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The Boats of the «Glen Carrig» and Other Nautical Adventures: The Collected Fiction of William Hope Hodgson vol. 1

Сборник, год

В произведение входит: по порядкупо годупо рейтингу

7.99 (130)
10 отз.
  • The Sargasso Sea Stories
7.69 (26)
7.64 (25)
7.25 (4)
7.29 (24)
1 отз.
7.50 (2)
8.00 (2)
  • The Exploits of Captain Gault
6.65 (20)
6.97 (31)
7.19 (61)
2 отз.
7.33 (63)
2 отз.
6.82 (59)
2 отз.
7.21 (19)
7.11 (18)
7.42 (19)
7.26 (19)
7.22 (18)
6.91 (33)
6.90 (20)
7.11 (19)
  • The Adventures of Captain Jat
  • The Island of the Ud  [= "Captain Jat - The Island of the Ud", "Captain Jat: An Account of Certain Adventures: The Island of the Ud"] (1912)  
  • Stories of Cargunka
  • A Note on the Texts

Издания: ВСЕ (2)

Издания на иностранных языках:

The Boats of the «Glen Carrig» and Other Nautical Adventures: The Collected Fiction of William Hope Hodgson vol. 1
2003 г.
The Boats of the «Glen Carrig» and Other Nautical Adventures: The Collected Fiction of William Hope Hodgson vol. 1
2017 г.


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