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Вильма Х. Ширас «Дети атома»

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Дети атома

Children of the Atom

Сборник, год


Book DescriptionImagine a group of incredibly gifted children — all roughly the same age, all hiding amazing abilities from a world they know will never accept them, and all the result of genetic mutation. One man commits himself to the task of gathering these extraordinary children into an experimental new school, both to guide them in the use of their unique abilities and to shield them from the jealous suspicions of the 'normal' population.

You may already be familiar with the saga of The UncannyX-Men — but this is the tale of Wilmar Shiras' Children Of The Atom, first published in 1953 by pioneering SF publisher Gnome Press.

В произведение входит: по порядкупо годупо рейтингу

6.50 (8)
2 отз.
6.17 (6)
1 отз.
5.67 (6)
1 отз.
5.83 (6)
1 отз.
6.14 (7)
1 отз.

Электронные издания:

Children of the Atom
2016 г.

Издания на иностранных языках:

Children of the Atom
1953 г.
Children of the Atom
1954 г.
Children of the Atom
1959 г.
Children of the Atom
1978 г.
Children of the Atom
1978 г.
Children of the Atom
1981 г.
Children of the Atom
2021 г.
Children of the Atom
2021 г.


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