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Серия антологий «Лучшее фэнтези и хоррор за год»

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Лучшее фэнтези и хоррор за год

The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror

Серия антологий, год

В произведение входит: по порядкупо годупо рейтингу

1.00 (1)
7.00 (1)
2.00 (1)
7.00 (2)
7.02 (63)
4 отз.
6.78 (68)
1 отз.
7.03 (50)
3 отз.
6.00 (1)

Лучшее за год 2005: Мистика. Магический реализм. Фэнтези
2005 г.
Лучшее за год: Мистика. Магический реализм. Фэнтези
2005 г.
Лучшее за год 2007. Мистика, фэнтези, магический реализм
2007 г.

Издания на иностранных языках:

The Year's Best Fantasy: First Annual Collection
1988 г.
Demons and Dreams: The Best Fantasy and Horror 1
1989 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy: Second Annual Collection
1989 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Third Annual Collection
1990 г.
Demons and Dreams: The Best Fantasy and Horror 2
1990 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Fourth Annual Collection
1991 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Fifth Annual Collection
1992 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Sixth Annual Collection
1993 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Seventh Annual Collection
1994 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Eighth Annual Collection
1995 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Ninth Annual Collection
1996 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Tenth Annual Collection
1997 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Eleventh Annual Collection
1998 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Twelfth Annual Collection
1999 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Thirteenth Annual Collection
2000 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Fourteenth Annual Collection
2001 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Fifteenth Annual Collection
2002 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Sixteenth Annual Collection
2003 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Seventeenth Annual Collection
2004 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Eighteenth Annual Collection
2005 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror 2006: Nineteenth Annual Collection
2006 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror 2007: Twentieth Annual Collection
2007 г.
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror 2008: Twenty-First Annual Collection
2008 г.


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