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A Grumble about the Christmas Books. By Michael Angelo Titmarsh

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«Fraser's Magazine», январь 1847 г.

[A Review of “A Christmas in the Seventeenth Century,” by Mrs. Percy Sinnet; “New Year’s Day: A Winter’s Tale,” by Mrs. Gore, with Illustrations by George Cruikshank; “January Eve: A Tale of the Times,” by G. Soane; “The Good Genius that turned Everything into Gold...”, by the Brothers Mayhew, with Illustrations by George Cruikshank; “The Yule Log...”, by the Author of “The Chronicles of the Bastille,” with Illustrations by George Cruikshank; “Fisher’s Drawing-Room Scrap-Book,” by the Hon. Mrs. Norton; “Wonderful Stories for Children,” by Hans Christian Andersen; “The Battle of Life...”, by Charles Dickens; “Mrs. Perkins’s Ball,” by M. A. Titmarsh].


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