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Англоязычные новинки за сентябрь 2008 года (часть III)

Статья написана 16 октября 2008 г. 14:11

  • Антология «The Living Dead» (составитель Джон Джозеф Адамс (John Joseph Adams))

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    О книге: Антология, состоящая из 34 рассказов, посвещенных зомби.
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    Аннотация:  Gathering together the best zombie literature of the last three decades from many of today's most renowned authors of fantasy, speculative fiction, and horror, including Stephen King, Harlan Ellison, Robert Silverberg, George R. R. Martin, Clive Barker, Poppy Z. Brite, Neil Gaiman, Joe Hill, Laurell K. Hamilton, and Joe R. Lansdale, The Living Dead, covers the broad spectrum of zombie fiction. The zombies of The Living Dead range from Romero-style zombies to reanimated corpses to voodoo zombies and beyond.

  • Эрик Браун — «Necropath»

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    О книге: Научно-фантастический роман. Эрик Браун известен российским читателям как автор романов — «Полутьма» и «Нью-Йоркские ночи».
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    Аннотация:  Bengal Station: an exotic spaceport that dominates the ocean between India and Burma. Jaded telepath, Jeff Vaughan, is employed by the spaceport authorities to monitor incoming craft from the stars. There, he discovers a sinister cult that worships a mysterious alien god. The Church of the Adoration of the Chosen One uses drugs to commune with the Ultimate, and will murder to silence those who oppose their beliefs. The story follows Vaughan as his mistrust of his fellow humans is overturned by his love for the Thai street-girl Sukura, while he attempts to solve the murders and save himself from the psychopath out to kill him. Necropath is Eric Brown’s triumphant return to hard SF.

  • Антология «Extraordinary Engines: The Definitive Steampunk Anthology» (составитель Ник Гиверс (Nick Gevers))

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    О книге: Антология, состоящая из 12 рассказов в стиле «стимпанк».
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    Аннотация:  From The Golden Compass to online communities like Brass Goggles, Steampunk’s mix of retro Victoriana and modern technology is the hottest trend in science fiction.

    Extraordinary Engines: The Definitive Steampunk Anthology brings together original stories by the foremost writers of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Edited by Nick Gevers, this collection includes Jeffrey Ford James Morrow, Robert Reed, James Lovegrove, Marly Youmans, Kage Baker, Ian R. MacLeod, Margo Lanagan, Keith Brooke, Adam Roberts, Jeff VanderMeer and Jay Lake.

    «A ground-breaking anthology from some of the best writers in the business today.»
    — Gardner Dozois, on Infinity Plus One, edited by Nick Gevers and Keith Brooke

  • Чарли Хьюстон — «Every Last Drop»

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    О книге: Вампирско-детективный роман, четвертый в цикле «Джо Питт».
    Первый роман этого цикла — «Мертвее не бывает» (2005) — был недавно опубликован издательством «АСТ» в серии «Холод страха».
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    Аннотация: It’s like this: a series of bullet-riddled bad breaks has seen rogue Vampyre and terminal tough guy Joe Pitt go from PI for hire to Clan-connected enforcer to dead man walking in a New York minute. And after burning all his bridges, the only one left to cross leads to the Bronx, where Joe’s brass knuckles and straight razor can’t keep him from running afoul of a sadistic old bloodsucker with a bad bark and a worse bite. Even if every Clan in Manhattan is hollering for Joe’s head on a stick, it’s got to be better than trying to survive in the outer-borough wilderness.

    So it’s a no-brainer when Clan boss Dexter Predo comes looking to make a deal. All Joe has to do to win back breathing privileges on his old turf is infiltrate an upstart Clan whose plan to cure the Vyrus could expose the secret Vampyre world to mortal eyes and set off a panic-driven massacre. Not cool. But Joe’s all over it. To save the Undead future, he just has to wade neck-deep through all the archenemies, former friends, and assorted heavy hitters he’s crossed in the past. No sweat? Maybe not, but definitely more blood than he’s ever seen or hungered for. And maybe even some tears–over the horror and heartbreaking truth about the evil men do no matter who or what they are.

  • Робин МакКинли (Robin McKinley) — «Chalice»

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    О книге: Подростковый фэнтези-роман.
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    Аннотация:  As the newly appointed Chalice, Mirasol is the most important member of the Master’s Circle. It is her duty to bind the Circle, the land and its people together with their new Master. But the new Master of Willowlands is a Priest of Fire, only drawn back into the human world by the sudden death of his brother. No one knows if it is even possible for him to live amongst his people. Mirasol wants the Master to have his chance, but her only training is as a beekeeper. How can she help settle their demesne during these troubled times and bind it to a Priest of Fire, the touch of whose hand can burn human flesh to the bone?

