Лин Картер «Kingdoms of Sorcery»
«Magic Casements: An Introduction» (Lin Carter)
I. The Forerunners of Modern Fantasy
«The History of Babouc the Scythian» (Voltaire)
«The Palace of Subterranean Fire» — from Vathek (William Beckford)
«The Witch Woman» — from Lilith (George Macdonald)
II. Fantasy as Saga
«The Folk of the Mountain Door» (William Morris)
«A Night-Piece on Ambremerine» — from Mistress of Mistresses (E. R. Eddison)
«Dr. Meliboë the Enchanter» — from The Well of the Unicorn (Fletcher Pratt)
«The Two Best Thieves in Lankhmar» — from Swords Against Wizardry (Fritz Leiber)
III. Fantasy as Parable
«Shadow and Silence» (Edgar Allan Poe)
«Fables from the Edge of Night» (Clark Ashton Smith)
«The Tomb of the God» (Robert H. Barlow)
IV. Fantasy as Anecdote
«Merlyn Vs. Madame Mim» — from The Sword in the Stone (T. H. White)
«The Owl and the Ape» (L. Sprague de Camp)
«The Twelve Wizards of Ong» (Lin Carter)
V. Fantasy as Epic
«Deep Magic from the Dawn of Time» — from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (C. S. Lewis)
«The Bridge of Khazad-Dûm» — from The Fellowship of the Ring (J. R. R. Tolkien)
«The Story of the Blessing of El-Ahrairah» — from Watership Down (Richard Adams)
«More Magic Casements. Suggestions for Further Reading» (Lin Carter)
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