology includes both winners of the Mystery Writers of America Edgar Awards and runners-up. | |
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| №69
Crimes of the Heart антология, 1995 год Описание: Mystery stories about relationships, published to tie-in to St. Valentine’s Day. | |
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| №72
Murder in Vegas антология, 2005 год Описание: Stories set in Las Vegas. Cover art is not credited. | |
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| №77
Murder Most Catholic антология, 2002 год Описание: Stories centered in the Catholic church and culture. | |
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| №79
The Blue Religion антология, 2008 год Описание: Stories about cops, criminals, and the chase. | |
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| №85
On a Raven’s Wing антология, 2009 год Описание: Stories inspired by Edgar Allan Poe, done to celebrate the 200th anniversary of his birth. | |
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| №87
Show Business Is Murder антология, 2004 год Описание: Stories set in the world of film, television, the legimate stage, etc. | |
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| №88
Vengeance антология, 2012 год Описание: Stories about people seeking to right wrongs against themselves or others by whatever means necessary. | |
| №89
Private Eyes антология, 1998 год Описание: Private eye stories. | |
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| №90
Shades of Black антология, 2004 год Описание: Crime and mystery stories by African-American authors. | |
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| №92
Vengeance Is Hers антология, 1997 год Описание: One Spillane's story and crime stories by women writers, often spoofing the conventions of Spillane’s novels. Cover art is not credited. | |
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| №94
Wild Crimes антология, 2004 год Описание: Stories set in wilderness areas in North America. | |
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| №96
Women Before the Bench антология, 2001 год Описание: Stories about women caught in the criminal justice system. | |
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