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Джоанна Расс «Whileaway»

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Содержание цикла:

6.03 (136)
8 отз.
6.25 (4)

Фата-Моргана 3
1992 г.


Солярис, 1/1992
1992 г.

Самиздат и фэнзины:

Новые Опасные видения
2020 г.
Теория всего
2022 г.

Издания на иностранных языках:

Again, Dangerous Visions
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Nebula Award Stories 8
1975 г.
The Female Man
1975 г.
Femmes au futur
1976 г.
Marriage and the Family Through Science Fiction
1976 г.
Again, Dangerous Visions, Book 1
1977 г.
The New Women of Wonder
1978 г.
The Road to Science Fiction #3: From Heinlein to Here
1979 г.
The Arbor House Treasury of Modern Science Fiction
1980 г.
The Arbor House Treasury of Modern Science Fiction
1980 г.
The Zanzibar Cat
1983 г.
The Zanzibar Cat
1984 г.
Histoires de sexe-fiction
1985 г.
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume IV
1986 г.
Great Science Fiction of the 20th Century
1987 г.
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Four
1987 г.
Science Fiction: The Science Fiction Research Association Anthology
1988 г.
The Best of the Nebulas
1989 г.
The Best of the Nebulas
1989 г.
Top Science Fiction. Band 3
1990 г.
The Best of the Nebulas
1990 г.
The Norton Book of Science Fiction: North American Science Fiction, 1960-1990
1993 г.
Sisters of the Revolution: A Feminist Speculative Fiction Anthology
2015 г.
The Big Book of Science Fiction
2016 г.
The Future Is Female! More Classic Science Fiction Stories by Women, Volume Two: The 1970s
2022 г.


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