  • Ричард Пракс (Richard Parks) — «The Long Look»

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман о волшебнике Тимоне Черном, который подвергся действию заклинания, под названием «The Long Look» — теперь у него есть предсказания о грядущих ужасных событиях, которые должны случиться даже несмотря на то, что он предпримет все возможное, дабы предотвратить их.
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    Аннотация:  Tymon the Black is the latest in a long succession of magicians to suffer under a curse called “The Long Look.” He gets glimpses of future horrors, horrors that will almost certainly come to pass unless he acts. When one such glimpse prods him to arrange for the murder of a would-be hero prince, he sets off a wild chain of events that could lead to a future even more terrible than the one the prince’s death was designed to prevent. Now all Tymon has to do is hang on to a friend, train an apprentice, prevent a prince obsessed with revenge from destroying himself and his entire kingdom, help a princess come to terms with guilt and grief, make sure a wedding happens, make sure a war doesn’t, and send a creature of ultimate darkness back to the void from whence it came.

  • Адам Робертс — «Swiftly»

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    О книге: Научно-фантастический роман. Это вольное продолжение знаменитых «Путешествий Гулливера» Джонатана Свифта. Действите происходит в 1848 году, когда англичане, поработившие лилипутов, готовятся отражать вторжение французов, заключивших военный союз с великанами Бробдингнега.
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    Аннотация:  It is 1848 and the British Empire has grown rich exploiting Lilliputian slaves — the finesse of their working allowing unheard of feats of minature engineering; even Babbage's computing device has been made to work.
    But now the French have formed a regiment of previously peaceful Brobdingnagian giants and invasion looms.
    In a world where humanity is both smaller and larger than it once was, love and hate loom large. Mankind discovers itself at the centre of scale. Lilliptians are twelve times smaller than us but there are those twelve times smaller than them, and twelve times smaller again and so on. And the scale of being goes up from Swift's giants also...
    A rip-roaring 19th century adventure, a love story and a thought-provoking pre-atomic SF novel about our place in the universe.

  • Джустина Робсон (Justina Robson) — «Going Under»

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    О книге: Научно-фантастический роман с элементами фэнтези, третий в цикле «Quantum Gravity».
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    Аннотация: Lila Black is off with the faeries . . .

    Ever since the Quantum Bomb of 2015 things have been different; the dimensions have fused and suddenly our world is accessible to elves, demons, ghosts and elementals—and their worlds are open to us. Things have been different for Special Agent Lila Black too: tortured and magic-scarred by elves, rebuilt by humans into a half-robot, part-AI, nuclear-fueled walking arsenal, and carrying the essence of a dead elfin necromancer in her chest, sometimes she has trouble figuring out who she is.

    And a mission to the world of the fae may not help her work it out.

    The fae are beautiful, glamorous, exotic, and talented. Their inventions make food taste better, make beer divine, and bring sparkle and mischief to the world–but that’s only the surface. And Lila is being sent in at the deep end, to the deepest, darkest levels of Faerie: on the primal level, nothing about the fae is glamorous at all.

    In a winter-locked, raw, and primitive world, Lila has to deal with the fae at their most basic levels, as tricksters and dealmakers–and the only deals worth making are bloody ones. If Lila’s quest is to succeed, and if she is ever to escape Faerie, the right question must be asked, the right sacrifice must be made, and the right quarry must be hunted down on the winter solstice. All of which is difficult, when the only aides Lila brought to Faerie are her friends . . .

    Justina Robson’s new series combines her trademark themes of identity and reality, magic and technology, break-neck plots, a mischievous sense of fun, and a seriously sexy new heroine.

  • Лилит Сэйнткроу (Lilith Saintcrow) — «Hunter's Prayer»

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    О книге:Городское фэнтези. Второй роман цикла «Jill Kismet».
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    Аннотация: Another night on the Nightside…An ancient evil looms over Santa Luz. Prostitutes are showing up dead and eviscerated. And Jill Kismet just might be able to get her revenge against an old enemy.
    There’s just one problem. Someone wants Jill dead–again. And if they have to open up Hell itself to kill her, they will.

    Sometimes, even when you’re Jill Kismet, you don’t have a prayer…

  • Брент Викс (Brent Weeks) — «The Way of Shadows»

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    О книге:Фэнтези-роман, первый в цикле «Night Angel», мрачной истории наемного убийцы Блинта и его приключений в псевдосредневековом мире. Любопытно, что вся трилогия уже написана – второй том, «Shadow's Edge», выйдет в ноябре, а третий, «Beyond the Shadows», в декабре нынешнего года.
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    Аннотация: The perfect killer has no friends. Only targets.
    For Durzo Blint, assassination is an art. And he is the city’s most accomplished artist, his talents required from alleyway to courtly boudoir.
    For Azoth, survival is precarious. Something you never take for granted. As a guild rat, he’s grown up in the slums, and learned the hard way to judge people quickly — and to take risks. Risks like apprenticing himself to Durzo Blint.
    But to be accepted, Azoth must turn his back on his old life and embrace a new identity and name. As Kylar Stern, he must learn to navigate the assassins’ world of dangerous politics and strange magics — and cultivate a flair for death.

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    Ссылка на сообщение16 октября 2008 г. 16:51
    Антологию о зомби я бы почитал. :-)))

    Ссылка на сообщение16 октября 2008 г. 17:26
    Спасибо за проделанную работу!
    Хочется чуть-чуть больше инфо по-русски — не все мы такие ассы.:-)

    Ссылка на сообщение16 октября 2008 г. 19:07

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