Памяти Г Гаррисона

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Памяти Г.Гаррисона

Статья написана 16 августа 2012 г. 15:08

Это трибьют от друга Гарри Дика Джада, ниже его комментарий (на английском):

«In late 1992, Harry asked me to create some music to accompany his forthcoming novel, the Stainless Steel Rat Sings the Blues. Seven tunes were created, all with lyrics written by Harry. The project collapsed after a change of editor at Bantam and this has languished in my files for years, heard by only a select few. I now offer this in memory of a man I was proud to call a friend.

Thanks to Roger Gray who has the patience and techno savvy to cope with the intricacies of utube, which appears to be the only way you can upload any of this stuff.»



Ссылка на сообщение16 августа 2012 г. 15:24
Большое спасибо.

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