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Клив Картмилл «The Link»

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The Link

Рассказ, год

Входит в:

— журнал «Astounding Science-Fiction, August 1942», 1942 г.

— антологию «Adventures in Time and Space», 1946 г.

— антологию «More Adventures in Time and Space», 1955 г.

— антологию «Political Science Fiction: An Introductory Reader», 1974 г.

— антологию «Dawn of Time: Prehistory Through Science Fiction», 1979 г.


Astounding Science-Fiction, August 1942
1942 г.

Издания на иностранных языках:

Adventures in Time and Space
1946 г.
Adventures in Time and Space
1952 г.
More Adventures in Time and Space
1955 г.
More Adventures in Time and Space
1955 г.
Famous Science-Fiction Stories: Adventures in Time and Space
1957 г.
More Adventures in Time and Space
1966 г.
More Adventures in Time and Space
1966 г.
Political Science Fiction: An Introductory Reader
1974 г.
Adventures in Time and Space
1975 г.
Adventures in Time and Space
1978 г.
Dawn of Time: Prehistory Through Science Fiction
1979 г.
Adventures in Time and Space
1979 г.
Adventures in Time and Space
1990 г.
Adventures in Time and Space
2001 г.


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