Итак, финальный список озвучен.
А вот собственно он же, после перевода на буржуйско-турецкий. Спасибо Mperv.
1. Arkady and Boris Strugatsky «Hard to Be a God»
The main character of this book Rumata is on the faraway planet. His mission is to observe the society which is fall behind the Rumata's civilization. It is fall behind so much that Rumata is like a god there invulnerable and almighty. He is so lonely there is no one equal to him and he is unable to stop the
suffering around him because he has no rights to interfere. He is like a God, which should observe the mankind on the Earth without interference.
2. Isaac Asimov «Foundation»
Seldon is a genius scientist. He predicts the future of mankind for thousands years ahead. He creates Foundation, which leads a human race the shortest way away from decay. Generations for generations are living under the will of a dead man, in the university he created.
3. Arthur Clarke «The City and the Stars»
The progress of humanity is going two ways, but those who live in the City and those who live outside do not know it. And both of the ways are lead humanity to the dead end. But even this dead end was foresighted by the creators of Diaspar and the main character started a new life for a mankind. The human mind is going further and turns to the stars to find a new life there and finally to return to the Earth again. This book — is a hymn for a human mind, which learns the importance of life and the importance of its own planet.
4. Yevgeny Zamyatin «We»
«We» is one of the first anti-utopias. It was written in 1920 far before the excellent Orwell novel, before Bradbury and Huxley books.
There are no names in the world of main character, just numbers. All people are equal. The main character, D503, is a typical man of his age, a human machine without emotions. He takes a part in building a spaceship called Integral, which should bring an ideal society of human-numbers to inhabitants of the distant stars. But human-number D503 meets a strange woman I303, who began to teach him how to be a different, how to feel. But «We» disagree. «We» is a society of unnamed and there are no «I» could live in an infinity vacuum of it.
5. George Orwell «1984»
Excellent book. The consumption society reduced to absurd, the society of idea in ideal realization, dictatorship, vulnerability to the regime, brainwashing to make people obedient and incurious. Everything about relationship between government and individual shown here ruthlessly and it raises a natural horror.
6. Robert Heinlein «Stranger in a Strange Land»
It's a hippie bible. Mike has combined features of the West (Earthlings) and the East (Martians). He is making a pilgrimage through the country full of lie, fraud and psychological manipulation. Mike brings with him Love, free from the conventionalities, prejudice, capable to unite people which separated by a
surrounding lie. He just tells everyone he meets: «Thou art God».
7. Stanislaw Lem «Tales/More tales of Pirx the Pilot»
In this collection of short stories, Stanislaw Lem, the author of world-famous Solaris, investigates potential of human and human mind, human and his mind in an extreme situation, human's error element in any kind of human activity, artificial intelligence, its accuracy and potential, opposition or unity of human mind and artificial intelligence.
8. Stanislaw Lem «The Invincible»
Stanislaw Lem — one of the greatest science fiction writers and thinker of 20 century. This novel tells us about clash between human mind and incomprehensible alien life. Human's invincible machines destroyed by power which have no interest in humanity accidently occurred in its path. Do we have rights to interfere in life in the worlds with other rules? The characters of this book ask themselves this question. Also they ask what it is mean to be a human: be a stubborn and fight till the end without any chances to win as uninvited guests. Or return to the home world without the lost friends and leave them behind.
9. Arkady and Boris Strugatsky «Grad obrechenny» [The Doomed City]
The great social experiment. People of different countries and ideologies gathered together in a city created by Mentors. The obtained society is trying one by one the different social structures, but it's impossible to unite all these too different people. An experiment goes out of a control. The main character is going through the hard way of growing, understanding and changes in his personality.
10. Kurt Vonnegut «Slaughterhouse-Five, or The Children's Crusade: A Duty-Dance with Death»
Long before Ted Chiang's «Story of Your Life» another writer thought out and shown a human which lived with full knowledge about his future and future of all people. This writer was Kurt Vonnegut and this book was «Slaughterhouse-Five». This novel asks reader a set of social and philosophical questions. First of all, it is a place of a war in the human life and history, in the destiny of individual man. But not only war, in the novel's plot we have time travels, immortality, understanding own place in this world, an ability just to live and ability to find strength to do so in the most terrible conditions.
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