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Джозеф Конрад «Poland Revisited»

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Poland Revisited

Эссе, год


Отрывок The Shock of War. Through Germany to Cracow опубликован в The Daily News & Leader (London, UK) (Mar 29, 1915)

Отрывок To Poland in War-Time. A Journey into the Past опубликован в The Daily News & Leader (London, UK) (Mar 31, 1915)

Отрывок To Poland, through Germany, as the War Broke Out опубликован в The Boston Evening Transcript (Boston, MA, USA) (Apr 3, 1915)

Отрывок Poland Revisited: The North Sea on the Eve of War опубликован в The Daily News & Leader (London, UK) (Apr 6, 1915)

Отрывок My Return to Cracow. Poland in War-Time опубликован в The Daily News & Leader (London, UK) (Apr 9, 1915)

Отрывок Joseph Conrad's Visit to War-Time Poland опубликован в The Boston Evening Transcript (Boston, MA, USA) (Apr 10, 1915)

Отрывок End of Joseph Conrad's 'War-Time Poland' опубликован в The Boston Evening Transcript (Boston, MA, USA) (Apr 17, 1915)

Отрывок The «Sinister Shock of War» опубликован в The Chicago Daily Tribune (Chicago, IL, USA) (May 16, 1915)

В произведение входит:

  • To Poland, through Germany, as the War Broke Out (The "Sinister Shock of War")
  • Poland Revisited: The North Sea on the Eve of War (Joseph Conrad's Visit to War-Time Poland)
  • My Return to Cracow. Poland in War-Time (The Shock of War. Through Germany to Cracow; End of Joseph Conrad's 'War-Time Poland')

Входит в:

— сборник «Notes on Life and Letters», 1921 г.

Издания: ВСЕ (1)

Издания на иностранных языках:

Notes on Life and Letters
1921 г.


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